December 11th Christmas Potluck

The New London Quilt Guild held their last meeting of the year with a potluck and secret sister gift exchange. Everyone agreed that they were not ready for the Christmas holiday and had a lot to do to prepare for the upcoming event. There were a lot of great eats and everyone was stuffed afterwards.

After the meal Yvonne reminded everyone that in January we will be forming different committees to plan out our activities for the upcoming year. If there is anything you want to have covered, please bring your ideas to the next meeting which will be January 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the First United  Methodist Church basement if available, if not we will meet upstairs. Another reminder is that the quilt show will be held on March 29th. The theme for the show is "Stars over New London". Minimum size for your theme quilt should be appr. 24" x 24". You may enter any size quilted project you would like for the general showing. More information will be available as this date gets closer.

For our gift exchange the theme seemed to be table runners or toppers galore, with a few other items thrown in for good measure. Enjoy the pictures.

Great fellowship!



Want some dessert?


 Here's Marlene with her gift from Chris Porter.

Kim with her gift from Martha.

Martha with her gift from Kim!


Jennifer received this red work piece from Marcia.


Lynette's table runner is from Marlene.

Sylvia made this cute tote for Marcella.


 Sylvia was gifted these hot pads from Marcella.


Yvonne's was a 2 part gift from Raschena, these pretty placemats,

and this matching table runner.

Raschena's red and green topper was from Lynette.


Yvonne made Carol's reversible, here's side one,


here's side two.

Jennifer made this hexagon table topper and oven mitts for Chris. She also included the mitten and angel ornament.

That's it for this year. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! We'll see you in 2014!

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2013 - November 13th meeting

Picture 2175

Well where has this year gone? Members have been busy with their own projects and our service project quilts this past year.  Here is our third and final service quilt for Eastman Funeral Home. Good job everyone!

Picture 2172

The meeting started off with Yvonne reminding everyone of the Hometown Holidays in New London on December 7 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. We will have a table set up in the Heilman Building in Recreation Park. All members are encouraged to donate small, homemade items to be sold at this event. This is the way we raise funds for the upcoming years projects. If you are unable to have any items ready by December 6, the day of set up, we hope that you will consider making a small donation instead. If you have any questions, please give Yvonne or any other member a call. Set up will be Friday, December 6th, from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., please bring your items in that evening with a dollar amount you think they should be priced at. Remember, this to raise funds for our projects, so please price to sell. Final set up will be from 7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Saturday morning. The work schedule has been set but we can always use you for the clean up crew which will be after 2 p.m. and we have to be out of the building by 3 p.m.

The next item discussed was the Christmas potluck which is on December 11th at 6 p.m. in the church basement. Note that this is an hour earlier then our usual meeting time. If you plan to attend and haven't signed up for a dish yet, please leave Jennifer a message via our email here on the blog or via our Facebook page and let her know what you would like to bring. You will need to provide your own table service. Drinks will be provided. Also this is the meeting for our secret sister gift exchange. If you aren't involved in this, that's okay, just give Yvonne a call and she will let you know your alternative.

Lastly, we had election of officers. Congratulations to:
Yvonne Westover, President
Kim Parsons, Vice President
Carol Schaffer, Secretary
Marcia Letterly, Treasurer
Publicity and Media, Marlene Stevens
Jean Gross-Mutnansky, Sunshine person
Chris Porter, facebook and blog coordinator.

Here's show and tell, the favorite of many of you:

Picture 2178

Here's a cute Tom Turkey quilted by Marlene Stevens for her mother's room where she resides.
Picture 2176
Frost Bite quilted wall hanging done by Chris Porter. They are hard to see but there are snowflakes quilted around the snowman's heads.
Picture 2177
Quilted snowman tree skirt also stitched and quilted by Chris Porter.

Chris K's quilt 11/13/13
Chris Kaufman stitched this top and was asking for advice on how to quilt it. She received many suggestions. Can't wait to see what she does with it.

Picture 2180

And this beautiful quilt done in batiks by Martha Hecock . Just gorgeous!


