June 12, 2014

Quite a few members attended for this first meeting of the summer season. Recap of the last workshop was encouraging. A lot of pieces were cut and stitched together for our next quilt donation project. This project will benefit foster children in our area. The plan is to make quilts for the child with his/her name on it so they may keep that quilt for their own. So many are placed with little or no belongings.

Here's a reminder that our next workshop will be on June 28th from 9- 2.  We will be making purses. If you are interested but don't have the pattern yet, please contact Carol Schaffer. If you don't want to make a purse, you are welcome to come on that day anyway and work on your own project. If you have the pattern and would like to get a head start, you may go ahead and cut out your pieces beforehand.

Future workshop ideas were discussed. Ideas kicked around were embellishing quilts and fabric folding.

On another note, a member was contacted by a former classmate. Her aunt had passed away and had been a quilter. None of the lady's family sewed so they contacted the classmate. There was so much fabric, she was overwhelmed. After going through box after box and keeping what she would use, she asked the Quilt Guild if they would be interested in what was left. Of course our member jumped at the suggestion. There were 9 boxes of fabric!

Also books and thread. 




This was all divided into more manageable bags and the girls went through them at the meeting. It was like Christmas Day!




This donation will be used in future service projects.

We did have some show and tell. Here you go!

This black and white beauty was made by Marcella for her husband Earl for Father's Day.

Around the outside of the quilt she has pictures of his family past and present.



The pictures in the middle of the quilt were from a panel she found that reminded her
of places where Earl grew up.
Chris Porter's Black Sheep
Here the girls are inspecting a quilted table topper done by Chris P.

Chris Porter's Patriotic Sampler
Here's another quilt by Chris P. This one was a BOM she did with her sister-in-law.
They each took turns every month for a year and picked out a different block from the
That's all we have for this week. Get out and enjoy this beautiful weather.
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