2013 Spring Sew-In and Workshop

Our Spring Sew-In and Workshop started of well and ended well. We had a few guest who came to learn with us and in the end of it all everyone had a wonderful time! We even learned that Sponge Bob Square Pants speaks with an Irish accent in Ireland too!

Our classes for the day started with Chris Porter. Chris had demonstrated the Missouri Star Quilt Company's Amazing Jelly Roll Quilt pattern by 3 Dudes. Chris even went on to demonstrate how to make a disappearing nine patch as well.

Picture 2085

Picture 2084

If you are interested in learning the patterns that Chris demonstrated for her classes you can click on the links below.

Our second class of the day was taught by Doris. Doris had demonstrated a disappearing four patch. 

Picture 2080

Here is Doris starting off by cutting the all ready sewn four patches.

Picture 2088

To make the four patches shift into disappearing four patches.

Picture 2089

Here is the final block for the disappearing four patch.

Picture 2090

And this is the disappearing four patch quilt Doris had made.

Picture 2091

If you are interested in the pattern please click on the link below to see the pattern Doris had used in her demonstration.

Moda Bake Shop's Landlocked Sea Lover's Quilt Pattern

Doris even demonstrated how to make a Cathedral Windows block all done by hand stitching.

Picture 2081

Picture 2094

This photo is showing the stitches that are tacking down the middle corners of the window.

Picture 2096

Doris is showing us that your stitches have to be just at the fold of the fabric to make the seams come together.

Connecting the window bases

Inserting the stained glass if you will and stitching it in place.

Making the window hinges

As you can see the cathedral window block is great for using up scrap fabrics. Doris has been making these through out the last year. She had said that she had found the starter windows in a yard sale.

Picture 2083

As mentioned earlier we had a few guest that came to learn with us. One of our guest Bonnie from Brighton, had made each member a card made by placing fabric on the front of the card. We all happen to think that was one of the sweetest jesters of the day. Thank you so much Bonnie for sharing!

Guest apperication

Our last class demonstration was taught by Lynette. Lynette had shown the all the members and our guest how to paper piece.

Lynette teaching paper piecing

Lynette is cutting away the excess fabric so that it will not show behind the new layered piece but making user that there is a quarter inch seam for the next piece for when the paper will be removed.

Cutting the seams of paper piecing

Stitching on the next piece.

paper pieced tree

Lynette's final product! What a lovely tree Lynette!

Lynette's finished paper piecing

In between classes and once class demonstrations were finished our members focused on getting our next service project going. We managed to get one block complete along with almost completing a second block.

Picture 2107

Which we will start up again at the next meeting. We wanted to take a moment and thank everyone involved at our Sew-In and Workshop. Without your efforts our day would have not as successful. Again thank you so, sew much!

Happy Quilting Everyone!

The New London Quilt Guild

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