April 11, 2012 Meeting

The April 11, 2012 meeting had a welcoming amount of members that attended (nice to see old and fresh faces) along with quite a show and tell. Since there was a fair amount of show and tell at this meeting we will get to that first.

At our last meeting (March 22, 2012) we tackled Thangles. The class was taught by Marlene Stevens and Marlene passed out a pattern to make place mats with the Thangles.  This beachy sea side place mat was sewn and quilted together by Sue Culbertson. Sue really brought the beach with her on this one. The stenciled shells really do pop out with the free motion quilting that makes you want to swish your hands through that tan solid cause it really does look like sand!

Sue Culbertson's Stenciled Sea shells & Pinwheele placemat.

Sue also showed off another finish of a table runner/wall hanging of hexagons and stenciled dragonflies. This was really an amazing piece. It did have a irregular shape which made it so much fun but kudos to Sue on getting that binding done. That could not have been an easy task!

Sue Culbertson's Stenciled Deagon Flies Quilt

Our second show and tell was by Doris Wilson. Doris had showed off a fantastic spring quilt which she is almost finished with. Doris is currently embroidering on roses into the white squares.
Doris Wilson's Pinwheeles & Roses Quilt

Doris also had a finish to show off too! This sampler quilt was started in 2008. Each member who participated made their own sampler quilt and this one is Doris'. Doris had exhibited this sampler in the 2009 New London Quilt Show as an unfinished quilt but it is just as lovely finished. We give Doris a ton of props for hand quilting this quilt.
Doris Wilson's Guild Sampler

Our third show and tell was by Chris Porter. First off we wanted to say to Chris, congratulations on becoming a new grandma again. Chris is all ready getting ready for her soon to be grand baby by making a jelly roll race quilt. The material Chis is using is just so darling. We all know her little grand baby will love to snuggle in that adorable quilt. 

Chris Porter's Jelly Roll Race Quilt

Chris's second show and tell was a block of the month (BOM) courtesy of Craftsy. This BOM was designed by Amy Gibson of  Stitchery Dickory Dock. Chris has every block up to date done and they are fantastic. We can not wait to see the whole quilt when it is done Chris!

Chris Porter's Craftsy BOM

Chris has another BOM in the works as well. But blasted, Chris what was the name of this block of the month again and who is hosting it? Chis is working together with her sister on this BOM. Again Chris we can not wait to see this one finished too!

Okay Chris did tell the story behind this BOM and we would love to share it with all of you out there.

This is what Chris had to say: 

This block of the month is between my sister, Charlotte and I. She lives in Pittsburgh and is very involved in her local quilt guild. She has been quilting for years and does beautiful work. I'll never be up to her standards. It was almost a year ago when she suggested we do a BOM with just the two of us. She had talked to a couple of other ladies that had done this. They too, lived far away from each other and this helped them stay connected. She said they had such fun doing this together and seeing how they each interpreted the blocks differently, that she wanted to share this experience with me. We decided to do star blocks, of course a different one each month. She started us off with the first block, then I picked out the second block and so on. We used the Lilac Hill collection from Moda for our basis. Sometimes we would send each other fabric to use, or not if we so chose. We have incorporated other fabrics from time to time.

Sometimes we can't wait for the next month to send each other our blocks and sometimes life gets in the way and it may be several weeks before we can send the next block. I just finished block 10 and am getting ready to send her the pattern. That leaves two blocks left.
Love the story! Thank you Chris!

Chris Porter's Moxy BOM

Our last show and tell for the night was by Chris Kaufman. Chris was working on this little Good Night Moon Sampler while the meeting was going on... lol no harm done! Chis is one of our town librarians and she made this sampler for this summers themed reading program. This little quilt is going to look so adorable when it hangs in the children's library. 

Chris Kaufman's Good Night Moon

Okay we hope you all enjoyed the show and tells, now it is time to get down to business.

As we all realise that our Sew-In is almost nearly here and we have to make some final plans by the next meeting. So far as far as classes go we have Hawaiian quilting and Applique (turn applique and starch applique) being taught. Free motion quilting was also mentioned as well. We do have set times for the first two class but nothing was set for the free motion quilting.. The Hawaiian quilting will be taught at 9:30 am and the applique will be taught at 10:30 am. If there are any other techniques that you would like to learn please speak up and let it be heard! Also for the sew-in we have to figure out what food to bring for the pot luck. Remember beans and cake can not be the only thing we can serve. Especially if we are opening our doors to the public. Lets keep the thinking, planning and ideas stirring on this one!

The Secret Sister bags were passed out and exchanged. For everyone involved please remember to bring a finished project (a wall hanging, table runner, a purse, or what ever small thing you can think of) to be returned to your secret sister in December. Also if you do not use up all the material that was given to you please return it to your secret sister.

Up coming shows that were mentioned was the Amish Country Quilt Show, the International Quilt Festival Cincinnati and the past Original Sewing and Quilt Expo in Cleveland. Please feel free to check them out.

Also mentioned was how to go about entering a quilt in the Huron County fair.

Lastly, this blog page is open to our members to comment, post pictures, recipes you would like to share, or anything quilt related that is felt to be seen on this blog. Yes, this blog can be edited. So if there is any misspellings, horrible grammar, or an incorrect statement it can be changed. Thank you!

Next meeting will be April 26, 2012

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild
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