April 26, 2012 Meeting

Our April 26th meeting we kicked it off with some fantastic show and tell. First up was Chris Porter with her fall leaf log cabin quilt.

Chris Proter's Log Cabin Leaf Quilt

Doris Wilson had a couple of stars to show off. Both stars were made from templates. Doris will be demonstrating this technique during Saturday's Sew-In in case anyone is interested.

Doris Wilson's Star

Doris had mentioned that these blocks were something that she was just toying around with. The do look fabulous!

Doris Wilson's Star

Marcia Latterly had Finished off her place mat that was a result from the Thangles night (March meeting) taught by Marlene Stevens.

Marcia's Letterly's Placemat

Marcia had even free motion quilted her place mat too! Marcia admits that it was literally done one stitch at a time.  Marcia we applaud you, your stitching did turn out very lovely!

Marcia Letterly's Placemat

Our last show and tell for the night was by Jennifer Overstreet. Jennifer had brought in her chevron quilt, which was one up in a simple blue and white. It looked much better in person than here in the photo. But like so many of our guild members Jennifer is camera shy.

Finished Chevron quilt

Jennifer also brought in her most recent Moda Bake Shop project Oh My, Shabby Butterflies. Jennifer has been a contributing designer to the Moda's Bake Shop for nearly a year now. If you are interested you can check out Jennifer's projects and many other Moda Bake Shop designers (Moda call them Chefs) at www.modabakeshop.com


Now on to business at hand.

During our meeting we wrapped up any loose ends for Saturday's Sew-In. We remind our members to bring said pot luck dishes, items to demonstrate for your class, all the necessary tools for your projects that you will be working on and most importantly don't forget to bring an extension cord! Also if there is any items that you do not want and are in good condition to give away. For example: stash fabrics you no longer want, rulers, or notions. Feel free to bring them!

For those who are interested in showing off your quilt in the Ashland Quilt Show, registration papers were passed around. More information about that show soon.

 Last thing to mention for business was something that was brought up in the last meeting. Chris Porter had mentioned about teaming up with the Girl Scouts for a service project. Since then we have found one of the troops in town that is willing to work with the guild. We agreed on making pillow cases for the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge for American Patchworking and Quilting Magazine would be an ideal project. Not to mention that both groups benefit on doing a service project and all the pillow cases will be donated to a organization in our local area appointed by American Patchwork and Quilting Magazine. This teamed effort will begin the in the 2012-2013 school year. Yvonne appointed Jennifer Overstreet to be in charge of coordinating this service project.

Once there was no more business to discuss the ladies, chatted and showed off some more works from their cameras and Yvonne had also shown off an purse kit that she spotted and bought while she was in Florida.

Conclusion of meeting

Next Meeting will be May 9, 2012

Hope to see everyone at the Sew-In!!!!

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild.

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