2012 Spring Sew-In

On Saturday April 28, 2012 The New London Quilt Guild held a Spring Sew-In at the new London United Methodist Church basement. It was a free of charge, open to the public event where any one was interested in learning about quilting and the guild was more than welcome to attend.

The Sew-In could not have been planned on a more perfect day. It was cold and raining, which is always a good excuse for any quilter to say in and sew. Not to mention a perfect day to learn new skills too! There were many classes and demonstrations taught at the Sew-In. There was Hawaiian quilting, various ways to applique, to what is hot and new in the quilting world, and so (sew) much more that our members were willing to share.
As mentioned we did offer a few classes and demonstrations through out the day.

 Our first class of the day was taught by Sue Culbertson. 

One of Sue's specialities is Hawaiian Quilting.

Picture 952

Sue had explained the origins of Hawaiian Quilting and how it came to be. Sue also explained that Hawaiian quilts or the cut outs have certain meanings. Take for instance the bread seed. To you or anyone else the bread seed is just a breadfruit. But to the quilter it could have a different meaning. It could be a shared memory with the quilter and the quilter's other half and only the two of them know what it stands for. Sue also explained that Hawaiians have their own way of calling some one out on copying their work. See each family has their own design and if you copied that design well, lets just say there will not be so many nice things sung about you in public. Yep, that's right sung! Or to put it properly that they would sing bad things about you for stealing their work. Wow coconut wireless at its best! Makes you glad that you only have to pay $35.00 to the US copyright office these days.

For Sue's lesson she had passed out a square sheet of paper. Sue then showed everyone how to correctly fold the paper so that the next step was to draw the design. The design that Sue had everyone draw was the bread seed. She then proceed to show everyone how to cut the design out. In the end we all had a bread seed snowflake. Sue then explained that you always do Echo Quilting with Hawaiian Quilting. Echo Quilting is where you quilt on the outside or around the design. This is to represent the waves and the wind. Sue also said that you even echo quilt in side the design too. 

At the end of Sue's lesson she had discussed life in the West Indies and explained that they have tons of fabric over there but it is mainly for clothing and Carnival. Sue had lived in the West Indies for some time and her husband is from there. Sue had said, that even to this day it amazes her on how much fabric that they use on the Carnival costumes for such little or nothing of a costumes that they are.

Picture 954

The second class of the day was taught by Yvonne Westover.

 Yvonne's speciality is applique.

Picture 962

Yvonne had discussed the many possibilities of applique. Yvonne had brought in a few of her quilts that demonstrated the various types of appliques. For instance in the picture above Yvonne used English paper piecing on the small flowers. She went on to teach needle turn applique, perfect circles, and Best Press applique. She even showed everyone how to get the prefect looking stems and what type of templates to use. Yvonne went on to discuss the different type of stitching used in applique as seen the the photo below. This example is of a blanket stitch.

Picture 960

This is an example of the basket handle and how to make your stitches not appear on the top of your quilt.

Basket handle applique

Yvonne had said the best thing about doing applique is that it relaxes her, and you can take it almost any where.

The third class of the day was taught by Chris Porter.

Chris's speciality is doing what makes her heart strings sing.

 However, in this class Chris taught what you can do with a Jelly Roll. 

Picture 967
 A jelly roll is 42- 2 1/2" strips of fabric rolled to look like a pastry roll. Chris had found this pattern online and could not resist to share. Chris taught everyone how to take four jelly roll strips sew them together to make one strip block. Take four more strips and make another block. Then Chris demonstrated if you take both blocks and put them right sides together, sew around all edges, then cut them as X marks the spot you get another amazing new block. Chris even showed how if you take all four new cuts that you get a completely new block as seen in the photo below. This type of block is a great example of a mix of modern and traditional quilting.

Picture 968

After Chris's class everyone took a break for lunch, which was provided for via pot luck. Everything that was brought in was excellent! This also gave quilters a time to chat and relax. Once lunch was over there was only a few more classes left.

The fourth class of the day was taught by Jennifer Overstreet

Jennifer's speciality is designing quilts.

Creative Grids Ruler demo with jennifer

Before you can truly design you need tools. Jennifer brought in different types of rulers from Creative Grids along with different patterns (none of hers but patterns from different designers) to demonstrate how to use these rulers. Jennifer also demonstrated different tips from ergonomically setting up a cutting/pressing station, how to use an eraser clean up of the cutting mat, to taking an empty coffee creamer canister and reusing it to hold the water for your iron. Jennifer then went onto teach the basics of free motion quilting and how to baste a quilt using Frog Tape.

