May 24th Meeting

May 24, 2012 Meeting

First off thank you Marcia Letterly for sending in photos of the meeting!

With out farther adue here is the show and tell of the last meeting:

Sara Columbus's sampler quilt. Sara hand quilted this quilt.

Sara Columbus's  hand quilted quilt

Here is more of a closer look  of all that stitching from the back

SC's 3

Marcia Letterly brought in her Twister Christmas Wreath that we all did back in the December meeting.

Marcia Letterly

Here are Chris Porter's Twister minis. It takes a brave soul to tackle the very tiniest of the Twister's.

Chris Porter Mini's

Lastly Chris had completed her top from the Missouri Star Quilt Co. tutorial. This quilt was the inspiration of the meeting's class.

Chrs Porter

Here is a closer look!

Chris Porter close up

As mentioned the class meeting was inspired by the block Chris Porter has taught during the Spring Sew-In.
The pattern is a tutorial from the Missouri Star Quilt Co.

Here is Jean with her block

Jean Mutnansky 1

Jean also took her block and switched it all around for a new look.

Jean Mutnansky 3

As did the other ladies
Here is Marlene's

Marlene Stevens 3


Yvonne 2


Doris Wilson 1


Carol Schaffer


Even though Lynette's block is the same as the original blocks in Chris's quilt. Lynette proves to show that colors that you use can make this block different too!

Lynette's QB2

Yvonne even brought along some of For the Cure prints, which worked out well for this block too!

Yvonne's QB


Marcia shows if you take away the sashing you can get more of a dynamic look and change the out come of the quilt too!

Marcia Letterly QB2

That's a wrap from this meeting.

See ya at the next meeting.

To see more photos stop by out Flickr page and if you are on Facebook like us and give us a holler!

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild

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