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2013 - October 24th Meeting


Due to the date according to the calender this past meeting was a workshop meeting and the business end was brief and to the point. 
  1. November 2, 2013 - Sew In Social 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Bring your own sewing projects to work on whether it is a Christmas gift for a loved one or something you just want to work on. Before working on our own projects we will be finishing up on the last service quilt. Lunch out from Subway or somewhere undecided.
  2. December 7, 2013 - Hometown Holidays - Craft booth at the Hileman Building. Please have all your sale items ready. Time will be announced to drop off the items at the November 13th meeting.
  3. December 11, 2013 - Will be our put luck Christmas dinner at the Methodist Church basement. We will meet at 6:00 pm. The Secret Sister exchange will soon follow after dinner.    
  4. March 29, 2014 - Is the official date for the quilt show that was supposed to be on November 2, 2013. Due to not being aware of how much time has passed and what little time is left prior to the old date a new date was chosen to give more time to concentrate on alerting the media, etc. Plus we do not to compete with well known shop hop in the area.     
  5. April 26, 2014 - Will be the date of our workshop. The public is welcome to attend and learn new skills.
As for the rest of the meeting, Chris Porter brought in her paint chip challenge quilt to be photographed.

Picture 2167

Afterwards all the ladies made a such a lead way on the last service project quilt that when the November 2nd Sew In Social comes around there won't be a lot left to do.

As you can see from around the room of our progress.

Picture 2168

Picture 2169

Picture 2171

Picture 2170

What great team work everyone! This quilt is going to be a beauty! 

Well that is all for this meeting.

Until next time....Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild

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2013 - October 9th Meeting

This past meeting brought a lot of changes to our planned schedule. President Yvonne Westover realized that for our biannual quilt show happens to be the same weekend as the Amish Country Shop Hop. A while back some one had advised Yvonne that if a shop hop is going on the same time as a scheduled quilt show, the shop hop will prevail over the show. It was decided that since we as members did not want to compete for quilter's attention away from the shop hop, all members agreed to move the show date to March 29th of 2014.  The theme is still the same "Star Over New London," and with the show date extended that allows any member who was not ready for the show to now have an extension period in completing their quilts.  

To answer a question that was brought up about nonmembers being allowed to show their quilts in the show, the answer is: Yes! Yes, nonmembers can and are welcome to show their quilts in our show was well. Keep in mind there are no prizes or competition involved in this show. Its all for good fun and the appreciation for quilting.

Since the quilt show date was moved from November 2nd to March 29th. It left the November 2nd date open at the church if we still wanted it. It was brought up by Jennifer Overstreet to have a work day & guild social for any one not attending the Amish Country Shop Hop. Unlike the Workshop in April which is open to the public this social will be for members only. The main objective behind the workday social is to bring in any projects that any member wishes to work on whether it would be a Christmas present, a personal project or to continue on our service project for Eastmans. Time for this event will be from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Lunch will be take out from any of the surrounding restaurants in town or you are free to bring a packed lunch from home. There was even consideration of taking an order from Subway or any of the other pizza places too. More to discuss about the food situation at the next meeting.

The April workshop that is open to the public had its date set. the date will be April 26th 2014. Same time, same place as the previous years. Members who are interested in teaching at this event will need to start thinking of what they want to teach. 

Project ideas were brought up again to do for next year, and as a group we are still undecided what will done. Please keep the ideas coming!

As a reminder for the month of December:

 Please have your Secret Sister exchange ready for our December 11th meeting. Also please have your pot luck decisions ready for the November 13th meeting, and let Jennifer know so she can write them down on the list. Also keep in minds to be working on your booth donations for the sale table during Hometown Holidays over at the Hileman Building. 

For show and tell at last night's meeting, Lynette was the only one who had something to show. Lynette had brought in her paint chip challenge quilt. Lynette's color challenge was the color yellow.


Speaking of the pain chip challenge here are some more photos from the last meeting when the challenge projects were due. Photos courtesy of Chris Porter.

Doris'a paint chip challenge was reds and mauve.  

Doris's 2

Marcia's challenge was blue.


Kim's challenge was a lighter blue.


Racheana's challenge was green


Jennifer's challenge was a greenish brown color


Everyone who met their challenge had the same respond that majority of the paint chips were not their color schemes and did not have these colors in their stashes. Others said that it really did take them out of their comfort zone but loved the challenge of it all the same.

Just a side venture that come from the last meeting of English Paper Piecing. Yvonne had brought in her English paper piecing project that she has been working on for nearly 20 years. Instead of using the acrylic templates or laser cut outs....

Picture 2164

Yvonne simply uses paper grocery bags for her English paper piecing templates. The are more flexible to use and vastly inexpensive to make. 

Picture 2165

This concludes another wonderful meeting, hope to see you again!

Until next time....

        Happy Quilting!

