Welcome 2013!


Wishing your family the best in 2013!

The New London Quilt Guild
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Merry Christmas!

Believe or not Christmas is here! Even though there have been no post about what we have been up too for the month of December. We do want to stop on this day, yes, Christmas Day to say....

Christmas collage 6

If you are interested in what the guild has been up to for the month of December check out all the happenings on our Facebook page.

Again Merry Christmas!

 With much love,

New London Quilt Guild
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November 14, 2012 Meeting

The November 14th meeting was surprisingly well attended with lots of final end of the year decisions to be made.

The decision on what two choices to eat at the Wildcat Cafe for the Christmas dinner will be smothered chicken and a philly wrap. As a reminder the dinner will be at 6:00 pm at the Wildcat Connections Cafe in downtown New London. With the gift exchange and desserts held at Lynette's.

Hometown Holidays sales table will be at the New London United Methodist Church parlor on December 1. 2012. Guild members can bring in your items to the parlor at 8:00 am. Please have your items all ready priced for sale. Lastly shifts were given to members who could help out with the sale. If you do not remember your shift time contact Yvonne. Lastly if any members have any spare grocery bags in good condition that can be spared please bring them to the sale.

For the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge a donation destination for the pillowcases was found. All pillowcases will be sent to Pillows of Hope in Cincinnati, where the Pillows of Hope organization will donate all the pillowcases to Cincinnati Children's Hospital.  

Next was how the progress of our service project. All the nine patches and snowballs have been pieced together thanks to Marlene. Thank you Marlene! Now it is ready to have a border added and finally quilted.  

Picture 1608

There were some left over nine patches that were left overs and there is still an interest to put them to use in another quilt. In order to continue on more nine patches are still in need.

Lastly in the order of business for this meeting officers were elected or reelected in this case for the 2013 year. All officers were appointed and excepted their nominations. As of to date all officers from 2012 still hold the same positions as before.   
Show and tell

There were a couple of members who had some items to share. Starting with Chris P. Chris had gotten into the holiday spirit. Here is a fall pumpkin wall hanging... 

Picture 1618

A Let it Snow snowman wall hanging....

Picture 1611

And a Christmas tree table runner!

Picture 1609

Here is a closer look at the tree and Chris's quilting. Nice Job Chris!!!

Picture 1610

Doris has even gotten into the holiday spirit as well! Doris had made two Carrie Nation Christmas quilts.

Picture 1613

Both quilts are done in the same color scheme but with different prints!

Picture 1614

Doris even made a wall hanging where you can store Christmas cards, candy canes, and a few other small Christmas goodies!

Picture 1616

See those pockets! They are quite handy for sure! What a clever idea!

Picture 1615

The last items to share from Doris was these Christmas coasters. 

Picture 1617

If you like them and love them you might find them at the sales table for Hometown Holidays!

Well, that is all that we have for now. Hope to see you at the Hometown Holidays!

Happy Quilting and Sewing!

New London Quilt Guild

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October 25, 2012 Meeting

Our October 25th meeting was short and to the point.  

The topics we went over are:

 That everyone is reminded to know that they must reserve their spot at the next meeting for the Christmas dinner, which will be held at the Wildcat Connections Cafe. Again the dinner will start at 6:00 pm at the cafe and then move onto Lynette's for a light dessert and the gift exchange.

For Hometown Holidays it was confirmed by Kim that we will indeed have a sales table at the New London Methodist Church Parlor. Please keep working on your items in hopes that we will have a successful sale!

There was some show and tell brought in too at this meeting.

Our first share was from Chris K. 
Chris had made this lovely scrappy pinwheel.

Chris K.'s Pinwheels

The next share was from Doris. 

Doris had made a mug rug to share. What are mug rugs? They are typical bigger than a coaster but much smaller than a table runner. Their purpose is to sit under your coffee cup or tea cup while there is still room to share for a small plate of your favorite pie or snack.

Doris's mug rug

That is all for this meeting! Hope to see you at the next one. Until then...

Happy Quilting Everyone!

The New London Quilt Guild
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October 10, 2012 Meeting

Before we get to the minutes of the meeting we just wanted to share a photo of what nature has provided us with some color inspiration.

fall leaves 2011

As quilters and sewist a like color means everything when it come to that eye catching or eye appealing project. And we could not be more happier to welcome the fall season with such embrace to the sight of changing colors!

