October 13,2016

Cooler temp leads to fall weather. The leaves are changing, the air is crisp and fall is in the air. Fall is my favorite time of the year. The days can be quite warm, but the evenings are cool enough to have a fire in the fire pit. I love the leaves, pumpkins and everything fall. 

Here's what went on at our meeting last week.

We're changing the October 29th workshop to October 22nd with a sack lunch. Too many of us have conflicting schedules Halloween weekend. We will again be working on the Teen Challenge quilt and the wall hanging for the church. Teen Challenge is running low on quilts and we aren't sure how many residents they will be having graduate at the end of the program. We will continue to work on these until further notice. If you have any 2 1/2" strips you need to get out of your stash and are looking for some mindless sewing, stitch up some 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" bricks, end to end, 14 to a row with 2 1/2" strips of alike fabric on either side, making a set of 3 rows.  The quilt needs to have 14 of these sets sewn side by side to make it the size needed. If you have any projects in mind for us to work on next year at our workshops, please let us know. We can work on both projects at our workshops.

Officer elections will highlight our November 10th meeting. If you would like to hold an office, speak up. These offices are President, Vice Pres., Treasurer, Secretary, publicity and media officer and blog/facebook coordinator. We will also be signing up for our annual potluck Christmas party and Hometown Holidays work schedule and pricing any items that have been brought in during the last year.

No workshop in November due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

December 3rd is Hometown Holidays. We will have a table set up in the ambulance building this year. There was some confusion when I contacted who I thought was in charge of booking the Hileman Building and no one could give me a straight answer. CIC thought Community Club was in charge and Community Club said they aren't. That's why the change in location. We have items that need to be priced as I mentioned in the paragraph for our November 10th meeting.  We are also thinking of having a "free" basket for items no longer wanted such as books, patterns, small items or fabrics.  You can still bring things in for this event. Small items sell best and they don't have to necessarily be holiday items or sewn/quilted items.

Christmas potluck will be on December 8th starting at 6:00 p.m. We were going to purchase items for a sewing kit to be given out at our beginners sewing class in April instead of having a gift exchange. But we found a sewing kit by Singer for much less than we could purchase everything available in these kits. These sewing kits will be purchased from our guild funds. So if you donated money for these kits you will get that back. 

No workshop in December, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wow, now we come to 2017. New officers will take over at our January 5th regular meeting. Marcella has volunteered to do a demonstration on embellishments and will bring supplies needed. Keep watch here in case other things are needed like needles, thread or other supplies. January 28th will be the workshop meeting, we will start to prepare fabrics for our sewing class members.

Ditto for February 9th and March 9th regular meetings and February 25th and March 25th workshops. April 13th regular meeting we will make final decisions for our sewing class on April 29th.

For the beginners sewing class on April 29th the class will run from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will need to be there for set up by 8:30 a.m.  We will need to decide what we will do for lunch for ourselves and maybe we can have a discussion as to how we think the class went. Marcella is in charge of the groundwork for the class and she is being helped by Rachenea. I'm sure if you have any ideas for them they will be grateful. Class size is limited to 10 with ages from 10 and up. Sign up is required.

In May we will be doing a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist Church, date is to be determined as of now. It will be a small show and will coincide with their swiss steak dinner on a Saturday and will probably be an late afternoon/early evening show. This will be a great way for us to possibly get some new members and make new friends. 

Here are a couple of show and tells.

Marcella has just finished this quilt after "storing" it for the last 10 years.
Congratulations, it's beatiful!

This little table topper was started and donated to our guild.
Marcia took it home and finished the embroidery, hand quilted it, backed and bound it.

A Five and Dime quilt in Christmas fabrics was used as a
demonstration by Chris P. It was quilted with a poinsettia pattern,
even though it doesn't show up here very well

Little scarecrows hold hands across this table runner
by Chris P. 

Log cabins in the middle and wool pumpkins grace the
ends of this fall table runner by Chris P.

See you next time!

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