September 27th Meeting

The September 27, 2012 meeting was put to order by Kim and following topics were discussed:

Hometown Holidays: Remember to keep active on the times you plan on selling for the guild sales table.

Annual Christmas Lunch & Gift Exchange: The ladies planned on meeting at the Wild Cat Cafe for a lunch or a light dinner depending on the cafe's time schedule, which Carol planned on checking into. Then after the lunch/dinner the ladies agreed to go on over to Lynette's for dessert and gift exchange since Lynette open her home for the evening.  Thank you Lynette!

Service Project dealing with nine patches & snow balls: The quilt needs to be assembled and quilted. Thank you to Marlene for taking on the task of finishing up the quilt. Also as a reminder there were left over nine patches to start another quilt, if you have any scrap pieces or fabrics from your stash to spare for another quilt to be squeezed out it would be greatly appreciated.

The 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge: Is still a go. However, due to scheduling conflicts that recently aroused with the Girl Scouts all planned Saturdays have been scratched. If you had signed up for October or November, or any other dates please know that your schedule is now free.  As of now Jennifer is currently working on making it a one day event and trying to get every one coordinated on a single day past the new year. As of now a Thursday meeting night past January is what is looking the best for both parties.   

Sadly there was no show and tell, which is the reason why there are no photos in this post.

Lastly thank you to the ladies who stayed be hind to assemble the pillowcase kits for the pillowcase challenge. Your help was greatly appreciated! Not to mention what was there to do was done in a speedy amount of time. Also thank you to Kim for taking the kits home to be bagged.

One more reminder: Sarah and her daughter are looking for scraps to make a scrap quilt if anyone has abundance of left overs please bring them in and they will get used by Sarah.

Well, that was all for this meeting.

Until next time....

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild

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