After Jennifer's class everyone went onto sewing and socializing. While a few of the member helped Carol Schaffer baste her quilt.

Basting Carol's quilt

Marlene and Kim managed to get some sewing in.

Picture 971

After a while there was one more class to be taught.

The fifth class of the day was taught by Chris Porter and Yvonne Westover.

Together Chris and Yvonne taught how to make binding and how to bind a quilt. You'll have to excuse the us for not having any photos of the teamed effort of Chris and Yvonne, our photographer was so engrossed on Chris's continuous binding lesson that they forgot to take any pictures.  Both ladies had a special binding ruler for each of their lessons. Chris as mentioned taught everyone on how to make a continuous binding by using a binding ruler. She used the ruler on a open half yard of fabric by marking lines. Chris then folded the fabric and stitched across a straight line. The way that the tube of fabric if you will was left to have two pointed ends to start cutting the binding. With Chris's method this allows a quilter to make the binding without having to cut pieced and sew them together.

Yvonne then showed every one how to place the binding onto the quilt and how to go about finishing it off. Yvonne had a special binding ruler that was smaller than the one Chris had but this ruler helped miter the meeting ends of the binding. This ruler allows a quilter to finish off the ends with no worries of having gaps or over lapping to much or even eek shorten the binding at the end.

After the binding class with Chris and Yvonne  everyone started to pack up and called it a day. We were all asked if we would like to do another Sew-In again and everyone agree to have another one. Maybe in the summer we all jokingly agreed. Maybe a luau some one shouted! Yes, a luau while we all wear our muumuus, some one else said. Sound like a good idea!

In all we all had a good time. The lesson and demos were wonderful. The food was excellent, and the good company and conversations were very pleasant indeed.

To see more photos of the Sew-In please visit our Flickr page!

Thank you for stopping by!

Happy Quilting Everyone!

New London Quilt Guild

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April 26, 2012 Meeting

Our April 26th meeting we kicked it off with some fantastic show and tell. First up was Chris Porter with her fall leaf log cabin quilt.

Chris Proter's Log Cabin Leaf Quilt

Doris Wilson had a couple of stars to show off. Both stars were made from templates. Doris will be demonstrating this technique during Saturday's Sew-In in case anyone is interested.

Doris Wilson's Star

Doris had mentioned that these blocks were something that she was just toying around with. The do look fabulous!

Doris Wilson's Star

Marcia Latterly had Finished off her place mat that was a result from the Thangles night (March meeting) taught by Marlene Stevens.

Marcia's Letterly's Placemat

Marcia had even free motion quilted her place mat too! Marcia admits that it was literally done one stitch at a time.  Marcia we applaud you, your stitching did turn out very lovely!

Marcia Letterly's Placemat

Our last show and tell for the night was by Jennifer Overstreet. Jennifer had brought in her chevron quilt, which was one up in a simple blue and white. It looked much better in person than here in the photo. But like so many of our guild members Jennifer is camera shy.

Finished Chevron quilt

Jennifer also brought in her most recent Moda Bake Shop project Oh My, Shabby Butterflies. Jennifer has been a contributing designer to the Moda's Bake Shop for nearly a year now. If you are interested you can check out Jennifer's projects and many other Moda Bake Shop designers (Moda call them Chefs) at www.modabakeshop.com


Now on to business at hand.

During our meeting we wrapped up any loose ends for Saturday's Sew-In. We remind our members to bring said pot luck dishes, items to demonstrate for your class, all the necessary tools for your projects that you will be working on and most importantly don't forget to bring an extension cord! Also if there is any items that you do not want and are in good condition to give away. For example: stash fabrics you no longer want, rulers, or notions. Feel free to bring them!

For those who are interested in showing off your quilt in the Ashland Quilt Show, registration papers were passed around. More information about that show soon.

