2013 - August 11th Meeting

Hello Everyone! 

In this meetings post there will not be any business discussed however, we did have quite a show and tell. Also apologies in advance for not getting quilters with quilts correctly because our normal blog writer was absent for the meeting. Thank you  Rachenea Eagle and Chris Kaufman for taking photos during this meeting. Without farther ado, our show and tell.

Sue Culbertson brought in her Dream Weaver quilt. 


This very creative quilt won the Founders Award at the Ohio Outdoor Quilt Festival. 

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Marsha's star quilt was quilted by Rachel Weatherbie. Marsh brought in the quilt to show off the quilting. 


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Rachel quilted ginkgo leaves on to Marsha's quilt 

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Speaking of Rachel, Rachel had brought in a Wedding Ring quilt that she quilted for a customer. 


If you will please forgive us for the next few photos of not knowing who's quilt is who's. Please feel free to email us for acknowledgments so that corrections can be made. 

Okay this quilt belongs to Chris Kaufman.


This New York Beauty belongs to Marcella


Deb had completed this 1600 or the Jelly roll race quilt.


Lynette had completed this Cactus Star quilt.


Thank you all for stopping by and hope to see you at the next meeting!

Happy Quilting All!

New London Quilt Guild
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