April 5, 2016

I know I haven't updated the blog recently, please forgive me. Time just flies by. Here's what's been happening lately..

At the last workshop we started working on walker caddies for the residents of our local nursing home. These will come in handy to carry books, glasses, water bottles, kleenex or whatever fits in the pockets. These are easy to construct and we will continue making these at the next workshop on April 30th. If you aren't a member but want to join us in this project you are more than welcome too. We do need low loft batting such as warm and natural or other similar cotton batting. The polyester batting that is "fluffy" is too "fluffy".

Members have been gearing up for our quilt show coming up this Saturday, April 9th at the New London Alliance Church from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Admission is free and the youth of the church will have their coffee house open offering coffee house type beverages and pastries.

At our last meeting Rachenea demonstrated different types of machine applique.

Raffle tickets were passed out to member for our quilt raffle to be drawn after Hometown Holidays on December 3rd. If you would like a ticket contact any member or they may be purchased at the Gas Depot in New London. Here is a picture of the raffle quilt. It measures 69" x 80".

We had a few show and tells lately too.

 The above quilt is Rachenea's 10 minute block challenge. The back is just as interesting, that picture is below.

The scrappy quilt above is by Chris Porter. It is the same scrappy string block that thet raffle quilt is constructed of except the border is a green fabric.

Hope to see some of you at the show this weekend.

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