2013 - September 11th Meeting

Welcome to our September 11th meeting. The meeting was lead by vice president Kim Parsons, where the topics were discussed:

The Paint Chip Challenge is literally right around the corner. All members who are participating please be ready to have your project ready to be reveled at the September 26th meeting. Speaking of the September 26th meeting it is a reminder to all members who are planning to attend the meeting to please remember at the  meeting will be held at the Laurels Nursing Home on the west side of New London. We will be showing off our Paint Chip Challenge projects and demonstrating/discussing them to the residents.

For the month of October it is a reminder if you still do not have your quilt show quilt ready to please get hopping. The show will be November 2nd at the United Methodist Church here in New London. The show will run from 9 am to 3 pm. All members please bring your quilts to the church at 8:30 am to make the show ready. The theme of this show will be Stars Over New London.

We are so winding down to the time of Hometown Holidays events here in town. Again, please have ready any small items to sell at the booth we will have at the Hileman Building.

Speaking of Hometown Holidays and the Christmas season. This years Christmas party and exchange will be held in the Methodist Church basement on December 11th. An organized pot luck dinner will be served, and Jennifer is keeping track of the list of dishes. Please notify Jennifer of the dish you would like to bring. So far there are plenty deserts!

Last topic on the business front is looking forward to next year and any suggested ideas for 2014 are welcome. So far the ideas that were suggested: A round robin quilt, a quilting bee, a precision piecing class, and a one yard challenge.    

FOr show and tell...

Chris Porter is definitely in the swing of the fall season with her three fall quilts.

Picture 2152

Picture 2153

Picture 2154

Martha Hecock is holding on to summer with her sunny sampler.

Picture 2156

Marcella has brought along a fun interacting getting to know your town quilt that she made for her great grandson.

Picture 2158

Marcella even had some good new to share about her New York Beauty quilt... It won a first place ribbon that the county fair.

Picture 2159

Congrats Marcella!!!!

Thank you for stopping by!

Until next time...

               Happy quilting everyone!

                                    New London Quilt Guild

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