September 8, 2016

Hi everyone!

Can you believe it???? September is here and we only have 2 regular meetings, 2 workshops and our Christmas party left for 2016?  Where has this last year gone?!

At our meeting on September 8th we covered our schedule for the rest of the year. Our September workshop on the 24th, we will be continuing to work on a Teen Challenge quilt we have started. We will also be working on a wall hanging we would like to present to the Alliance church to thank them for letting us use their facilities. They have been such great hosts and have welcomed us with open arms. Lunch wasn't discussed so we will go with a brown bag lunch again. Chris P. did a demonstration on the Five and Dime method and ruler from Kansas Troubles. It's another way of using precuts. Here's a link to a video on Missouri Star Quilt Company's youtube channel. 

For the October 13th regular meeting, you will need to bring your machine and tools so Marlene can show us how to paper piece a block. Next year we will be doing a paper piece signature block for our Christmas gift exchange in 2017. We will be giving out more information after the first of the year. You will need to sign up if you want to participate. The more people we have participate, the more blocks you will receive.

October 29th workshop will again find us finishing up on the Teen Challenge quilt and the wall hanging for the church. If you have any projects in mind for us to work on next year at our workshops, please let us know.

Officer elections will highlight our November 10th meeting. If you would like to hold an office, speak up. These offices are President, Vice Pres., Treasurer, Secretary, publicity and media officer and website/facebook coordinator. We will also be signing up for our annual potluck Christmas party and Hometown Holidays work schedule and pricing any items that have been brought in during the last year.

No workshop in November due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

December 3rd is Hometown Holidays. We will have a table set up at the Hileman Building in the New London Recreation Park. We have items that need to be priced as I mentioned in the last paragraph. You can still bring things in for this event. Small items sell best and they don't have to necessarily holiday items or sewn/quilted items.

Christmas potluck will be on the 8th starting at 6:00 p.m. Marlene and Marcella will be purchasing items to be made into sewing kits for our gift exchange idea this year. It was decided everyone would chip in $20.00 if possible. Whatever is left over will be divided between anyone who chipped in. These kits will be given out to anyone who takes our beginner sewing class at the workshop on April 29, 2017,

No workshop in December, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wow, now we come to 2017. New officers will take over where we left off. January 5th regular meeting needs someone to do a demonstration. It doesn't have to be a long demonstration. It can be a ruler, template, technique or anything you find interesting. Workshop on January 28th we will start on the sewing kits for the beginners sewing class along with any fabric that needs to be cut.

Ditto for February and March regular meetings and workshops. April regular meeting we will make final decisions for our sewing class on April 29th.

For the beginners sewing class on April 29th the class will run from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will need to be there for set up by 8:30 a.m. and quit time has yet to be determined. We will need to decide what we will do for lunch for ourselves and maybe we can have a discussion as to how we think the class went. Marcella is in charge of the groundwork for the class and she is being helped by Rachenea. I'm sure if you have any ideas for them they will be grateful. Class size is limited to 10 with ages from 10 and up. Sign up is required.

In May we will be doing a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist Church, date is to be determined as of now. It will be a small show and will coincide with their swiss steak dinner on a Saturday and will probably be an evening show. This will be a great way for us to possibly get some new members and make new friends.

We had a couple show and tells.

This is a Teen Challenge quilt done by Yvonne. The large strips reminds me of sherbet!

Here's a sweet little sailboat by Martha.

Rachenea brought in 2 pillow cases that were embroidered by her great, great
grandmother on flour sacks. Those would be a real treasure!

That's all until next time. Hope everyone can make the meetings for the rest of the year. If you haven't been for a while, we've missed you!


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