2013 April 25th Meeting

The April 25th meeting was a relaxed and laid back kind of meeting night. Since it was a workshop meeting night we started out with show and tell.
Our first share of the evening was from Regina. Regina does a lot of embroidery by machine, and this beautiful bag that Regina had made shows off her embroidery work! 
Picture 2108
Our second share was from Lynette. Lynette had made a table runner from the left over blocks of the log cabin quilt that she made for her granddaughter. This table runner will be for her daughter.
Picture 2110

Our third and final share was from two of our members, Marcia and Jennifer. Both ladies completed the cathedral widows that was taught to them by Doris at the Sew-in on April 20th.
Jennifer's is on the left and Marcia's is on the right.
Picture 2109

Once show and tell was over the ladies got down to business of continuing on of making our service quilt.
Here is Regina making sure that every cut is precise.
Picture 2113
And Chris K. is chain piecing all the blocks together!

Picture 2112

Although we may look like we are super serious about making this quilt, in which we kind of are! The ladies or we also have a good time in each other's company. There were tons of great stories told that generated a lot of laughter to go around.
Picture 2111

Our accomplishment of the evening was not only having a good time in laughter but we even managed to get farther ahead in getting this quilt completed.
Until next time, Happy Quilting!
The New London Quilt Guild
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