December 10, 2015

Merry Christmas all! 

By the time you see this there will only be 8 days left until Christmas!!!! AAARRRRGGGHHH! Are you ready? With the weather the way it's been it doesn't even seem possible.

We had our Christmas potluck and gift exchange on December 10th. We had a great turn out, wonderful food and spectacular conversation. Beforehand we had a brief (well it went longer than I had planned) meeting and worked out a few details for the coming year.

Hometown Holidays was a success, we are planning on adding a raffle quilt for next year. More on that at the next meeting.

Starting with our January 14th meeting, Yvonne will be demonstrating hand applique and Rachenea will be demonstrating machine applique. Bring a small pair of scissors for the hand applique and if you want to try the machine applique process, be sure to bring your machine. There is fabric available for both demonstrations in our stash. For our workshop on January 30th we will be starting work on a scrappy quilt for a raffle later this year. We will be using the fabric we have in our stash. I'm still working on a block pattern and I have a couple of ideas I'll run by you at the workshop, then we can decide. Don't worry, they're easy peasy. Lunch is going to be a soup by Marcia, we can decide at the regular meeting on what we would like to go with it.

Our February regular meeting will be on February 11th. We need someone to volunteer to do a demonstration. If you have a particular technique you like and want to share, please do so. It doesn't even have to be quilt related but should be some kind of soft textile orientated. Our February workshop will be on February 27th and we will continue with the scrappy raffle quilt. If anyone had a suggestion for lunch, please speak up. If no we can always get subs from Subway.

March meeting dates are March 10th regular meeting, March 26th workshop.
Again we need demonstrators for all regular meetings. Don't be shy, you may know a different technique that one of the other members may be dying to learn. Or a new tool you discovered. Could also be a shortcut you use to get your quilts done quicker or anything crafty related. There's tons of possibilities.

2016 is the year for our quilt show. The date is cleared for April 9th at the New London Alliance church. The public is invited to display quilts they have made and this year we are setting up categories. These will include, mini quilts, table toppers and/or runners, wall hangings up to 36", wall hangings up to 60", wearable, bed size quilts, crib quilts, holidays, antique quilts, unfinished tops, misc. such as purses, bags, pillows and our BOM challenge. The deadline for entries is March 1st so we may get tags with the quilt information printed. You can start letting us know what quilt you are going to display so we can get started on making the tags. We want them to be uniform with each other and easily read. Information needed is owner, who pieced, who quilted, machine or hand, year and name of quilt if available and who the pattern was by.

Here are a few pictures from our potluck, enjoy!

Happy Holidays!!!!!! See you next year!


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