December 11th, 2014

We've had two events since our last post. First we have photos of New London Hometown Holidays. We had a fair amount of shoppers, but the weather wasn't cooperating. We had many items left over and if you see anything in the photos and would like to purchase it, let us know, we may still have it available.


Here's a long shot of our tables. The quilts you see on the racks are the many quilts the guild members made for a local foster family. The purpose of these quilts is to go to children that the family takes in. They are the child's to keep.







Our second event was our annual Christmas party and gift exchange. Each member who wanted to participate in the exchange was to bring 1 yard of good quality fabric in a brown paper bag with their name and what type of item they would like to receive on a piece of paper inside the bag with the fabric. Bags were then passed out to each member. Here's a look at the results, but first our potluck layout. It was all delicious!




And now for the gift exchange.

These beautiful embroidered placemats were given to Yvonne by Martha.

Martha received this pincushion from Rachenea. It opened like a flower.

She also had a table topper (that I missed! Sorry, it was very pretty) and this scissor case.
Chris' gift(s) were from Jen. First we have a small pouch that can be used for many things.


Next we have a sewing tote. It has pockets in the front and back with vinyl zipper pockets and a pincushion on one side. Very cute.

Third, we have a table topper. No, your eyes aren't seeing things, it's not finished. Jen started a new job and has been very busy. Congratulations, Jen!

Last we have a cute clothes pin holder in the shape of a dress.

Here's Jen showing off the card that came with her gift.

Chris P. had her name. Jen had admired this wall hanging when Chris had displayed it at the last quilt show. When Jen had brought in all these scraps to pass along, Chris grabbed them up to make this hanging for her.

Here's the back using more of the scraps. We think Jen was really amazed at what was done with her leftovers.

Carol was unable to finish this hanging for Marcia last year because of illness. It has ornaments added as embellishments.


Marcella made this pink and floral table runner for Carol.

This hanging is from Carol to Marcella.

Kim was unable to attend to receive her purse made by Yvonne.
That wraps up 2014 for the New London Quilt Guild. We are always open to new members and hope to welcome some members back who maybe haven't attended for a while. See you next year!

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November 13, 2014

We're gearing up for the holiday season. It will be here faster than Santa's reindeer. Is everyone working on their Hometown Holidays items? The date is Saturday, December 6th at the Hileman Building from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the New London Recreation Park. Set up will start on Friday evening at 6:00 p.m., bring your items then so the tables can be set up and ready for Saturday morning. Also please remember to bring in your foster child project quilt so we can display them for the public to be able to see we do more than quilt for ourselves.

The December meeting on the 11th will be our Christmas Party and gift exchange. If you haven't decided on what dish you would like to bring or don't remember what you are bringing here is a list of what we have already coming:
  • Yvonne, meats
  • Kim, corn casserole
  • Gloria, potato casserole
  • Chris K., dessert
  • Carol, salad
  • Chris P., beans
  • Martha, veggie tray
  • Rachenea, dessert
  • Marcia, cheese plate & crackers
  • Jen, drinks
Feel free to fill in with what you think we are missing.

The January 8th meeting will be our regular meeting and the start of our BOM. If you haven't gotten your pattern and would like to do the BOM please contact one of the officers and they will see you get a copy. We would like to have as many as possible done for the 2016 Quilt Show. This is purely optional, you don't have to participate, but do please come to the meeting. This will be the only regular meeting we will work on the BOM, the next time we work on it will be the February 28th workshop and subsequent monthly workshops

Speaking of workshops, our January 31st workshop will be conducted by Laurie Jones. She will be showing the members how to embellish using beads. The project will be a 2" x 2" pin with a nominal fee of $5. All you need to bring are small detail scissors, Laurie will be providing the rest. If you don't want to participate, again please come and bring something of your own to work on and enjoy the conversation. Please reserve your spot by the January 8th meeting so we can let Laurie know how many are coming.

