December 8, 2016

Sorry this is later than usual. Since the last post we've had Hometown Holidays and our Christmas party happenings. At the Hometown Holidays, we had a good turnout.

We were at the Firelands Ambulance building this year and the crowd was a good one. We did in total $175.00 in sales and for our quilt raffle proceeds for the year were $389.00 total. That's without any deductions for batting, sashing material, backing and quilting. Our quilt raffle winner was Monica Davidson, she was quite excited.

At our Christmas party/meeting we discussed a few ideas for next year. We've decided to take a year off for quilt raffles as we have funds to see us through the next year. Each year we give the church a monetary donation for letting us use their fellowship hall for our meetings plus these funds are used for any projects we may do as a service project. One thing that was discussed was to have a variety of quilt sizes on hand in case there is a family in need.

In January we will be  a starting a BOM. Pat Cole is in charge of this project. You will need to attend meetings to get the next month's block to be completed and shown at the next month's meeting. The blocks will be themed according to month presented. We will also pass out the paper piece block pattern for our signature block exchange in December 2017. You will need to prepare scraps of fabric of your color choice for each person who is participating. Come to the meetings to get more details.

 We will also be contacting the New Haven Methodist Church to see when would be a good date to have a small quilt show. Details later.

The meeting was short so we could enjoy the good food that we all brought. There was only
one show and tell and that was by Rachenea.

This is a coloring book Rachenea had as a little girl and she did a couple wall hangings
depicting the cover for her girls.

She is one talented lady!

See you in January!


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November 10, 2016

Happy November quilters! This was our last regular meeting for 2016. There are no more workshops scheduled for this year. Workshops will start again on January 28, 2017. At this last meeting we covered many events coming up.

First up we have the Hometown Holidays on December 3rd. We will start setting up at 8:00 a.m. at the New London Ambulance building. The show runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If you have any additional items to be sold, bring them at this time. The work schedule is as follows:

9:00 - 11:00 a.m.            Pat & Chris P.
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.    Martha & Rachenea
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.              Marlene & Jean
Pack up                           Yvonne & Marcia

If you need to change your times, please let me know.

Our Christmas potluck will be on December 8th starting at 6:00 p.m. at the church. So far we have the following food coming: beef stroganoff, cheese ball, cheese tray, dessert, pasta salad, vegetable tray. If you plan on coming and haven't signed up for a dish, let me know what you are bringing so we don't have any duplicates. Or course no workshop in December because of the holidays.

New officers will take over at the first meeting of 2017 on January 12th. Elected were Pres. Chris Porter, V. Pres. Marcia Letterly, Secretary Martha Hecock, Treasurer Marcia Letterly & Yvonne Westover, facebook/blog coordinator Chris Porter, media coordinator Marlene Stevens. We will be having a demonstration on embellishing our projects by Marcella. She will be providing supplies but you may need to bring needles, thread or other notions. Stay tuned here for an updated list.  I will also send out an e-mail with the list. We will also pass out the paper piece block for our Christmas exchange for 2017. This is a friendship signature block. Each member will provide enough fabric in their color choice to complete this block. You will need to place this fabric in a ziploc baggie and write your name on the outside. Each member will provide enough for each member that is participating. For example if there are 5 members participating, including yourself, you would need to provide 4 bags (you wouldn't need one for yourself). There will also be a BOM pattern passed out at each meeting during the year. Pat is working on this project. You will have to attend meetings to receive your block for that month.

At the first workshop on January 28th we will begin to prepare packets of fabric for the beginner's sewing class in April. We are still working on Teen Challenge quilts too.

We need demonstrations for our February and March meetings. If you have a particular technique that you like to do, please share it with us at one of these meetings. It can even be just a refresher course or maybe you know of a better way to cut or piece. At the workshops for these months we will be working on coordinating fabrics and getting things lined up for the beginners sewing class on April 29th. We will be teaching a basic 9 patch from cutting fabrics to piecing them together. Also basic machine care. We already have some interest shown in attending.

In May we were planning on having a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist church. I will contact them to see if they are still interested.

We had one show and tell and it was special:

This quilt, called "Sprial Geese", was a pattern from a friend Marlene met in Alaska. The friend was making this quilt with her group and sent the pattern to Marlene. Marlene wanted to make it from her scraps, but wanted to make it different from her friend. So in the sashing. she embroidered this poem by Rachel Lyman Fields that spoke what Marlene was thinking. She also added embroidered leaves, sun and other fall motifs along with the poem. It was just gorgeous. 

