June 24, 2016

We had a small turnout for our workshop today. But thanks to those who came we were able to start another Teen Challenge quilt and got quite a bit of fabric cut up to continue piecing it together.

Don't forget the next meeting on July 13th. We will be breaking up into a couple of groups.

One group will be planning our October 21st (note the date change please) workshop which will be the beginner's quilt class. We already have interest from some of the ladies that attended our beginner's sewing class. This group will decide which block we will be using as a starting point, how much fabric will be needed, if we have the fabric in our stash or if they will need to bring their own and a lesson plan.

The second group will be working on the wall hanging we have been planning to give to the church for letting us use their facilities. You will be  preparing the appliques, cutting them out along with other pieces of the wall hanging and assembling the top. This wall hanging can be done one of two ways, either as one unit or as three separate units.

Another project I would like us to do if we have enough members show up is to go through our sale items for Hometown Holidays. We need to sort out what hasn't sold in the last 2-3 years we have been doing this show. Last year we set up two tables and kind of took over the corner we were in. I feel we need to cut down our collection and concentrate it into one table only. Also we decided to have a "basket" raffle for that day and we can use items from this stash for this. Any other ideas for a "basket" would be appreciated.

And we can always use people to work on the Teen Challenge quilts. I know they have quite a few graduating soon and will need quilts for their stash. You can work on these on your own too. If you're like me, you have plenty of 2 1/2" strips to work with. If you need a reminder of how these are constructed, e-mail me and I will send the instructions to you.

So we will basically be dividing into three groups. Come prepared! Bring you sewing machines and tools needed because you don't know which group you will be divided into.

Marcella brought a row by row quilt she had been working on. She commented she enjoyed this one so much, she hated to be finished with it but also had that rewarded feeling when it was done. Great job Marcella!

Remember no workshops in July or August! We will still have our regular meetings on July 13th and August 10th.

See you on July 13th!


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