2013 - July 25th Meeting

Welcome everyone!

Its good to see you again!

If you have noticed it has been pretty quiet here on our blog due to forces of nature in which we as a guild could not foresee or prevent from happening. Our last meeting was canceled due to a severe storm that had tornadoes and flooding. Needless to say most of us had not seen each other in a while. During the time between the last meeting and this meeting many of us have been quite busy. 

Lynette finished a spring time wall hanging from Shabby Fabrics

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Doris finished her quilt top from the class that Chris P. held over a year ago from the Missouri Star Quilt Company's Three Dudes pattern.

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Chris P. had a few samples made up from her class and turned her samples into a a wall hanging.

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Chris presented the guild with a few more show and tells.

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Carol who has had her sampler in the works for quite some time showed off her finished quilt. Carol had Chris P. quilt it on Chris's quilting machine.

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We welcomed a new member Rachel. Rachel was co-owner of Sew Little Time Quilt shop in Norwalk, and she has been on the road selling her wears from the shop at the Sewing and Quilting Expos across the country. Rachel is also a long arm machine quilter and does custom quilting for other quilters. You can find Rachel at Sew Behind for more information.

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Here is an example of Rachel's work.

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Marsha had a small share that could hold your most beloved treasures with her purses.

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And our last share of the evening was from Yvonne. Yvonne had completed this 2011 Marcus Brothers Civil War block of the month.

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As for business news:

We briefly discussed Hometown Holidays, and reminded everyone to be on the ball of their small sale items. We also briefly discussed the upcoming quilt show on November 2nd, and reminded everyone that the paint chip challenge date of September 26th is quickly approaching. At this meeting we passed out and exchanged our secret sister bags for our Christmas exchange in December. There was also a discussion of the service quilt in process and one last quilt to be made into a baby quilt. An idea was brought up by Jennifer of using a glorified nine patch block. The idea behind it was to use up all the light colored nine patch block from the first service quilt that did not get used. The idea was approved and if any member has any time to contribute any pastel or light muted fabrics to make 6" nine patches consisting of 2 1/2" squares or to make the nine patches a head of time it would be greatly appreciated.

Well, that is all for this meeting, until next time...

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild
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