Now for the minutes!

The October 10th meeting was rather short and to the point.

The first topic of the night was about the Christmas dinner and exchange. Kim had contacted the cafe and worked out a time so that the dinner can be head at the cafe. Kim had mentioned that there will be a two dinner plate choice that will be served that night and we will decide on what two dishes to choose from at the next meeting. Kim also needs to know by November 14th of how many of the members will be attending the dinner so she can give the cafe a head count. Lastly the dinner time will be held at 6:00 pm at the Wildcat Cafe Connections in New London.

After the Christmas dinner the members will proceed to Lynette's home for desserts and exchanging Christmas gifts. If any of the members would like to volunteer to make a few deserts to take to Lynette's please bring it up at the next meeting. 

As a reminder please keep on working on making your items to sell for the sales table for Hometown Holidays and please keep up on working on the nine patches for the service project.

Speaking of Hometown Holidays we are uncertain at the moment whether or not we will be having a table at the church or the Hileman Building. More information to come at the next meeting.

Also discussed was the Amish Quilt Shop Hop that will run October 31st through November 2, 2012 in Amish country. You are welcome to go on your own or if you are looking to go with someone Yvonne will be attending this event. If you are interested in attending with Yvonne please give her a call.

Finally the arrangements to reschedule the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge have been completed. We will meet at our regular meeting date: January 24, 2013. However, we will be meeting at 6:00 pm at the Alliance Church.  For those who do not know where the Alliance Church is, its located just outside of the west side of New London on Route 162. 

That was all the minutes and news for now. 

Thank you for stopping by and Happy Quilting!

The New London Quilt Guild. 

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September 27th Meeting

The September 27, 2012 meeting was put to order by Kim and following topics were discussed:

Hometown Holidays: Remember to keep active on the times you plan on selling for the guild sales table.

Annual Christmas Lunch & Gift Exchange: The ladies planned on meeting at the Wild Cat Cafe for a lunch or a light dinner depending on the cafe's time schedule, which Carol planned on checking into. Then after the lunch/dinner the ladies agreed to go on over to Lynette's for dessert and gift exchange since Lynette open her home for the evening.  Thank you Lynette!

Service Project dealing with nine patches & snow balls: The quilt needs to be assembled and quilted. Thank you to Marlene for taking on the task of finishing up the quilt. Also as a reminder there were left over nine patches to start another quilt, if you have any scrap pieces or fabrics from your stash to spare for another quilt to be squeezed out it would be greatly appreciated.

The 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge: Is still a go. However, due to scheduling conflicts that recently aroused with the Girl Scouts all planned Saturdays have been scratched. If you had signed up for October or November, or any other dates please know that your schedule is now free.  As of now Jennifer is currently working on making it a one day event and trying to get every one coordinated on a single day past the new year. As of now a Thursday meeting night past January is what is looking the best for both parties.   

Sadly there was no show and tell, which is the reason why there are no photos in this post.

Lastly thank you to the ladies who stayed be hind to assemble the pillowcase kits for the pillowcase challenge. Your help was greatly appreciated! Not to mention what was there to do was done in a speedy amount of time. Also thank you to Kim for taking the kits home to be bagged.

One more reminder: Sarah and her daughter are looking for scraps to make a scrap quilt if anyone has abundance of left overs please bring them in and they will get used by Sarah.

Well, that was all for this meeting.

Until next time....

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild

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September 12, 2012 meeting

Hi everyone!
This week was a short meeting. Items that were discussed were the Christmas party which will be December 12 starting at 6:00 p.m. at the Wildcat Connections Cafe uptown New London. After dinner Lynette has graciously offered her cabin for dessert and our gift exchange. Thanks Lynette!
We then moved on to the Hometown Holidays which is the first Saturday of December. We will have a table set up in the Methodist Church to sell items made and donated by any member who wants to participate. This is being done for a fund raiser to support our guild. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, just something simple.
Also Yvonne sent bags in for us to put our pillowcase challenge fabric in. Contact Kim Parsons for these.

Show and tell consisted of Marsha showing a hobo bag she had made for one of her grandchildren.

