November 12, 2015

Gobble, gobble 'til you wobble! It's that time of year when all the family favorite recipes come out! For me and my family it's my mother's cranberry salad for any winter holiday and my grandmother's sugar cookie's for the Christmas season. What's your families favorite recipe? I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving already with Christmas only 4 weeks after that! Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Well, here's your chance if you haven't. Come to the Hometown Holidays on December 5th in New London. There will be vendors set up in the ambulance building but the best will be set up inside Main Street Computer in uptown New London. What's the best vendor you ask? Well, the New London Quilt Guild of course! We will have some very cute items donated by our members at very reasonable prices. We will be there from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For our guild members, set up will be on Friday afternoon starting at 2:00 p.m. If you haven't submitted your items for sale, bring them at this time so we don't have to hurry Saturday morning to set up. Our work schedule has been set, but stop in anyway to see if anyone needs a break, or just to browse. Clean up will start at 3:00 p.m. and we would greatly appreciate anyone available to help break down our tables and pack up anything leftover (hopefully we won't have anything left to pack).

At our last meeting on November 12th, election of officers for 2016 took place and here are the results"

President                        -    Chris Porter               
V. Pres.                           -    Marcia Letterly
Secretary                        -    Martha Hecock
Facebook coordinator    -    Chris Porter
Media liaison                 -    Yvonne Westover

Other topics covered were -

December 10th will be our annual Christmas potluck and gift exchange starting at 6:00 p.m. at the church. If you are planning on attending please let us know what you would like to bring for the potluck. Call me at 419-681-2295. The gift exchange, if you want to participate, is either a notions gift with a limit of $20 or a homemade item. The gifts should be wrapped and will be placed under the tree, if there is one available. Names will be drawn and that person will pick a gift, the next name that is drawn has the option of either taking a new gift or taking the gift from another member until all the names are drawn. After the last name is drawn then we will open the package we have ended up with. Hope everyone enjoys this version of the gift exchange.

Here I'll interject our snow day plans. If the weather is looking nasty, we will make the decision whether to hold the meeting or cancel by 5:00 p.m. It will be posted here, on facebook, you will receive an e-mail from me and we will also make up a call list so nobody has to do all the calling. Sometimes it can be nasty in the morning and by evening everything is clear. Of course you have the option of not coming even though the meeting is still on. That is totally up to you. So far they say we will have a mild winter.

The first meeting of the new year will be on January 14th. Yvonne will be demonstrating hand applique and Rachenea will be demonstrating machine applique. At the January 30th workshop we will be working on walker caddies for our local nursing home. We need to make 15 to 20 or these items. Please bring your machine and tools. We will decide at the January regular meeting what we will be doing for lunch.

Our February regular meeting will be on February 11th. We need someone to volunteer to do a demonstration. If you have a particular technique you like and want to share, please do so. It doesn't even have to be quilt related but should be some kind of soft textile orientated. Our February workshop will be on February 27th and we will continue with the walker caddies until we have completed as many as we need.

March meeting dates are March 10th regular meeting, March 26th workshop.

2016 is the year for our quilt show. Tentative date is April 9th at the New London Alliance church. The public is invited to display quilts they have made and this year we are setting up categories. These will include, mini quilts, table toppers and/or runners, wall hangings up to 36", wall hangings up to 60", wearable, bed size quilts, crib quilts, holidays, antique quilts, unfinished tops, misc. such as purses, bags, pillows and our BOM challenge. The deadline for entries is March 1st so we may get tags with the quilt information printed. You can start letting us know what quilt you are going to display so we can get started on making the tags. We want them to be uniform with each other and easily read. Information needed is owner, who pieced, who quilted, machine or hand, year and name of quilt if available and who the pattern was by.

See you at Hometown Holidays!


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