 Last thing to mention for business was something that was brought up in the last meeting. Chris Porter had mentioned about teaming up with the Girl Scouts for a service project. Since then we have found one of the troops in town that is willing to work with the guild. We agreed on making pillow cases for the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge for American Patchworking and Quilting Magazine would be an ideal project. Not to mention that both groups benefit on doing a service project and all the pillow cases will be donated to a organization in our local area appointed by American Patchwork and Quilting Magazine. This teamed effort will begin the in the 2012-2013 school year. Yvonne appointed Jennifer Overstreet to be in charge of coordinating this service project.

Once there was no more business to discuss the ladies, chatted and showed off some more works from their cameras and Yvonne had also shown off an purse kit that she spotted and bought while she was in Florida.

Conclusion of meeting

Next Meeting will be May 9, 2012

Hope to see everyone at the Sew-In!!!!

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild.

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April 11, 2012 Meeting

The April 11, 2012 meeting had a welcoming amount of members that attended (nice to see old and fresh faces) along with quite a show and tell. Since there was a fair amount of show and tell at this meeting we will get to that first.

At our last meeting (March 22, 2012) we tackled Thangles. The class was taught by Marlene Stevens and Marlene passed out a pattern to make place mats with the Thangles.  This beachy sea side place mat was sewn and quilted together by Sue Culbertson. Sue really brought the beach with her on this one. The stenciled shells really do pop out with the free motion quilting that makes you want to swish your hands through that tan solid cause it really does look like sand!

Sue Culbertson's Stenciled Sea shells & Pinwheele placemat.

Sue also showed off another finish of a table runner/wall hanging of hexagons and stenciled dragonflies. This was really an amazing piece. It did have a irregular shape which made it so much fun but kudos to Sue on getting that binding done. That could not have been an easy task!

Sue Culbertson's Stenciled Deagon Flies Quilt

Our second show and tell was by Doris Wilson. Doris had showed off a fantastic spring quilt which she is almost finished with. Doris is currently embroidering on roses into the white squares.
Doris Wilson's Pinwheeles & Roses Quilt

Doris also had a finish to show off too! This sampler quilt was started in 2008. Each member who participated made their own sampler quilt and this one is Doris'. Doris had exhibited this sampler in the 2009 New London Quilt Show as an unfinished quilt but it is just as lovely finished. We give Doris a ton of props for hand quilting this quilt.
Doris Wilson's Guild Sampler

Our third show and tell was by Chris Porter. First off we wanted to say to Chris, congratulations on becoming a new grandma again. Chris is all ready getting ready for her soon to be grand baby by making a jelly roll race quilt. The material Chis is using is just so darling. We all know her little grand baby will love to snuggle in that adorable quilt. 

Chris Porter's Jelly Roll Race Quilt

Chris's second show and tell was a block of the month (BOM) courtesy of Craftsy. This BOM was designed by Amy Gibson of  Stitchery Dickory Dock. Chris has every block up to date done and they are fantastic. We can not wait to see the whole quilt when it is done Chris!

Chris Porter's Craftsy BOM

Chris has another BOM in the works as well. But blasted, Chris what was the name of this block of the month again and who is hosting it? Chis is working together with her sister on this BOM. Again Chris we can not wait to see this one finished too!

Okay Chris did tell the story behind this BOM and we would love to share it with all of you out there.

This is what Chris had to say: 

This block of the month is between my sister, Charlotte and I. She lives in Pittsburgh and is very involved in her local quilt guild. She has been quilting for years and does beautiful work. I'll never be up to her standards. It was almost a year ago when she suggested we do a BOM with just the two of us. She had talked to a couple of other ladies that had done this. They too, lived far away from each other and this helped them stay connected. She said they had such fun doing this together and seeing how they each interpreted the blocks differently, that she wanted to share this experience with me. We decided to do star blocks, of course a different one each month. She started us off with the first block, then I picked out the second block and so on. We used the Lilac Hill collection from Moda for our basis. Sometimes we would send each other fabric to use, or not if we so chose. We have incorporated other fabrics from time to time.

Sometimes we can't wait for the next month to send each other our blocks and sometimes life gets in the way and it may be several weeks before we can send the next block. I just finished block 10 and am getting ready to send her the pattern. That leaves two blocks left.
Love the story! Thank you Chris!

Chris Porter's Moxy BOM

Our last show and tell for the night was by Chris Kaufman. Chris was working on this little Good Night Moon Sampler while the meeting was going on... lol no harm done! Chis is one of our town librarians and she made this sampler for this summers themed reading program. This little quilt is going to look so adorable when it hangs in the children's library. 