'Something told the wild geese it was time to go, 
Though the fields lay golden something whispered, snow.
Leaves were green and stirring, berries luster-glossed, but beneath warm feathers something cautioned - frost.
All the sagging orchards steamed with amber spice but each wild breast stiffened at remembered ice.
Something told the wild geese it was time to fly. 
Summer sun was on their wings, winter in their cry.'

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!


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October 13,2016

Cooler temp leads to fall weather. The leaves are changing, the air is crisp and fall is in the air. Fall is my favorite time of the year. The days can be quite warm, but the evenings are cool enough to have a fire in the fire pit. I love the leaves, pumpkins and everything fall. 

Here's what went on at our meeting last week.

We're changing the October 29th workshop to October 22nd with a sack lunch. Too many of us have conflicting schedules Halloween weekend. We will again be working on the Teen Challenge quilt and the wall hanging for the church. Teen Challenge is running low on quilts and we aren't sure how many residents they will be having graduate at the end of the program. We will continue to work on these until further notice. If you have any 2 1/2" strips you need to get out of your stash and are looking for some mindless sewing, stitch up some 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" bricks, end to end, 14 to a row with 2 1/2" strips of alike fabric on either side, making a set of 3 rows.  The quilt needs to have 14 of these sets sewn side by side to make it the size needed. If you have any projects in mind for us to work on next year at our workshops, please let us know. We can work on both projects at our workshops.

Officer elections will highlight our November 10th meeting. If you would like to hold an office, speak up. These offices are President, Vice Pres., Treasurer, Secretary, publicity and media officer and blog/facebook coordinator. We will also be signing up for our annual potluck Christmas party and Hometown Holidays work schedule and pricing any items that have been brought in during the last year.

No workshop in November due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

December 3rd is Hometown Holidays. We will have a table set up in the ambulance building this year. There was some confusion when I contacted who I thought was in charge of booking the Hileman Building and no one could give me a straight answer. CIC thought Community Club was in charge and Community Club said they aren't. That's why the change in location. We have items that need to be priced as I mentioned in the paragraph for our November 10th meeting.  We are also thinking of having a "free" basket for items no longer wanted such as books, patterns, small items or fabrics.  You can still bring things in for this event. Small items sell best and they don't have to necessarily be holiday items or sewn/quilted items.

Christmas potluck will be on December 8th starting at 6:00 p.m. We were going to purchase items for a sewing kit to be given out at our beginners sewing class in April instead of having a gift exchange. But we found a sewing kit by Singer for much less than we could purchase everything available in these kits. These sewing kits will be purchased from our guild funds. So if you donated money for these kits you will get that back. 

No workshop in December, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wow, now we come to 2017. New officers will take over at our January 5th regular meeting. Marcella has volunteered to do a demonstration on embellishments and will bring supplies needed. Keep watch here in case other things are needed like needles, thread or other supplies. January 28th will be the workshop meeting, we will start to prepare fabrics for our sewing class members.

Ditto for February 9th and March 9th regular meetings and February 25th and March 25th workshops. April 13th regular meeting we will make final decisions for our sewing class on April 29th.

For the beginners sewing class on April 29th the class will run from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will need to be there for set up by 8:30 a.m.  We will need to decide what we will do for lunch for ourselves and maybe we can have a discussion as to how we think the class went. Marcella is in charge of the groundwork for the class and she is being helped by Rachenea. I'm sure if you have any ideas for them they will be grateful. Class size is limited to 10 with ages from 10 and up. Sign up is required.

In May we will be doing a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist Church, date is to be determined as of now. It will be a small show and will coincide with their swiss steak dinner on a Saturday and will probably be an late afternoon/early evening show. This will be a great way for us to possibly get some new members and make new friends. 

Here are a couple of show and tells.

Marcella has just finished this quilt after "storing" it for the last 10 years.
Congratulations, it's beatiful!

This little table topper was started and donated to our guild.
Marcia took it home and finished the embroidery, hand quilted it, backed and bound it.

A Five and Dime quilt in Christmas fabrics was used as a
demonstration by Chris P. It was quilted with a poinsettia pattern,
even though it doesn't show up here very well

Little scarecrows hold hands across this table runner
by Chris P. 

Log cabins in the middle and wool pumpkins grace the
ends of this fall table runner by Chris P.

See you next time!

