September 12, 2012 meeting

Hi everyone!
This week was a short meeting. Items that were discussed were the Christmas party which will be December 12 starting at 6:00 p.m. at the Wildcat Connections Cafe uptown New London. After dinner Lynette has graciously offered her cabin for dessert and our gift exchange. Thanks Lynette!
We then moved on to the Hometown Holidays which is the first Saturday of December. We will have a table set up in the Methodist Church to sell items made and donated by any member who wants to participate. This is being done for a fund raiser to support our guild. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, just something simple.
Also Yvonne sent bags in for us to put our pillowcase challenge fabric in. Contact Kim Parsons for these.

Show and tell consisted of Marsha showing a hobo bag she had made for one of her grandchildren.

 Sara showed off these two beauties. 

 All her quilting is done by hand and we're sure she'll have both of these quilted by the next meeting, well maybe the one after that.

Chris Kaufman made this quilt using old shirts of her husband's and her father's.

She even pieced the backing which she didn't think was picture worthy, but we didn't agree.


Lastly our meeting ended with the laying out of the blocks for our comfort quilt and discussing how to go about assembling them. It was decided that members would take multiples of 6 blocks and put these together in sections and then return them to the next meeting. They will then be made into the quilt top. Be thinking of an idea for the backing and bring your ideas the next time we meet. If you have blocks you have made but didn't get them to us, bring them in and we can use them for another quilt project.
Next meeting is September 27th. See you there! CP
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