Chris Kaufman's Good Night Moon

Okay we hope you all enjoyed the show and tells, now it is time to get down to business.

As we all realise that our Sew-In is almost nearly here and we have to make some final plans by the next meeting. So far as far as classes go we have Hawaiian quilting and Applique (turn applique and starch applique) being taught. Free motion quilting was also mentioned as well. We do have set times for the first two class but nothing was set for the free motion quilting.. The Hawaiian quilting will be taught at 9:30 am and the applique will be taught at 10:30 am. If there are any other techniques that you would like to learn please speak up and let it be heard! Also for the sew-in we have to figure out what food to bring for the pot luck. Remember beans and cake can not be the only thing we can serve. Especially if we are opening our doors to the public. Lets keep the thinking, planning and ideas stirring on this one!

The Secret Sister bags were passed out and exchanged. For everyone involved please remember to bring a finished project (a wall hanging, table runner, a purse, or what ever small thing you can think of) to be returned to your secret sister in December. Also if you do not use up all the material that was given to you please return it to your secret sister.

Up coming shows that were mentioned was the Amish Country Quilt Show, the International Quilt Festival Cincinnati and the past Original Sewing and Quilt Expo in Cleveland. Please feel free to check them out.

Also mentioned was how to go about entering a quilt in the Huron County fair.

Lastly, this blog page is open to our members to comment, post pictures, recipes you would like to share, or anything quilt related that is felt to be seen on this blog. Yes, this blog can be edited. So if there is any misspellings, horrible grammar, or an incorrect statement it can be changed. Thank you!

Next meeting will be April 26, 2012

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild
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We Are A Quilting Gallery Guild

All of us here at the New London Quilt Guild would like to thank Michele Foster for adding us into the Quilting Gallery or aka: Quilting Blogger's website. The website that is like the yellow pages for guilds and quilt shops. It is also the white pages for bloggers every where. And we are proud to be listed at the Quilting Gallery.

Quilting Gallery LogoQuilt Guilds Directory

Quilting Gallery is so much more than blogs. Ms. Michele offers so much to her website that the possibilities just seem endless. You can enter contest of all the crafty things you have made. You can find out where all the great discounts are happening from quilt shops around the nation and beyond. You can connect with other bloggers (Quilters) and other guilds.  As we were saying the possibilities are endless over at the Quilting Gallery. So please go and check out all of Ms. Michele's hard work. You will be glad that you did.

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild
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Raspberry Bread

Raspberry Bread

Raspberry Bread

3 c. flour
2 c. sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 (3 oz) package of red Jello
Stir together and make well in center. Set aside.

In a blender add

3 eggs (no shells)
2 c. raspberries (fresh or frozen)
1 medum banana
3/4 c. of oil

Puree together in blender. Then stir into dry ingredients until combined. Pour batter into two greesed and floured loaf pans. Bake at 375 degrees for 40- 45 minutes. Place on racks to cool. Remove loaves from pans once they are cooled.

This is the type of bread that is best the next day or put it in the freezer for better results. Thaw it out and wow the flavor just gets better.
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We Love to Share

 Here at the New London Quilt Guild we love to share our on going as well as finished projects. These photos were sent in courtesy of Chris Kaufman. Thank you Chris for sharing!

In 2008 the New London Quilt Guild made a wall hanging for the New London Historical Society

Wall hanging for Historical Society in 2008

Back of Historical Society's quilt

In case you can not make out what the label says:

Presented to the New London Historical Society
by the
New London Quilt Guild
Sept. 1, 2008
In honor of the
100th Anniversary
of the
Firelands Labor Day Festival

Then each member at the time signed the label.

Here are the ladies presenting the Historical Society Quilt.

NLQG and Historical Society Quilt

In 2009 the guild made this Wild Cats Quilt to help raise funds for the New London Athletic Boosters. 

NL Athletic Boosters Quilt

Also in 2009 the quilt pulled together and made this applique Quilt Diva wall hanging. Each member that participated in making one walked away with quite a true perception of the cheekiness of a what it is like traveling with all of that sewing gear. 

Group Project 2009

Lastly the more recent quilt was for the 2011 Christmas raffle. All money raised went to the New London Salvation Army.

Christmas Raffle Quilt 2011

Thank you for stopping by and thank you Chris for sharring!

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild
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