 Sara showed off these two beauties. 

 All her quilting is done by hand and we're sure she'll have both of these quilted by the next meeting, well maybe the one after that.

Chris Kaufman made this quilt using old shirts of her husband's and her father's.

She even pieced the backing which she didn't think was picture worthy, but we didn't agree.


Lastly our meeting ended with the laying out of the blocks for our comfort quilt and discussing how to go about assembling them. It was decided that members would take multiples of 6 blocks and put these together in sections and then return them to the next meeting. They will then be made into the quilt top. Be thinking of an idea for the backing and bring your ideas the next time we meet. If you have blocks you have made but didn't get them to us, bring them in and we can use them for another quilt project.
Next meeting is September 27th. See you there! CP
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This weeks meeting please remember to bring in snow balls and nine patches for service project. We will also be discussing business as usual and please be thinking of ways to raise funds. Also keep coming up with ideas for the Christmas booth and future workshops.

Thanks and see you at the meeting!

New London Quilt Guild
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August 8, 2012 Meeting

New service project was brought up by Chris Porter.

 Everyone agreed that yes, it sounded like good plan to go a head with, it was then agree that every one will work in a 9 1/2" nine patch in non drab-depressing colors. Example: pastels or anything that could cheer the families up kind of colors.

As a reminder the 9 1/2" nine patches is what we will be working on during the August 23rd meeting. Members can have a few blocks done in advance if they would like to get the ball rolling.

Our attention was then brought to fundraising and how we can get our funds up for the guild's bank account. Pat suggested that in her Tennessee guild, members had name tags and if they forgot to wear their name tag to guild events forgetful members had to add a quarter to a jar.  Another focus for raising funds was to have a spot to sell and silent auction items in the Methodist Church for the Hometown Holidays event. Members agreed to doing this and were welcome to sell items on their own or donate for the guild's table.

Questions than were brought up about the material measurements for the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge.
If you are pulling fabrics from your own stash and cutting from yardage that is 44" wide:

 Body has to be 26 1/2" long x 44" wide
 Ban/Sashing has to be 10 1/2" long x 44" wide

If you are buying  fabrics cut for this it is easier to buy 1 yard of two different fabric colors. By going this route you can mix the colors for two pillow cases. Example  a blue body with a yellow ban and a yellow body with a blue ban.The pattern can be found at www.allpeoplequilt.com under the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge tab. We will be doing the roll up pattern. If measurements do not make any sense please speak with Jennifer. *Note: all material must be 100% cotton!

Lastly a subject that was brought up in the last meeting was what to plan for our workshop meetings and Jennifer had mentioned that she would love to learn how to do cathedral windows. Other members had mentioned the cathedral window Christmas ornament and Doris mentioned that she had the pattern and would look for at to bring at the next meeting if she could find it. And find it she did (sorry not photoed below) Doris even brought in a few other examples of cathedral windows that she had and one that she is currently working on (the runner). Plus her drawstring bag from the last meetings workshop.


Which started our show and tell secession.

Here is Pat with her one piece wonder quilt and her Christmas Bargello quilt. The panel in the quilt is the Mother Mary holding baby Jesus, while Joesph guides them alone with the three Kings.


Sue had three quilts made from all the same pattern which was from our May 24th workshop meeting. Chris Porter taught the class on how to make up the block from the Missouri Star Quilt Company tutorial.

Yvonne had a finish with Lazy Girl Designs Margo Handbag done up in For the Cure Fabrics.


Lastly Chris Porter had a modern cathedral windows wall hanging and a sewing machine cover that she free motioned quilted.

Chris P.

What talent out guild has! What lovely projects that all of you shared! Thank you so much it is always a joy to see other quilter's projects!

Remember the next meeting is a workshop meeting and it will be on August 23, 2012 where we will be working on the 9 1/2" nine patches for the next service project.

Happy Quilting Everyone!

New London Quilt Guild
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Drawstring Bag Workshop Night

Drawstring bag workshop 3

On the July 26, 2012 meeting the ladies worked on making lined drawstring bags that were designed by Jeni Baker from In Color Order and optioned for adding on the posckets to the bag designed by Terri Harlan of Sew Fantastic.

