We Love to Share

 Here at the New London Quilt Guild we love to share our on going as well as finished projects. These photos were sent in courtesy of Chris Kaufman. Thank you Chris for sharing!

In 2008 the New London Quilt Guild made a wall hanging for the New London Historical Society

Wall hanging for Historical Society in 2008

Back of Historical Society's quilt

In case you can not make out what the label says:

Presented to the New London Historical Society
by the
New London Quilt Guild
Sept. 1, 2008
In honor of the
100th Anniversary
of the
Firelands Labor Day Festival

Then each member at the time signed the label.

Here are the ladies presenting the Historical Society Quilt.

NLQG and Historical Society Quilt

In 2009 the guild made this Wild Cats Quilt to help raise funds for the New London Athletic Boosters. 

NL Athletic Boosters Quilt

Also in 2009 the quilt pulled together and made this applique Quilt Diva wall hanging. Each member that participated in making one walked away with quite a true perception of the cheekiness of a what it is like traveling with all of that sewing gear. 

Group Project 2009

Lastly the more recent quilt was for the 2011 Christmas raffle. All money raised went to the New London Salvation Army.

Christmas Raffle Quilt 2011

Thank you for stopping by and thank you Chris for sharring!

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild
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