2013 April 10th Meeting

Our April 10th meeting we covered the final plans for the April 20th Sew-In and Workshop that will take place that the New London United Methodist Church basement. As a reminder we hosted our first Sew-In and Workshop the same time last year and here a couple of photo of Sue and Yvonne teaching their classes.

Hawiian Quilting with Sue

Applique with Yvonne

This year's Sew-In and Workshop will have fewer lessons and more time behind the sewing machine. As a guild, everyone decided that there were too many lessons at last years Sew-In and not enough time behind a sewing machine to call it a "Sew-In". This year however, in between the five lessons guild members will be working on a community service project. It is asked of guild members who are attending this event to arrive at the church by 8:30 am to help set up. Since we will be ordering our lunch out from Pizza Explosion. Please bring money for lunch, $7.00 per person attending will do. The last item of business for the Sew-In and Workshop is for the members who have volunteered to teach please do contact Yvonne for a schedule time. A few of you who volunteered to teach were not at the meeting to vouch for your own time slot. 

Our last order of business was brought up by Chris Porter who asked if any of the members would be interested in a wool felting class. Chris had mention to ask Holly Shelly to teach the class as well and all members agree. 

On to Show and Tell!!!!

 Our first show and tell for the night was brought in by Lynnette. Lynnette had made this log cabin quilt for her granddaughter. This quilt in person is very stunning!

Lynette's Log cabin Quilt

Next Yvonne had made this reversible purse. The bottom of the purse is reversible, and those Scotty dogs in the print are so cute!  

Yvonne's reversible Purse

Our last member to show and tell was Chris P. Chris had attended the Sewing and Quilting Expo in Cleveland where she bought this Primitive Gatherings wall hanging that is changeable for four seasons. That bunny is so adorable!!!

Chris P's Changeable Wall hanging

Here is what the rest of the panels of the wall hanging looks like if you are interested in buying the pattern.

Pattern for Changeable walhanging

Lastly, Chris had a leaf table runner where she quilted the runner first than appliqued the leaves onto the runner.

Chris P's Table Runner

Well that is all for this meeting! Hope to see you at our Sew-In and Workshop on Saturday, April 20th at 9:00 am

Happy Quilting Everyone!

The New London Quilt Guild

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