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September 8, 2016

Hi everyone!

Can you believe it???? September is here and we only have 2 regular meetings, 2 workshops and our Christmas party left for 2016?  Where has this last year gone?!

At our meeting on September 8th we covered our schedule for the rest of the year. Our September workshop on the 24th, we will be continuing to work on a Teen Challenge quilt we have started. We will also be working on a wall hanging we would like to present to the Alliance church to thank them for letting us use their facilities. They have been such great hosts and have welcomed us with open arms. Lunch wasn't discussed so we will go with a brown bag lunch again. Chris P. did a demonstration on the Five and Dime method and ruler from Kansas Troubles. It's another way of using precuts. Here's a link to a video on Missouri Star Quilt Company's youtube channel. 

For the October 13th regular meeting, you will need to bring your machine and tools so Marlene can show us how to paper piece a block. Next year we will be doing a paper piece signature block for our Christmas gift exchange in 2017. We will be giving out more information after the first of the year. You will need to sign up if you want to participate. The more people we have participate, the more blocks you will receive.

October 29th workshop will again find us finishing up on the Teen Challenge quilt and the wall hanging for the church. If you have any projects in mind for us to work on next year at our workshops, please let us know.

Officer elections will highlight our November 10th meeting. If you would like to hold an office, speak up. These offices are President, Vice Pres., Treasurer, Secretary, publicity and media officer and website/facebook coordinator. We will also be signing up for our annual potluck Christmas party and Hometown Holidays work schedule and pricing any items that have been brought in during the last year.

No workshop in November due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

December 3rd is Hometown Holidays. We will have a table set up at the Hileman Building in the New London Recreation Park. We have items that need to be priced as I mentioned in the last paragraph. You can still bring things in for this event. Small items sell best and they don't have to necessarily holiday items or sewn/quilted items.

Christmas potluck will be on the 8th starting at 6:00 p.m. Marlene and Marcella will be purchasing items to be made into sewing kits for our gift exchange idea this year. It was decided everyone would chip in $20.00 if possible. Whatever is left over will be divided between anyone who chipped in. These kits will be given out to anyone who takes our beginner sewing class at the workshop on April 29, 2017,

No workshop in December, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wow, now we come to 2017. New officers will take over where we left off. January 5th regular meeting needs someone to do a demonstration. It doesn't have to be a long demonstration. It can be a ruler, template, technique or anything you find interesting. Workshop on January 28th we will start on the sewing kits for the beginners sewing class along with any fabric that needs to be cut.

Ditto for February and March regular meetings and workshops. April regular meeting we will make final decisions for our sewing class on April 29th.

For the beginners sewing class on April 29th the class will run from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will need to be there for set up by 8:30 a.m. and quit time has yet to be determined. We will need to decide what we will do for lunch for ourselves and maybe we can have a discussion as to how we think the class went. Marcella is in charge of the groundwork for the class and she is being helped by Rachenea. I'm sure if you have any ideas for them they will be grateful. Class size is limited to 10 with ages from 10 and up. Sign up is required.

In May we will be doing a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist Church, date is to be determined as of now. It will be a small show and will coincide with their swiss steak dinner on a Saturday and will probably be an evening show. This will be a great way for us to possibly get some new members and make new friends.

We had a couple show and tells.

This is a Teen Challenge quilt done by Yvonne. The large strips reminds me of sherbet!

Here's a sweet little sailboat by Martha.

Rachenea brought in 2 pillow cases that were embroidered by her great, great
grandmother on flour sacks. Those would be a real treasure!

That's all until next time. Hope everyone can make the meetings for the rest of the year. If you haven't been for a while, we've missed you!


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August 11,2016

Hey everyone! We had a very short meeting this week. Here's what we covered:

August 27th is our next workshop. We are still working on quilts for Teen Challenge. We have one almost done. If you have any 2 1/2" strips that are just taking up space in your sewing area and you don't know what to do with them, bring them along, we can always use them. Or you can cut them into 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" bricks and sew them end to end beforehand and bring them. We also need 2 strips 2 1/2" x 85" to make up the outside of the strip set, preferably from the same fabrics. Luncheon will be your own brown bag.

September 8th is a regular meeting. If you would like to to a demo or a small project, let me know soon so I can send out a list of materials needed. Same goes for the October 13 regular meeting and November 10th regular meeting.

