January 24th Meeting

The January 24th meeting was truly 100% a workshop night. 

What was the workshop about? Making Pillowcases for the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge which is hosted by American Patchwork Magazine. After months of planning and and a few scheduling glitches later it was a successful night on both our end and the Gil Scouts. 

Workshop project w/the Girl Scouts

Matter of fact looking around the room both members and the Girl Scouts interacted beautifully! You would have never know by looking at the pictures that some of the girls had never used a sewing machine or had done any ironing before. 

Before things got started the Girl Scouts went though their color guard ceremony. Once the color guard was dismissed introductions were made and then a quick demo was given on the pillowcases the girls would be making and the whole purpose of what the project is for. Then the girls were allowed to choose what kit they wanted to work with, and then they were paired up with a guild member to guide them though the process making of the pillowcases.  

Yvonne and Miss Katie
Yvonne and Miss Katie

Regina and Miss Julia
Ragina and Miss Julia

Kim and Miss Dani
Kim and Miss Dani

 Jennifer (not pictured) and Miss Angie who is ironing.
Miss Angie

Also not pictured (and many apologies) is Marcia with Miss Cheyenne P. 

Our only enemy for the evening was time and a few of the girls were rushed through and a few of ended up taking their pillowcase home to finish. In all though there were eight completed pillowcases, which is not bad for the time frame that we had to work in. 

Girl Scouts and the Guild
From Left to Right: Cheyenne R., Shelby, Regina, Michelle, Yvonne, Cheyenne P., Marcia (behind Cheyenne P.), Samantha, Carol (actually Carol's hair. Carol is hiding behind Katie), Katie, Kim, Lydia, and Tyler. 

Since it was a hit between the guild and the Girl Scouts both parties opted to do another event in the future. In the mean while many thank yous to participating guild members for helping out and thank you to Girl Scout Troop 936 for learning and helping out with the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.

Until the next meeting....

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild. 

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