Many comments were made of how cute and fun the bags were to make.

Here are the finished bags!

Guild Work shop 72612

There was also some show and tell by Marcia. Marcia had taken the blocks from the last workshop and made them for her granddaughters as dresser toppers, doll quilts and a wall hanging all in one. Marcia even free motion quilted theses little cuties too! Great job Marcia!
Marcia's Free motion quilting

Lynette had a show and tell too! This beautiful batik table runner/wall hanging was a show stopper. It even was hand beaded too.

Lynette's wall hanging 1

Well, that is all that we have for now.

Next meeting will be August 8, 2012

Until next time,

Happy quilting every one!

New London Quilt Guild

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July 11, 2012 Meeting

The July 11th business meeting was a bit on the quiet side but much cooler to attend than the last meeting that was held in June.

The business meeting ran quite simplistically with the discussion of how to raise funds for the guild's bank account. Almost everyone suggested the idea of paying dues to keep funds incoming. But on the other side there is a hesitation of putting the force of paying dues in action. We are still undecided in how to raise funds as of the current date. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.

Quilt shows were also on the list of the topics. A couple of the guild's members participated in the Ashland -Old Uniontown show over the weekend of July  6th-8th. They are still waiting to hear of the results of how they finished in the show itself.

It was announced that the annual quilt show at the Bonnie Brae Farm located outside of Wellington will not be running this year do to a illness in the family.

Also on the topic of shows was the New London Quilts show that will happen in 2013. We do have a theme of the show in hand but are wondering what would be the best affordable way to hang the quilts for the up coming show. There was also a discussion of should we have a competition among the quilts or have a People's Choice, where we allow the public who attend the show vote on their favorite quilt of the show. Ideas are still welcome for any new suggestions for the show.

As a reminder the 2012 Amish Shop Hop will be happening October 31st through November 3rd. Anyone interested in attend please speak with Yvonne who is going so that car pulling can be arranged.

Other things that happened during the meeting. Jennifer brought in a few books and patterns to share  as well as Marcia. One of the books that Jennifer brought in inspired the sharing of small things that can be made and a few more ladies share projects that they have made.

Before the meeting concluded we welcomed Regina and asked her a few questions about herself and what type of sewing she does. Regina has a sewing business and makes home decor, clothing and quilting projects. Which then lead to the discussion of what projects we all are currently working on and also the topic of what machines we all are using.

Now of Show and Tell:

Yvonne completed her Aunt Grace's Garden Party quilt. This quilt consist of applique and 1930's reproduction prints.   

Yvonne' Aunt Graces's Garden Party Quilt

Yvonne finished up on the Missouri Star Quilt Company blocks that Chris Porter taught every one how to make this past May.

Yvonne's Jelly roll strip quilt

Yvonnes's last share was a Jelly Roll Race quilt that she made for her grand niece who is terminally ill.

Yvonne's Jelly Roll Race Quilt

The last big show and tell for the night was Jennifer's Winter Carnival Quilt. The quilt was designed by Julie Herman of Jaybird Quilts.

Jennifer's Winter Carnival Quilt

That is all everyone!

Thank you for stopping by.

The next meeting will be July 26, 2012 and we will be be working on the drawstring bags that were designed by Jeni Baker of In Color Order. Please see our side bar of the link to print out your own pattern.

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild
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Thread Tension Questions?

Does your machine thread tension seem to have a mind of it's own? Here's a link to a good article.

Stay cool!

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June 28th Meeting

4 1/2 strip ruler night
* Thank you Chris Porter for taking pictures of the meeting!

On June 28, 2012 our meeting was short and sweet due to the weather being very sweltering.  Jennifer Overstreet quickly demonstrated the 4 1/2 inch strip ruler from Creative Grids. Jennifer than allowed anyone who brought in their preassembled strips to have a go at using the ruler that she brought in. The ladies did play around with different variations of what could be done once the blocks were cut out.

Business wise:

 The ladies discussed the need to raise funds. If any one has any ideas please bring them up at the next meeting.

Since it was brought up due to the funds being low in our account that we ask each quilter to bring in material for the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge that we will be doing with the with the Girl Scouts. We ask that the material be brought in over the course of the summer dates and into the fall. Also please keep all solids or prints kid friendly since the pillow cases will be donated to the Shriner's Hospital in Cincinnati.