Speaking of the November 10th meeting, this is the meeting when we have officer elections for 2017. If you are interested in taking over an office, speak up, don't be shy! There will be no workshop in November because of the Thanksgiving holiday.

December 3rd is Hometown Holidays. We will be having a table set up at the Hileman Building this year. We need volunteers to work. 2 at a time will be sufficient. We will also have our quilt drawing at the end of the day. We have some items left from the last couple of years, but we can always use more small projects. They don't have to be holiday themed, anything theme will do.

Our Christmas party will be on December 8th. This is a potluck, we will pass out a list at the November meeting to sign up. Our gift exchange will be a little different this year. Since we are planning on doing a beginning sewing class at our April 29th workshop, it was decided that our gift exchange will be sewing kits we can hand out to whoever attends this class. It doesn't have to be a large kit, just the basics in some kind of container, bag or holder.

Regarding the beginning sewing class, we need someone to be in charge of what project we will be doing as a teaching tool, supply lists and getting the word out to the local papers. We will all be there to help teach, but we need someone to get the ball rolling. We had a couple members say they would help whoever volunteers to be in charge, so that's a start.

We had no show and tells this week. It's going to be rainy off and on this week, hopefully we'll have some finished projects by next time.

See you at the next workshop!


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July 14, 2016

Our meeting this week was a surprise project presented by Marcia. Each member was to bring 1/2 yd. cuts of 2 coordinating or contrasting fabrics, batting, their machines and tools. The project was sewing machine mats. After you layer a quilt sandwich, you quilt the pieces together however you want. Trim your piece so it is even with your batting, making sure it is rectangular in shape. On one short end you turn whichever fabric will be on top over the edge of the bottom as a self binding. Fold one end up appr. 8 - 10 inches, sew the sides together, then stitch 2 or 3 "pockets" for holding rulers, scissors and whatever you might want to store there. Bind the other 3 sides and you're done. Place the flat end under your machine and you have places for your tools right where you need them.

Don't forget the workshop on July 30th from 9:00 a.m. to whenever everyone wants to leave. If you can't make it at 9:00, come whenever you can. We will be working on quilts for Teen Challenge using 2 1/2" strips. We have fabric but if you have any strips you want to clean out of your stash, bring them along. We will be having subs for lunch. Please let me know if you will be able to attend.


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June 9, 2016

We had a really short meeting on June 9th,

There are a couple area quilt shows coming up. Uniontown Quilt Guild will have their annual show July 1st and 2nd in Ashland. Plymouth has a show the 1st week of August which runs Tuesday through Saturday. this coincides with their Silver King festival. If you visit the museum there you will see a quilt representing all the counties in Ohio.

Next meeting is July 14th. If you would like to do a demonstration for this meeting or any of our regular meetings, let us know. This could be anything, a new tool, new technique or just something you think would be interesting to others. You may know something none of the other members know or maybe it could just be a refresher course for others.

Coming up are the July 30th workshop. We will be working on quilts for Teen Challenge. Bring your machines and tools. We have fabric available, but if you have any 2 1/2" strips you need to get rid of, bring them along. These quilts are very scrappy.

Election of officers will be November 10th. If you would like to take an office, speak up at this meeting.

Hometown Holidays is December 3rd. We will set up in the Hileman Building in the New London Recreation Park this year. We need items to sell and they don't need to be holiday themed. Leftovers will be sold at Cure For Cabin Fever in March, so non-holiday or spring themed items will be needed also. We will be holding the drawing for the string quilt after the show. Here's a reminder to be selling tickets and turning in any monies you may have.

Our December 8th meeting will be our Christmas party. This is a potluck as always. We haven't decided what we are doing for our gift exchange yet. Let us know what your idea is so we can get this nailed down.

January will see new officers taking office and discussing what we would like to accomplish next year. We have discussed doing a block exchange after the first of the year so this could be our gift exchange for our 2017 Christmas party, The idea is to have several people sign up to make a block for each person on the list. The blocks will be in the same colorway and in a certain size. They will be signed by the person who pieced the block and then presented at our meeting in December 2017.

Cure For Cabin Fever is in March and we will have a table set up. If you would like to volunteer to work the table, please let me know.

Also for the March 25th workshop we have decided to do a beginner's sewing/quilt class. We will do a basic 9 patch block for ages 10 and up.Class size will be limited and participants will have to provide their own machines, tools and fabrics. If you would like to be in charge of arrangements for this class, please let me know.

We have been asked to do a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist Church in May 2017. This will be at the same time of their swiss steak supper. Details to follow at a later date.

