October 25, 2012 Meeting

Our October 25th meeting was short and to the point.  

The topics we went over are:

 That everyone is reminded to know that they must reserve their spot at the next meeting for the Christmas dinner, which will be held at the Wildcat Connections Cafe. Again the dinner will start at 6:00 pm at the cafe and then move onto Lynette's for a light dessert and the gift exchange.

For Hometown Holidays it was confirmed by Kim that we will indeed have a sales table at the New London Methodist Church Parlor. Please keep working on your items in hopes that we will have a successful sale!

There was some show and tell brought in too at this meeting.

Our first share was from Chris K. 
Chris had made this lovely scrappy pinwheel.

Chris K.'s Pinwheels

The next share was from Doris. 

Doris had made a mug rug to share. What are mug rugs? They are typical bigger than a coaster but much smaller than a table runner. Their purpose is to sit under your coffee cup or tea cup while there is still room to share for a small plate of your favorite pie or snack.

Doris's mug rug

That is all for this meeting! Hope to see you at the next one. Until then...

Happy Quilting Everyone!

The New London Quilt Guild
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