August 11,2016

Hey everyone! We had a very short meeting this week. Here's what we covered:

August 27th is our next workshop. We are still working on quilts for Teen Challenge. We have one almost done. If you have any 2 1/2" strips that are just taking up space in your sewing area and you don't know what to do with them, bring them along, we can always use them. Or you can cut them into 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" bricks and sew them end to end beforehand and bring them. We also need 2 strips 2 1/2" x 85" to make up the outside of the strip set, preferably from the same fabrics. Luncheon will be your own brown bag.

September 8th is a regular meeting. If you would like to to a demo or a small project, let me know soon so I can send out a list of materials needed. Same goes for the October 13 regular meeting and November 10th regular meeting.

Speaking of the November 10th meeting, this is the meeting when we have officer elections for 2017. If you are interested in taking over an office, speak up, don't be shy! There will be no workshop in November because of the Thanksgiving holiday.

December 3rd is Hometown Holidays. We will be having a table set up at the Hileman Building this year. We need volunteers to work. 2 at a time will be sufficient. We will also have our quilt drawing at the end of the day. We have some items left from the last couple of years, but we can always use more small projects. They don't have to be holiday themed, anything theme will do.

Our Christmas party will be on December 8th. This is a potluck, we will pass out a list at the November meeting to sign up. Our gift exchange will be a little different this year. Since we are planning on doing a beginning sewing class at our April 29th workshop, it was decided that our gift exchange will be sewing kits we can hand out to whoever attends this class. It doesn't have to be a large kit, just the basics in some kind of container, bag or holder.

Regarding the beginning sewing class, we need someone to be in charge of what project we will be doing as a teaching tool, supply lists and getting the word out to the local papers. We will all be there to help teach, but we need someone to get the ball rolling. We had a couple members say they would help whoever volunteers to be in charge, so that's a start.

We had no show and tells this week. It's going to be rainy off and on this week, hopefully we'll have some finished projects by next time.

See you at the next workshop!


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