2013 - March 28th Meeting

The March 28th meeting was a relaxed and kick back kind of a meeting. There was very little business to discuss and the ladies had most of the strips cut and ready to go for the next Eastman's quilt. With that said and done the main event for the night was our member showing off their quilts and telling the stories behind them.

Doris was the first member up to share her quilt top. This quilt is a disappearing four patch. If you are interested in  learning how to make it Doris will be teaching this pattern at the April 20th Sew-In/ Work Shop

Doris' Disappearing Four Patch

Doris also had this cute puppy quilt that just needed the binding to be finished off before calling it completely done.

Doris' Puppy Baby Quilt

Gloria started her quilt sharing for the night with a Red Work snowman quilt.

Gloria's Red Work Quilt

Sport Shoes is Gloria's work in progress quilt (WIP). This quilt is all applique, and Gloria is making it for her children. When its completed, the shoes will be all signed by all the athletes that participated in each sporting event with her kids. Go Wildcats!

Gloria's Sport Shoes

Gloria's last share  is called French Rows.

Gloria's French Rows

Marcia's quilt share came from the I-X Centers Sewing and Quilting Expo. Marcia bought this little wall hanging as a kit and it is called Let it Snow!

Marcia's Let it Snow Snow man

Yvonne also had a couple of quilts to show off. Both are the 1600 Strip quilt or as they are better known as the Jelly Roll Race Quilts. 

Yvonne's Jelly Roll Quilt w/o a Border

Yvonne's Jelly Roll Race quilt w/ a border

Thank you ladies for bringing in all you lovely work to share!

Lastly before we end this post, we just wanted to let you know that you can now follow us on Bloglovin. The reason for this new follow application is because as of July; Google will be retiring Google Reader, and as much as we are in tears of saying good bye to Google Reader, we still want you to be able to follow us and all the things that we are up to. Thank you everyone for your support! 

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Well that is all for this meeting!

Until next time...Happy Quilting!

The New London Quilt Guild

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2013 - March 13th Meeting

Was very proficient and to the point. The meeting started with a silent roll call and then the minutes of the last meeting were read. 

An upcoming event in town this month is the New London Cabin Fever Cure - "for women only" on March 20th. Chris Porter will be speaking and demonstrating. Chris has also asked Carol Schaffer and Kim Parsons could attend this event with her to help promote the quilt guild.

The April Sew-In/ workshop was discussed and the set date will be April 20th. Class and demonstrations ideas were passed around. So far we have:
  • Chris Porter - jelly roll block from the Missouri Star Quilt Co.
  • Doris - Nine Patch Shift
  • Jean - 10 minute runner
  • Open to teach and demonstrate if anyone is willing to do so, cathedral windows. Some of the ladies really would love to learn how to do this if anyone has the know how to do so.      
We are open to more ideas and if anyone from the guild is willing to teach and demonstrate please contact Yvonne or say something at the next meeting.

Food was also discussed and the idea was tossed around that ordering in would be better than having a potluck. Once approved each member attending the Sew-In/Workshop will be asked to chip in to help pay for the tab. If food will be ordered in it will more likely be ordered from Pizza Explosion here in town.

Also Marlene is making up a flyer for the sew-in to hand out to visitors with tips and hints on it. It is kindly asked of all members to submit in their favorite tips and hints to Marlene by April 15th whether by email or in person.

The 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge total was 74 pillowcase.
47 pillowcases were done by the New London Guild , which also includes the 11 pillowcases that were made with the Girl Scouts. The extra 27 pillowcases were done and donated by Mrs. Jones who is Jennifer Overstreet's mother. $20.00 postage was given to Jennifer to mail off the pillowcases to Pillows of Hope in Cincinnati. Jennifer, please have the receipt to the next meeting of the postage spent. 

Lastly we had a visitor attend out meeting and her name is Cindy. Cindy has been a long time quilter and she brought in her t-shirt quilt to share with the guild. We are all glad that Cindy came and we hope to see her again and by the way we all loved your quilt Cindy!

3-13-13 Cindy

Chis Porter had a few finished quilts to share too. 

