September 11, 2014

What a great turnout for our first meeting of the fall season! Everyone agreed this cooler weather is making us all a little sleepy. First item that was discussed was the quilt project for foster kids in our area. Yvonne reminded us all to have our tops done by the first meeting in November. If you are not going to quilt them yourself. please bring your finished tops, batting and backing to the meeting on November 13th. Make sure your batting and backing is at least 12 inches wider and longer than your top. This is the standard for any longarm quilter so they will have enough extra to attach it to their quilting frame. We would like to have these completely done with binding by the Christmas holiday season. This meeting will also be election of officers for 2015. Be thinking whether you would like to serve or who you would like to have elected for the upcoming year.

We will be having a workshop on September 27th and you can bring anything you want to work on, maybe a UFO that's been hanging around your sewing area that you just can't seem to find time to work on at home. Or maybe you have the purse pattern from our June workshop that never got started. How about that foster child quilt that just has a couple of more blocks that need to be finished. It's entirely up to you, come join us from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (or 2:00 p.m. if we are just having too good of a time to quit!). We will be having only one more workshop after this on October 25th. If you want to come and are involved with any Halloween activites, feel free to leave whenever you need to. With the holidays approaching in November and December there will be only 1 meeting for each of these months with December being our Christmas potluck.

We have the Hometown Holidays coming up on December 6th at the New London Recreation Park in the Hileman Building. Hopefully we will be having 2 tables this year. Last year our 1 table was crammed packed with items for sale. Please be thinking of getting your items ready to donate for this activity. More information will follow after our November meeting on the 13th (don't forget this is election night!).

Our Christmas party (yes, it's coming fast) will be on December 11th at the New London Alliance Church. This is a potluck and will start at 6:00 p.m. Please contact Jennifer with what dish you will be bringing, Yvonne is providing the meat and coffee. Please bring your own table service and any other beverage you would like to have. There is a pop machine available at the church. This is also our gift exchange.

The first meeting of 2015 will be on January 8th. For anyone who wants to do the block of the month we will be starting at the workshop on January 31st, this is the meeting for you! We will be going over the pattern details then.

With the winter weather approaching we have decided that if there is to be no meeting that night, that decision will be made by 5:00 p.m. Last year a couple of meetings were cancelled early in the day and by the time meeting time rolled around the weather had cleared and the roads were in good shape. There will be a call list made and divided up so no one has to make all the calls. You can also watch this blog and our facebook page for any cancellation announcements.

We also discussed making a guild handbook. This will have a list of officers, dates of meetings, workshop dates, special activity dates and other items of interest. We have a handbook from another guild that we will use as a guide. If you have any ideas of something you would like to have addressed in our handbook, please let us know.

Now for the fun stuff, Show and Tell!

This is Chris P's. foster child project quilt. She calls this "Merry-Go-Round".

Here is Chris K. showing off her foster child project quilt top.


Gloria is hiding behind a baby quilt she made for a co-worker. She had this quilted by Chris P.

Another baby quilt top by Gloria, she's been busy!

A traditional nine patch quilt by Yvonne for her foster child project quilt. Everyone seems to like to hide behind their quilts!

Another foster child project quilt by Yvonne, this is a rail fence pattern.

And for our last show and tell, here's Martha with her foster child project quilt. The green blocks have cute little bugs on them.
That's it for our September meeting. Hope you can all make the next meeting.

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