              New London Quilt Guild 

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2013 - September 26th Meeting

Picture 2161


Our September 26th meeting was held for any residents at the Laurels Nursing Home, located on the west side of New London. The guild ran the meeting as usual with including any attending residents as if they were member too.  Member at this meeting were finally able to revile their paint chip challenge projects after months of secrecy. Although this paint chip challenge pulled some of us out of our comfort zone in color choices, all the projects that were reviled turned out splendidly!   

Here is Chris Kauffman's paint chip challenge quilt.   

Picture 2162

This second challenge quilt was made by Rachel Weatheribie. 

Picture 2163

Once all the paint chip challenge projects were reviled members moved onto the business portion of the meeting where the topic of the evening was to plan for the up coming new year. Ideas were tossed about  and some became set in stone for the 2014 year. Once business was finished being discussed members and residents alike joined in for some cookies and punch provided by the Laurels. Thank you Laurels and to the residents for attend our meeting with us and for allowing us to come in for the evening. Well, that is all for now.

Until next time... 

Happy Quilting Everyone!

New London Quilt Guild
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2013 - September 11th Meeting

Welcome to our September 11th meeting. The meeting was lead by vice president Kim Parsons, where the topics were discussed:

The Paint Chip Challenge is literally right around the corner. All members who are participating please be ready to have your project ready to be reveled at the September 26th meeting. Speaking of the September 26th meeting it is a reminder to all members who are planning to attend the meeting to please remember at the  meeting will be held at the Laurels Nursing Home on the west side of New London. We will be showing off our Paint Chip Challenge projects and demonstrating/discussing them to the residents.

For the month of October it is a reminder if you still do not have your quilt show quilt ready to please get hopping. The show will be November 2nd at the United Methodist Church here in New London. The show will run from 9 am to 3 pm. All members please bring your quilts to the church at 8:30 am to make the show ready. The theme of this show will be Stars Over New London.

We are so winding down to the time of Hometown Holidays events here in town. Again, please have ready any small items to sell at the booth we will have at the Hileman Building.

Speaking of Hometown Holidays and the Christmas season. This years Christmas party and exchange will be held in the Methodist Church basement on December 11th. An organized pot luck dinner will be served, and Jennifer is keeping track of the list of dishes. Please notify Jennifer of the dish you would like to bring. So far there are plenty deserts!

Last topic on the business front is looking forward to next year and any suggested ideas for 2014 are welcome. So far the ideas that were suggested: A round robin quilt, a quilting bee, a precision piecing class, and a one yard challenge.    

FOr show and tell...

Chris Porter is definitely in the swing of the fall season with her three fall quilts.

Picture 2152

Picture 2153

Picture 2154

Martha Hecock is holding on to summer with her sunny sampler.

Picture 2156

Marcella has brought along a fun interacting getting to know your town quilt that she made for her great grandson.

Picture 2158

Marcella even had some good new to share about her New York Beauty quilt... It won a first place ribbon that the county fair.

Picture 2159

Congrats Marcella!!!!

Thank you for stopping by!

Until next time...

               Happy quilting everyone!

                                    New London Quilt Guild

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2013 - August 22nd Meeting

This past meeting was a workshop meeting where we made some headway on the last service quilt. The ladies worked in unison and conversed at the same time. Very little of business was discussed, however, there was a discussion to decide on our location for the Christmas exchange and dinner. It was agreed that we would meet at the church and have a pot luck dinner at our last meeting of the year. Another topic for discussion was the September 26th meeting. The Laurels Nursing home had asked if the members would like to demonstrate and discuss quilting to the residents. It was agreed upon that we would except their offer and on the night of September 26th at 7:00 pm we will met at the Laurels Nursing Home formally the Firelands Rehabilitation Center on the west side of New London. 

Our show and tell was festive in the seasons. Chris Porter had completed a few small quilts that got us all geared up the for fall season with this pumpkin table topper.  

Picture 2142

Bring us back to summer with this interchangeable wall hanging

Picture 2143

Fall again,

Picture 2144

and let's not forget about Winter.

Picture 2145

Chris has been also busy giving her new machine quite and exercise. Check out the quilting in the next three photos.

Picture 2149

Picture 2148

Picture 2150

Chris had said to us not to mind the applique showing through on the back. We are all good with it Chris! They all look great!

Before long the time had flown by and it was time to go until the next meeting. But before we all left we said farewell to our snowbird Marsha for another winter season. Where did the tine go? Marsha just arrived so it seemed like. Anyway, Marsha if you are reading this we hope you are well and looking for your return in the spring.

Well everyone that concludes this meeting.

Until next time.... Happy Quilting!

The New London Quilt Guild
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