November 10, 2016

Happy November quilters! This was our last regular meeting for 2016. There are no more workshops scheduled for this year. Workshops will start again on January 28, 2017. At this last meeting we covered many events coming up.

First up we have the Hometown Holidays on December 3rd. We will start setting up at 8:00 a.m. at the New London Ambulance building. The show runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If you have any additional items to be sold, bring them at this time. The work schedule is as follows:

9:00 - 11:00 a.m.            Pat & Chris P.
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.    Martha & Rachenea
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.              Marlene & Jean
Pack up                           Yvonne & Marcia

If you need to change your times, please let me know.

Our Christmas potluck will be on December 8th starting at 6:00 p.m. at the church. So far we have the following food coming: beef stroganoff, cheese ball, cheese tray, dessert, pasta salad, vegetable tray. If you plan on coming and haven't signed up for a dish, let me know what you are bringing so we don't have any duplicates. Or course no workshop in December because of the holidays.

New officers will take over at the first meeting of 2017 on January 12th. Elected were Pres. Chris Porter, V. Pres. Marcia Letterly, Secretary Martha Hecock, Treasurer Marcia Letterly & Yvonne Westover, facebook/blog coordinator Chris Porter, media coordinator Marlene Stevens. We will be having a demonstration on embellishing our projects by Marcella. She will be providing supplies but you may need to bring needles, thread or other notions. Stay tuned here for an updated list.  I will also send out an e-mail with the list. We will also pass out the paper piece block for our Christmas exchange for 2017. This is a friendship signature block. Each member will provide enough fabric in their color choice to complete this block. You will need to place this fabric in a ziploc baggie and write your name on the outside. Each member will provide enough for each member that is participating. For example if there are 5 members participating, including yourself, you would need to provide 4 bags (you wouldn't need one for yourself). There will also be a BOM pattern passed out at each meeting during the year. Pat is working on this project. You will have to attend meetings to receive your block for that month.

At the first workshop on January 28th we will begin to prepare packets of fabric for the beginner's sewing class in April. We are still working on Teen Challenge quilts too.

We need demonstrations for our February and March meetings. If you have a particular technique that you like to do, please share it with us at one of these meetings. It can even be just a refresher course or maybe you know of a better way to cut or piece. At the workshops for these months we will be working on coordinating fabrics and getting things lined up for the beginners sewing class on April 29th. We will be teaching a basic 9 patch from cutting fabrics to piecing them together. Also basic machine care. We already have some interest shown in attending.

In May we were planning on having a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist church. I will contact them to see if they are still interested.

We had one show and tell and it was special:

This quilt, called "Sprial Geese", was a pattern from a friend Marlene met in Alaska. The friend was making this quilt with her group and sent the pattern to Marlene. Marlene wanted to make it from her scraps, but wanted to make it different from her friend. So in the sashing. she embroidered this poem by Rachel Lyman Fields that spoke what Marlene was thinking. She also added embroidered leaves, sun and other fall motifs along with the poem. It was just gorgeous. 

'Something told the wild geese it was time to go, 
Though the fields lay golden something whispered, snow.
Leaves were green and stirring, berries luster-glossed, but beneath warm feathers something cautioned - frost.
All the sagging orchards steamed with amber spice but each wild breast stiffened at remembered ice.
Something told the wild geese it was time to fly. 
Summer sun was on their wings, winter in their cry.'

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!


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