September 14, 2017

Hi all!

Happy National Sewing Month! September is National Sewing Month so let's get busy!

It seems like we've taken a vacation from the blog this summer. Hopefully we'll get back into the swing of things.

We didn't have a lot going on the last few months. Instead of our regular meetings we had workshops on those nights. This was due to a scheduling conflict, but we'll be back on schedule for the rest of the year,

Speaking of which our next workshop is on September 30th from 9:00 a.m. - appr. 1:00 p.m. Bring a sack lunch or snack if you're planning on staying the whole time. We will be going through our items we have for Hometown Holidays. The plan is to make up a raffle basket to be given away at the end of the event. If you have a suitable container we can use as a "basket" that you don't want or need, please bring it along and we'll see what we can come up with. If you like we can work on more Teen Challenge quilts, your own project or we can talk about another project for the Piggy Back Foundation in Norwalk. This group helps family members of individuals who have a serious illness to help them have a normal life. They have a shop in downtown Norwalk that every item is donated and sold to raise funds.If you have a chance to stop in to see them do so. They have some very unique items and reasonably priced too. The workers are all volunteers that take donated items and refurbish them if need be for resale. Their shop is called "When Pigs Fly" and is on the north side of East Main Street in the second block.

October 12th is regular meeting night. At September's meeting I passed out Ohio Star block patterns for members to practice on for our beginners quilt class at the workshop on October 21st. Please let me know how this went and show us your blocks. If you didn't get a pattern and want to practice before the beginners class, let me know at September's workshop, I'll have extra copies.

October 21st is our beginners quilt class. We will be showing them how to cut and piece a Ohio Star block in their fabric choices. If you have someone you know is coming I have a supply list for them. Please see me at September's workshop or October's regular meeting. The class will run from 9:00 until whenever they get done. We may need to schedule another evening, maybe our November meeting, to show them how to quilt and finish their block. They can do 1 or they can do more than 1. The supply list has enough fabric allowance to do 3 blocks so they can assemble them into a table runner if they so desire.

November 9th regular meeting is our election of officers. If you would like to have an office please speak up. It's not a very demanding job. We will also finalize the basket for HH and set up a work schedule for that day.

No workshop meeting in November because of Thanksgiving.

December 2nd is Hometown Holidays. We will again be set up in the ambulance building like last year. Hours are 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. with the raffle at that time. We should plan on being there when they open so we can set up our tables. I think we were there at 8:00 a.m. last year.If you have items you have been making, please bring them at this time or to any of the meetings or workshops prior. Have a price in mind, remember this is a donation and keep your price suggestion low. We are planning on selling raffle tickets at that time only. Tickets will be .25 ea or 5 for $1 with a free ticket with every purchase.

December 14th our regular meeting will be our Christmas potluck. This year it will start at 7:00 and it will be bring your favorite holiday snack instead of a potluck meal. We will also exchange our signature blocks at this time. This is the last meeting for 2017 with the holidays at the end of the month, there will be no workshop.

Our first meeting of 2018 will be on January 11th with the new officers presiding. Workshop meeting for this month will be January 27th.

Our quilt show is this year on April 21, 2018. We have set that date with the church. So get your quilts ready and if you know in advance what quilt you will be showing, get the information to me so I can get labels ready ahead of time. We need quilt name, pattern by, pieced by, quilted by, quilt method, owned by, year quilted. You can show any size and any number of quilts you like. These will be displayed in the church sanctuary. Times will be announced later.

Remember if we have snow days I will put it up on facebook, send an e-mail and we have people assigned to call members. I will also text everyone. I think everyone has a cell phone with texting, if you don't, let me know. Cancellation will be by 5:00 the evening of the meeting or the night before for workshops. Or you can call me if you're not sure. We don't want anyone to feel obligated to come if they feel the roads are too dangerous.

We had some really great show and tells:

This one was done by Marlene. It is a Missouri Star Quilt Company
pattern called "Grand Adventures". These were all scraps from her stash.

Marlene showing her July and August BOM.

These are BOM's that Martha is doing at Sewing Connections.
Love the purples.

This is Pat, presenting our September BOM. She's done a great job of
challenging us with her blocks!

This antique quilt was hand pieced by Chris P's, husbands grandmother.
She never had it quilted before. This is a treasure that will be passed down to family.

Hope you get a lot of sewing done. See you all at the workshop on September 30th

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