At our last meeting on June 9th, we finished up the walker bags. Marcia and I took them to The Laurels on Saturday and they were glad to get them. We have an additional 5 that need to be dropped off at Grandma's Place. If someone could volunteer to do that it would be greatly appreciated.

We had a couple show and tells:

Our snowbird Marcia brought this pinwheel and applique top.

She was asking our opinions on borders.

This applique quilt is by Marcella. Although none of us would have thought of putting these colors together, each color is represented in the border fabric.

No workshop in June due to conflicting schedules with the church. Next regular meeting is July 14th.


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May 12, 2016

What a wonderful turnout for this meeting. We had quite a few members and 2 guests from the Bellevue Quilt Guild and join us. They told us a little about what they do at their meetings and what projects they work on. They meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month and maybe we can get a group together to make it to one of their meetings sometime.

We started off talking about our April workshop and the progress on the walker caddy bags for residents at The Laurels. So far we have almost 40 bags completed. We would like to have 50 made before we distribute them. We also started on a quilt for Teen Challenge. This is an easy pattern that used 2 1/2" strips and works up quickly. If you would like to work on one on your own, I have the pattern instructions. It's a great way to use up those oddball strips.

We were asked if we would be willing to do a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist Church and members agreed this would be a good idea to get the word out about our group. It won't work for this year with the church's schedule but we will look ahead to maybe next May.

We are still discussing doing a block exchange sometime after the first of the year so this could be our gift exchange for our 2017 Christmas party. The idea is to have several people sign up to make a block for each person on the list. The blocks will be in the same colorway and in a certain size. They will be signed by the person who pieced the block and then presented at our meeting in December 2017.

There was discussion of doing a beginners quilt class doing a basic 9 patch for anyone aged 10 and up in the area who is interested in learning how to piece quilt blocks. No date has been set yet and class size will be limited. Participants will have to provide their own machines, tools and fabrics.

There are a couple area quilt show coming up. Uniontown Quilt Guild will have their annual show July 1st and 2nd in Ashland. Yvonne has the forms if you are interested in displaying a quilt. Plymouth has a show the 1st week of August which runs Tuesday through Saturday. This coincides with their Silver King festival.

This December we will be again participating in the Hometown Holidays in New London. The date for this is December 3rd. Set up will be in the Hileman Building at the recreation park. Times will be announced later. This is when we will have the drawing for our raffle quilt. Keep up the good work selling those tickets.

Be thinking of what we can do for our Christmas gift exchange for this year. Do we want to do the notions exchange like we did last year? Is there another idea that someone would like to do, we're open for suggestions. That meeting is December 8th.

An idea was brought up about another service project recipient and one member volunteered to check out if they needed anything.

Our next workshop will be May 21st. We will be working on the last of the walker bags and the quilt(s) for Teen Challenge. Bring your machines and any tools you may need. We have the fabric available but we do need batting. This can be scraps that can be sewn together. Luncheon will be potluck and we already have volunteered sloppy joes, buns, chips, jello salad, potato salad, cookies, and drinks. If you plan on attending and want to bring something, please let me know so I can keep track.

Our June meeting will be on June 9th. If you have a demonstration you would like to do please let me know so I can let members know if they need to bring anything. The June workshop will have to be cancelled due to scheduling conflicts with the church.

July meeting is set still for July 14th and the workshop is set for July 30th. Be sure to watch the blog and I will e-mail everyone if we need to make any changes.

At any time if you would like to volunteer to do a demonstration please let me know. You may know a technique or about a new tool that none of us know about and it would be very informative to all of us.

Speaking of demonstrations, two of our new members Joey and Brad, demonstrated a paper piecing pattern by Judi Neimeyer. Here are some pics.

We also had some show and tell. These quilts below are ones that have been made and donated to Teen Challenge.

Hope to see you at the next workshop May 21st. If you have any questions you can e-mail me at


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April 16, 2016

Wow! What weather we're having, right? Snowing one weekend and sunny and 70's predicted for this weekend. Why couldn't last weekend have been sunny and 70's for our quilt show?! Oh well, when you live in Ohio you have to take weather like it comes. They say "wait 5 minutes and the weather will change".