Lastly we had election of officers for 2015, they are:

  • Chris Porter, Pres.
  • Kim Parsons, V. Pres.
  • Carol Schaffer, Sec.
  • Marcia Letterly, Treas.
  • Marlene Stevens, Public Relations
  • Yvonne Westover, Program Coordinator
  • Chris Porter, Facebook and Blog person
There were just a couple show and tells.


This is just one of the many quilts Jen and her mother have done for our foster family project.


The quilting has frogs in it to match the center fabric.

This poodle quilt is just adorable, another one from Jen and her mother.

The quilting looks curly just like the poodles.

Martha did this sailboat quilt for her nieces little boy.


I didn't get a picture of the back, but she used navy blue minky. Minky sheds and she said it was everywhere!
If you would like to join quilt guild, please feel free to attend our meetings, we won't "needle" you. 

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October 9, 2014

There was much discussion about upcoming events for the guild. Yvonne reminded everyone to get their quilts for the foster child project completed (quilted and bound) for display at the Hometown Holidays on December 6th. We estimated at least 20 quilts will be donated for this project.

We have a workshop coming up on October 25th, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We meet in the room off the kitchen at the New London Alliance Church. Enter through the back door, turn left, turn right immediately, then turn right again. Just follow the sound of our voices and machines.

Next item was our November 13th meeting will be elections of officers. If you want to nominate someone or be considered for an office, please come to this meeting.

There will be no workshop the months of November or December because of holiday weekends.

December 6th will be the Hometown Holidays held at different locations around New London. We will be having 2 tables at the Hileman Building at the Recreation Park. Bring your items to be sold to the park that morning. Time will be announced later.

Our annual Christmas party potluck will be December 11th at the New London Alliance church also. If you haven't signed up for a dish yet, please let us know what you plan to bring. We will be having our secret gift exchange this evening. Time is 6:00 p.m.

Our first meeting of the new year will be on January 8th. This will be a regular meeting but we will also be working on the first block for the block of the month . The first block is the upper left corner block on the pattern. If you are interested in doing this BOM and don't have a pattern, contact us and we will make sure you get your copy. If you don't want to do the BOM, that's okay, please come to the meeting anyway.

January 31st will be our first workshop of the year. Laurie Jones will be instructing us in quilt embellishing. There will be a small fee for a kit, price hasn't been decided as yet. If you are interested in signing up, please give one of the officers a call.

Winter is on it's way and that means S-N-O-W!!!!! and bad road conditions. If the meeting is cancelled, the decision will be made by 5:00 p.m. A call chain will be initiated and hopefully we will be able to reach everyone. If you don't receive a call, use your own judgment. The roads can be bad in the morning, but by afternoon they can be clear.

We had just a couple of show and tells.


This is Yvonne's sixteen patch for the foster child project. Very colorful!

Marcella used fall colors for this Mariner's Compass with an appliqued pumpkin in the middle.
This Halloween wall hanging was made by Chris P. BOO!
That's all we have for this week. Enjoy the fall colors! The trees are turning fast.
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September 27, 2014

A very productive workshop was held Saturday, September 27, 2014. We had 9 member attend. Here are some show and tell pictures for you to enjoy.

This tractor quilt was done by Marlene.

She even pieced the back.

We love the corn fabric.
The back is just as interesting as the front.
This quilt just goes on and on.

The group hard at work

This storybook quilt was made by Chris K. for her grandson.
She also pieced the back.
Chris also added his name in sign language. It says Nathan.
Jennifer did a jelly roll quilt and added the stars and borders for interest.
Jennifer said this quilt top has been hanging around her house for a couple of years and she decided to donate it to our foster child project.
Here's a close up. It's sparkly.
These owl placemats that Gloria made can be yours if you attend the Hometown Holidays on December 6 at the New London Recreation Park.
The next quilts were all made by Jennifer and her mother. They have very graciously donated them all to our foster child project. Thank you from the bottom of our heart, we are very grateful.








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