 All schedule dates for this event will be on a Saturday and will run from 9:00 am to 11:00 am/Noon depending on how well each girl will do. All meetings for this even will be held at Jennifer Overstreet's home unless noted other wise. *Note : If you are allergic to cats or do not like cats please say so, Jennifer owns two of them!
A few more things on this topic: the pattern we will be using Roll Up Pillow Case and over the course of our work secessions we will be preparing the pillow cases in to kits. If you are not a big fan of this pattern Marcia Letterly has a pattern to you too. Please see Marcia for more information about it.

This will be the schedule for the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge:

October 13, 2012
November 10, 2012
January 14, 2013
February 11, 2013
March 10, 2013

Please feel free to pick a date that best suits your schedule and you can volunteer for more than just one.

In other business news:

Up coming and current local quilt shows were discussed. The Ashland show is this weekend if any one is interested. See side bar of our blog for more information.

County fair season is sharply around the corner. Again for more information please see our blog's side bar.

Also future project ideas are in need as well.  

Speaking of future projects next months (July's) project will be a  Lined Drawstring Bag  by Jeni Baker from In Color Order. To add a fun twist to the bag another gal Terri Harlan from Sew Fantastic has added pockets to the lined drawstring bag Lined Drawstring Bag Pockets

The idea behind this project is to think of something for your Secret Sister or for any others in your life who may find these bags handy.

As a reminder Christmas my seem like a long while off but if you have any holiday ideas that would be great too. Especially gifting ideas!

With all that said and done... That's a wrap!

Next meeting will be July 11, 2012

Full business meeting and show & tell.

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild
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Advance notice for Thursday's meeting....

Jennifer Overstreet will be demonstrating the 4 1/2 strip ruler from Creative Grids. Remember you will need (4) 2 1/2" x wof strips of fabric, ex: (2) blue and (2) white. If you wish not to have to lug your sewing machine to the meeting Jennifer said this on our Facebook page: 

If you like you can sew your strips in advance. Take one color of each and sew on one side, make sure if using a print that right sides are together (do this with both sets.) Then press to open, then take each set and sew them right sides together. Make sure that when you do sew the two sets together that the colors are opposite of each other. Sew on both sides to make a tube. 
Having these done in advance will allow us to have a regular meeting and it will also allow you to be able to play with the ruler. Thanks all!

See you in Thursday!

New London Quilt Guild
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Hi everyone!

Chris Porter here. Jennifer has graciously extended me the courtesy of posting on our quilt guild blog! This is a new experience for me, so bear with me please, as I learn how to blog.

Here's a tip for you about using shelf liner under your cutting mat to keep it from slipping while you are cutting.

It makes your cutting mat virtually slip proof. Just cut a piece almost the size of your mat and place it underneath. Voila!

Another tip for those unruly bobbin threads.

You can use pigtail scrunchies purchased in the hair care aisle of your local department store. They are really very inexpensive and just fit over a full bobbin perfectly.

These are just a couple of tips I've come across while searching the many quilting sights available on the web.

See ya at the next meeting!


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Meet Art Quilter Laurie Jones

Art Quilter Laurie Jones
In above photos Laurie made and beaded a mermaid doll, and angle doll from a quilt along, and an improve doll. The wall hanging will be discussed later on. 

At our June 13th meeting we had guest speaker Laurie Jones come and to chat about Art Quilting.

Laurie started out as an traditional quilter but did not find any joy in it. To Laurie traditional quilting was too constructed  and emphasized on to much perfection. Then out of the blue one day Laurie was introduced to Art Quilting and has been in love with it ever since. Laurie loves how art quilting is so improv and the little bit of this and that can make nothing into something. If you have an pile of little scraps or some old neckless with beads on them hanging around, you can start Art Quilting too.

A lot of Laurie does deals with bead work and we all have to say what patients and steady hand that you have Laurie! All what Laurie does is hand stitching and all of us here really appreciate that she shared her quilts with us.