Despite the weather we had a pretty good turnout for our quilt show at the New London Alliance Church on April 9th. There were over 80 quilts and quilted pieces on display. The youth of the church had their coffee shop open and served beverages, muffins and cookies. Lots of comments were made about the quilts being beautiful and so much work had been put into stitching each one. We gained 3 new members from the attendance of the show and we are glad to have them join us. They will be additional assets of talent to our membership. If you weren't able to join us, here are some pictures.

 We held our regular meeting on April 14th, there were 11 member in attendance, 3 were our newest members.

Marcia reported on the sale of tickets for our raffle quilt. As of this meeting we had brought in $154.00, minus $82.50 for supplies (backing, batting, quilting) we are to the good by $71.50. Not bad for only a month (?) of selling tickets. We have until the Hometown Holidays in December to sell tickets. If you need more to sell Marcia will have them at every meeting and workshop. Please turn in your sold ticket stubs and money at meetings and workshops so we don't take a chance of losing them. Here's a picture of our raffle quilt.

This picture does not do it justice. It turned out just fantastic!

A few of us had made a trip to the I-X center for the International Sewing and Quilt show last month. Reports varied from the new quilts they had exhibited to vendors. The quilts were amazing while some were disappointed in how many vendors there were and what type. If we had any input we would request more vendors with quilting supplies. There were a lot of sewing and quilting machine sellers set up and seems like fewer supply vendors than before. All in all it's a great way to spend a day with your quilting buddies.

We were asked if we would be willing to do a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist Church. I'm going to find out more information about when they would have an opening for a date. So that means keep in mind what quilts you would like to show again. I'll need your information again because I didn't have the foresight to save all your information sheets on the quilts we had showing last week.

Next workshop is April 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. If you can't be there right at 9:00, that's okay, come when you can and stay as late as you can. Bring your machines and any tools you may need. We will be having a salad bar for our lunch. We already have lettuce, cucumbers, chips shredded cheese, raisins, seeds, eggs, croutons and tomatoes signed up for. Let me know what you will bring so I can add it to our list. We will be working on the rest of the walker caddy bags. We need batting for these bags. The size is 15" by WOF (width of fabric), low loft is preferred. We may even start on our next project, the strip quilts for Teen Challenge. These quilts use 2 ½" strips in a certain pattern and a certain size. If you have some strips you want to get rid of, bring them in. We have lots of fabric left in our stash we need to use also.

Next regular meeting is May 12th. One of our new members Joey Watts will be demonstrating paper piecing. Information on what you need to bring will be coming soon. Look for an e-mail on this.

Future plans were discussed. An exchange block idea was brought up by Rachenea. Our Christmas party gift exchange ideas were discussed. If you have an idea, bring it up at the next meeting. Nothing has been decided yet. We will again be participating in Hometown Holidays in December. Set up may be in the Hileman Building this year. More information later.

We always have a couple show and tells.

This baby quilt was done by Karen for her daughter's friend.

One of our new member, Brad did this twister quilt

This is Joey, Brad's wife with her New York Beauty paper pieced quilt top. The colors really make it pop!

Joey did this umbrella at M & E Quilt Shop in Sandusky. Gorgeous! The fabric is then treated with a water repellent spray.

This was long but I hope it was informational. See you at the workshop!

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April 5, 2016

I know I haven't updated the blog recently, please forgive me. Time just flies by. Here's what's been happening lately..

At the last workshop we started working on walker caddies for the residents of our local nursing home. These will come in handy to carry books, glasses, water bottles, kleenex or whatever fits in the pockets. These are easy to construct and we will continue making these at the next workshop on April 30th. If you aren't a member but want to join us in this project you are more than welcome too. We do need low loft batting such as warm and natural or other similar cotton batting. The polyester batting that is "fluffy" is too "fluffy".

Members have been gearing up for our quilt show coming up this Saturday, April 9th at the New London Alliance Church from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Admission is free and the youth of the church will have their coffee house open offering coffee house type beverages and pastries.

At our last meeting Rachenea demonstrated different types of machine applique.

Raffle tickets were passed out to member for our quilt raffle to be drawn after Hometown Holidays on December 3rd. If you would like a ticket contact any member or they may be purchased at the Gas Depot in New London. Here is a picture of the raffle quilt. It measures 69" x 80".

We had a few show and tells lately too.

 The above quilt is Rachenea's 10 minute block challenge. The back is just as interesting, that picture is below.

The scrappy quilt above is by Chris Porter. It is the same scrappy string block that thet raffle quilt is constructed of except the border is a green fabric.

Hope to see some of you at the show this weekend.

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