2013 - March 13th Meeting

Was very proficient and to the point. The meeting started with a silent roll call and then the minutes of the last meeting were read. 

An upcoming event in town this month is the New London Cabin Fever Cure - "for women only" on March 20th. Chris Porter will be speaking and demonstrating. Chris has also asked Carol Schaffer and Kim Parsons could attend this event with her to help promote the quilt guild.

The April Sew-In/ workshop was discussed and the set date will be April 20th. Class and demonstrations ideas were passed around. So far we have:
  • Chris Porter - jelly roll block from the Missouri Star Quilt Co.
  • Doris - Nine Patch Shift
  • Jean - 10 minute runner
  • Open to teach and demonstrate if anyone is willing to do so, cathedral windows. Some of the ladies really would love to learn how to do this if anyone has the know how to do so.      
We are open to more ideas and if anyone from the guild is willing to teach and demonstrate please contact Yvonne or say something at the next meeting.

Food was also discussed and the idea was tossed around that ordering in would be better than having a potluck. Once approved each member attending the Sew-In/Workshop will be asked to chip in to help pay for the tab. If food will be ordered in it will more likely be ordered from Pizza Explosion here in town.

Also Marlene is making up a flyer for the sew-in to hand out to visitors with tips and hints on it. It is kindly asked of all members to submit in their favorite tips and hints to Marlene by April 15th whether by email or in person.

The 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge total was 74 pillowcase.
47 pillowcases were done by the New London Guild , which also includes the 11 pillowcases that were made with the Girl Scouts. The extra 27 pillowcases were done and donated by Mrs. Jones who is Jennifer Overstreet's mother. $20.00 postage was given to Jennifer to mail off the pillowcases to Pillows of Hope in Cincinnati. Jennifer, please have the receipt to the next meeting of the postage spent. 

Lastly we had a visitor attend out meeting and her name is Cindy. Cindy has been a long time quilter and she brought in her t-shirt quilt to share with the guild. We are all glad that Cindy came and we hope to see her again and by the way we all loved your quilt Cindy!

3-13-13 Cindy

Chis Porter had a few finished quilts to share too. 

3-13-31 Chris Porter

Chris has recently bought her own quilting machine and she brought in her quilts to show her progress.
Beautiful work Chris!

3-13-13 Chris Porter

3-13-13 Chris Porter

3-13-13 Chris Porter

3-13-13 Chris Porter

3-13-13 Chris Proter

3-13-13 Chris Porter

Our next member to share is Marcia and Marcia is remaking over her son's room. Marcia has made curtains, and a few other items to go along with the rugged outdoors theme. Marcia also made this wall hanging that is also part of the theme to go in her son's room.  This wall hanging is a stunner in person. Marcia stitched around all the animals to make them pop out more and the yellow enhances the over all theme of the quilt.

3-13-13 Marica

Our last member to show off her works is Jennifer. Jennifer had made this apron so that no more of her clothes will get ruined while she washes her dishes. 

Goddess Apron

And Jennifer had this mini done too. Its the Circle of Geese pattern.

Circle of Geese

That is all for our show and tell and for the meeting minutes. Our next meeting will be March 28th, where we will be cutting strips to make the next quilt for Eastman's Funeral Home. Please bring rotary cutters, cutting mats, iron and ironing boards. Also if you have an fabrics on hand in the Americana colors please bring them in. 

Until next time, Happy Quilting!

The New London Quilt Guild

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