November 9, 2017

The year is winding down and so are our meetings. There will be no workshops in November or December because of the holidays. The last meeting of the year will be on December 14th. This is our Christmas party where we will exchange our signature blocks we've all been working on since the first of the year. Instead of our regular potluck, each member is asked to bring their favorite holiday snack to share We will start at our regular time of 7:00 p.m.

But before our last meeting of the year we have the Hometown Holidays on December 2nd. Set up is in the ambulance building again this year. If you are planning on helping set up, you will need to be there at 8:00 a.m. If you have any items to donate and you haven't brought them to a meeting, please bring them in so we can add them to the table. Please have a price in mind so we can get them priced before the door opens at 9:00 a.m. Also have your items for the raffle basket there early enough so they can be added to the basket. This will be raffled off at the end of Hometown Holidays at 2:00 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the table for .25 each or 5 for $1.00 with tickets given out with every purchase.

Our first meeting of 2018 will be on January 11th with the new officers presiding. Officers elected at our November 9th meeting are as follows:  Co-Charimen - Yvonne Westover & Chris Porter, Secretary - Pat Cole, Treasurer - Yvonne Westover. Workshop meeting for this month will be January 27th. This workshop may become our finishing class for the beginning quilters, work on quilts for Teen Challenge or start working on another project. You can always bring your own project to work on if you wish.

Our quilt show is this year on April 21, 2018. We have set that date with the church. Set up will be Friday, April 20th from 4:00 - 6:00. So get your quilts ready and if you know in advance what quilt you will be showing, get the information to me so I can get labels ready ahead of time. We need quilt name, pattern by, pieced by, quilted by, quilt method, owned by, year quilted. You can show any size and any number of quilts you like. These will be displayed in the church sanctuary. Times will be announced later.

Remember if we have snow days I will put it up on facebook, send an e-mail and we have people assigned to call members. I will also text everyone. I think everyone has a cell phone with texting, if you don't, let me know. Cancellation will be by 5:00 the evening of the meeting or the night before for workshops. Or you can call me if you're not sure. We don't want anyone to feel obligated to come if they feel the roads are too dangerous.

Here are the show and tells for this week:

The above quilt was done by Sandy as a donation to the Flying Horse Farm for children with serious illnesses. She also did the I Spy quilt pictured below.

Below is Pat's finished One Block Wonder quilt. She did a great job!

Martha did this Star Spangled Liberty patriotic quilt you see below.

Martha is also taking a class at a local quilt shop and is playing with her decorative stitches on her machine. Can't wait to see the blocks pictured below added to the others she's completed.

Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving and we'll see you in December!

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