IN the photos below Laurie talks about the wall hanging that represented her journey of bring God into her life. Laurie said that the blue circle was her before God and the colors are what fill her heart and soul after having God into her life. Laurie had a pattern that she bought for the wall hanging but really did not follow it as much as she should. She improvised it and from this pattern she started designing her own stuff.  As you can see in the second photo Laurie's beading and hand work comes to life.
Art Quilter Laurie Jones 4

A lot of what Laurie does are small things and they all have a theme. Notice that in all of Laurie's works there is a checkered print some where! Laurie loves checkers! Well, the print or the pattern of it. She said that her kitchen and bathroom both have checkered tiled floors. So she just kept the theme going into her quilting.
In these photos below Laurie passed around a wall hanging to show off more beaded and hand stitching. Then Laurie passed around her memory accordion book of her grandmother. Laurie's grandmother is where she inherited all of her creativeness from. Laurie and a few of our members were discussing how her grandmother would take wheat from the fields and use colored foil to wrap the wheat in to make them look like fireworks in a flower arrangement.

Art Quilter Laurie Jones 3

Also in the photos above Laurie brought in a Journey Journal. This journal is about the adventures Laurie has taken. Whether it would be a trip to Georgia, Arizona, to a winery or even personal events in her life such as loosing her daughter Grace, who passed away at a very young age. With each adventure and event Laurie's life she has written about it and then sketched up a small quilt to be made. When she is finished she will then attach each small quilt together and make it into a wall hanging.

In these photos below of Laurie's wall hanging shows off an up close look of Laurie's stitching and bead work.

Art Quilter Laurie Jones 2

So does Laurie have you convinced to start Art Quilting? Who knows you might like it just as much as Laurie does, so give it a try!

We want to thank Laurie for joining us and for speaking about her Art Quilting.

After Laurie's speaking we did not have much to chat business about but we did have a few show and tells!

First up was Chris Porter:

Chris had made a log cabin leaf quilt and showed it off a while back. Well, she just got it back from the quilter and was so excited to show off the quilting done on this quilt. Chris also had a table runner that her sister wanted another friend to start doing a block of the month with but the friend bailed and the blocks were made into a table runner.

Show & Tell 61312

Jennifer Overstreet also brought in a few of her quilting items too! Jennifer finished and completed a houndstooth quilt, her most recent Moda Bake Shop project Tea Time for You & Me table cloth,  a table runner she designed, and a grocery bag that she also designed.
Show & Tell 61312 -2

What lovely work Ladies! Thank you for sharing!

Well that wraps up the meeting news! Thank you for stopping by!

Next meeting June 28, 2012

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild
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May 24th Meeting

May 24, 2012 Meeting

First off thank you Marcia Letterly for sending in photos of the meeting!

With out farther adue here is the show and tell of the last meeting:

Sara Columbus's sampler quilt. Sara hand quilted this quilt.

Sara Columbus's  hand quilted quilt

Here is more of a closer look  of all that stitching from the back

SC's 3

Marcia Letterly brought in her Twister Christmas Wreath that we all did back in the December meeting.

Marcia Letterly

Here are Chris Porter's Twister minis. It takes a brave soul to tackle the very tiniest of the Twister's.

Chris Porter Mini's

Lastly Chris had completed her top from the Missouri Star Quilt Co. tutorial. This quilt was the inspiration of the meeting's class.

Chrs Porter

Here is a closer look!

Chris Porter close up

As mentioned the class meeting was inspired by the block Chris Porter has taught during the Spring Sew-In.
The pattern is a tutorial from the Missouri Star Quilt Co.

Here is Jean with her block

Jean Mutnansky 1

Jean also took her block and switched it all around for a new look.

Jean Mutnansky 3

As did the other ladies
Here is Marlene's

Marlene Stevens 3


Yvonne 2


Doris Wilson 1


Carol Schaffer


Even though Lynette's block is the same as the original blocks in Chris's quilt. Lynette proves to show that colors that you use can make this block different too!

Lynette's QB2

Yvonne even brought along some of For the Cure prints, which worked out well for this block too!

Yvonne's QB


Marcia shows if you take away the sashing you can get more of a dynamic look and change the out come of the quilt too!

Marcia Letterly QB2

That's a wrap from this meeting.

See ya at the next meeting.

To see more photos stop by out Flickr page and if you are on Facebook like us and give us a holler!

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild

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