3-13-31 Chris Porter

Chris has recently bought her own quilting machine and she brought in her quilts to show her progress.
Beautiful work Chris!

3-13-13 Chris Porter

3-13-13 Chris Porter

3-13-13 Chris Porter

3-13-13 Chris Porter

3-13-13 Chris Proter

3-13-13 Chris Porter

Our next member to share is Marcia and Marcia is remaking over her son's room. Marcia has made curtains, and a few other items to go along with the rugged outdoors theme. Marcia also made this wall hanging that is also part of the theme to go in her son's room.  This wall hanging is a stunner in person. Marcia stitched around all the animals to make them pop out more and the yellow enhances the over all theme of the quilt.

3-13-13 Marica

Our last member to show off her works is Jennifer. Jennifer had made this apron so that no more of her clothes will get ruined while she washes her dishes. 

Goddess Apron

And Jennifer had this mini done too. Its the Circle of Geese pattern.

Circle of Geese

That is all for our show and tell and for the meeting minutes. Our next meeting will be March 28th, where we will be cutting strips to make the next quilt for Eastman's Funeral Home. Please bring rotary cutters, cutting mats, iron and ironing boards. Also if you have an fabrics on hand in the Americana colors please bring them in. 

Until next time, Happy Quilting!

The New London Quilt Guild

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2013- February 28th Meeting

The February 28th meeting was the second business meeting of the year and it was a productive one at that. One of the first topics of the night was making another quilt as a service project. This time around it will be for a service man or woman who has put in their time in serving our country. We are also thinking about using the same quilt pattern to make another quilt for Eastman's Funeral home. Pictured below is the quilt we will be putting together. The pattern is called: The Log Cabin Hidden Stars by Pam and Nicky Lintott.

Picture 1996

The Log Cabin Hidden Star pattern by Pam and Nicky Lintott can be found at these online retailers: Fabric Shack and The Fat Quarter Shop if you are interested in purchasing the pattern for yourself.

For this service project we are in need of fabrics for this quilt. It is urged that all members please be so kind in bringing in fabrics that are shown in the photo above. Also all the fabrics that are brought in please be sure that they can be cut into 2 1/2 inch strips. We are going with an Americana theme this time around. 

The 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge that was done with the Girl Scouts has been finally put to rest, and the ladies agreed to work with the girls again if the opportunity arises again. The only thing left to do is to finish off the few remaining pillow cases, make them accountable over at American Patchworking Magazine and then ship them off to Pillows of Hope in Cincinnati. 

Our April workshop/sew-in is rapidly approaching and we discussed most of the details as far as time and food arrangements, which will be pot luck by the way. At the next meeting we need to finalize who will be teaching and to sum up all the last minute details to have the day rolling smoothly.

Chris Porter will be demonstrating a few quilty things at the Cabin Fever Cure "For Women Only" sponsored jointly by the New London Cemetery Board and the New London Park Board on March 20th at the Hileman Building, which is located at the New London Recreation Park. Every woman is welcome and if you want to know more information please go to Village of New London  while the information is still available or contact Chris. FYI: there will be a $15.00 charge at the door.

Also Chris Porter handed out the rules and envelops for those participating in the paint chip challenge. One of the rules in this challenge is that member were not allowed to open their envelopes until they got home. This was to make sure that when September rolls around that all members will be delighted in the surprise to see what other members were challenged with. If you are still interested in participating in the challenge and you were not at the meeting please contact Chris for your paint chip envelope.  

There are some up coming events that are outside of the guild if anyone is interested to attend. Please click on the links below to read more information about them.

 Now time for Show and Tell:

Chris Kaufman brought in her latest finish.
Picture 1998

Chris Porter also had a few finishes too.

Picture 1999

Picture 2002

Picture 2000

Our last quilter to share was Jennifer Overstreet with her finishes.

Midwest Crossings 8
Trip around the world baby
Extra Trips for baby
Super Mario Brothers Quilt Finished!!!!!

Wow! That's a whole lot of show and tell going on!

Well that is all for now!

Until next time Happy Quilting Everyone!

The New London Quilt Guild

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