October 25, 2012 Meeting

Our October 25th meeting was short and to the point.  

The topics we went over are:

 That everyone is reminded to know that they must reserve their spot at the next meeting for the Christmas dinner, which will be held at the Wildcat Connections Cafe. Again the dinner will start at 6:00 pm at the cafe and then move onto Lynette's for a light dessert and the gift exchange.

For Hometown Holidays it was confirmed by Kim that we will indeed have a sales table at the New London Methodist Church Parlor. Please keep working on your items in hopes that we will have a successful sale!

There was some show and tell brought in too at this meeting.

Our first share was from Chris K. 
Chris had made this lovely scrappy pinwheel.

Chris K.'s Pinwheels

The next share was from Doris. 

Doris had made a mug rug to share. What are mug rugs? They are typical bigger than a coaster but much smaller than a table runner. Their purpose is to sit under your coffee cup or tea cup while there is still room to share for a small plate of your favorite pie or snack.

Doris's mug rug

That is all for this meeting! Hope to see you at the next one. Until then...

Happy Quilting Everyone!

The New London Quilt Guild
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October 10, 2012 Meeting

Before we get to the minutes of the meeting we just wanted to share a photo of what nature has provided us with some color inspiration.

fall leaves 2011

As quilters and sewist a like color means everything when it come to that eye catching or eye appealing project. And we could not be more happier to welcome the fall season with such embrace to the sight of changing colors!

Now for the minutes!

The October 10th meeting was rather short and to the point.

The first topic of the night was about the Christmas dinner and exchange. Kim had contacted the cafe and worked out a time so that the dinner can be head at the cafe. Kim had mentioned that there will be a two dinner plate choice that will be served that night and we will decide on what two dishes to choose from at the next meeting. Kim also needs to know by November 14th of how many of the members will be attending the dinner so she can give the cafe a head count. Lastly the dinner time will be held at 6:00 pm at the Wildcat Cafe Connections in New London.

After the Christmas dinner the members will proceed to Lynette's home for desserts and exchanging Christmas gifts. If any of the members would like to volunteer to make a few deserts to take to Lynette's please bring it up at the next meeting. 

As a reminder please keep on working on making your items to sell for the sales table for Hometown Holidays and please keep up on working on the nine patches for the service project.

Speaking of Hometown Holidays we are uncertain at the moment whether or not we will be having a table at the church or the Hileman Building. More information to come at the next meeting.

Also discussed was the Amish Quilt Shop Hop that will run October 31st through November 2, 2012 in Amish country. You are welcome to go on your own or if you are looking to go with someone Yvonne will be attending this event. If you are interested in attending with Yvonne please give her a call.

Finally the arrangements to reschedule the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge have been completed. We will meet at our regular meeting date: January 24, 2013. However, we will be meeting at 6:00 pm at the Alliance Church.  For those who do not know where the Alliance Church is, its located just outside of the west side of New London on Route 162. 

That was all the minutes and news for now. 

Thank you for stopping by and Happy Quilting!

The New London Quilt Guild. 

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