Advance notice for Thursday's meeting....

Jennifer Overstreet will be demonstrating the 4 1/2 strip ruler from Creative Grids. Remember you will need (4) 2 1/2" x wof strips of fabric, ex: (2) blue and (2) white. If you wish not to have to lug your sewing machine to the meeting Jennifer said this on our Facebook page: 

If you like you can sew your strips in advance. Take one color of each and sew on one side, make sure if using a print that right sides are together (do this with both sets.) Then press to open, then take each set and sew them right sides together. Make sure that when you do sew the two sets together that the colors are opposite of each other. Sew on both sides to make a tube. 
Having these done in advance will allow us to have a regular meeting and it will also allow you to be able to play with the ruler. Thanks all!

See you in Thursday!

New London Quilt Guild
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