This tractor quilt was done by Marlene.
She even pieced the back.
We love the corn fabric.

The back is just as interesting as the front.
This quilt just goes on and on.
The group hard at work
This storybook quilt was made by Chris K. for her grandson.
She also pieced the back.
Chris also added his name in sign language. It says Nathan.
Jennifer did a jelly roll quilt and added the stars and borders for interest.
Jennifer said this quilt top has been hanging around her house for a couple of years and she decided to donate it to our foster child project.
Here's a close up. It's sparkly.
These owl placemats that Gloria made can be yours if you attend the Hometown Holidays on December 6 at the New London Recreation Park.
The next quilts were all made by Jennifer and her mother. They have very graciously donated them all to our foster child project. Thank you from the bottom of our heart, we are very grateful.