January 12, 2017

New year, new officers, well a couple changes anyway.  President - Chris Porter, V. Pres. - Marcia Letterly, - Sec. - Martha Hecock, Treas. - Yvonne Westover, Media Coordinator - Malrene Stevens, Facebook and blogger - Chris Porter.

A few things were discussed as we start the new year. Since we have funds to run us for the next year, we decided to take off this year from doing a raffle quilt. We can still work on quilts for Teen Challenge and we also decided to make a variety of sizes of quilt to have on hand in case there is a family in need. These we can work on at the workshops or if you want to work on them on your own, feel free to do this. I know we all have an abundance of scraps just waiting for that scrappy quilt that has been rattling around in the back of your minds.

The signature block paper pieced pattern was passed out at the meeting. So far we have 7 that are participating. If you weren't able to attend and still want to participate, let us know and we'll have extra patterns available at the next workshop on the 28th and at the next regular meeting on
February 9th. These will be exchanged at the Christmas meeting in December. You need to have enough fabrics to complete the block in a plastic baggie with your name on the outside. Since we have 7 people participating, you need 6 baggies, one for each member not including yourself. If we add people to the project you will have to make up a baggie for them also. I myself made up a couple extra just in case. Don't forget to put your name, date and New London Quilt Guild in the blank spaces provided on the block. Here's a picture of the one I completed minus my signature.

You may want to label your fabrics as to the position you want them to be in. Here's how I did mine. I wrote the number of the piece on a sticker and put it on the back of the fabric.

The BOM that Pat has been working on was also passed out at the meeting. These are to be made and presented at the next month's gathering. Each month is seasonal according to month. We have January and here is Pat's version.

You can do this anyway you want, embroidered, applique. We will have patterns available at the workshop on the 28th. February's will be passed out at the meeting on the 9th.

For the workshops starting on January 28th we will be sorting fabric for the April workshop beginners sewing class. We will need to cut pieces for a nine patch block that will be our project and coordinating fabrics. Or you can bring your machine to work on a Teen Challenge quilt or a scrappy quilt to have on hand for emergencies as stated previously. This will be the plan for the subsequent workshops until after April. Lunch for the January workshop is brown bag.

We had discussed doing a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist church with their pastor and art director. We are unable to get a definite answer for now but I will check again in February. They didn't seem to think we would be able to do one this spring. 

We have a conflict of dates for the February 25th workshop. The church is having a seminar for 5 weeks and will be using the fellowship hall and kitchen for February. We will need to decide if we want to cancel or move the meeting to March 1st, the church will be available that Saturday.

For the beginners sewing class on April 29th the class will run from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will need to be there for set up by 8:30 a.m. We need to develop a plan of what we will be teaching and who will lead us. We will need to decide what we will do for lunch for ourselves and maybe we can have a discussion as to how we think the class went. Marcella is in charge of the groundwork for the class and she is being helped by Rachenea. I'm sure if you have any ideas for them they will be grateful. Class size is limited to 10 with ages from 10 and up. Sign up is required.

We had a couple show and tells:

Martha presented this beauty. The colors are just stunning.

Martha also showed this kitty wall hanging.

Chris P. took the pockets off pairs of her husbands worn out jeans and embroidered
these Christmas designs on them. 

See you at the next workshop and meeting!


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