August 8, 2012 Meeting

New service project was brought up by Chris Porter.

 Everyone agreed that yes, it sounded like good plan to go a head with, it was then agree that every one will work in a 9 1/2" nine patch in non drab-depressing colors. Example: pastels or anything that could cheer the families up kind of colors.

As a reminder the 9 1/2" nine patches is what we will be working on during the August 23rd meeting. Members can have a few blocks done in advance if they would like to get the ball rolling.

Our attention was then brought to fundraising and how we can get our funds up for the guild's bank account. Pat suggested that in her Tennessee guild, members had name tags and if they forgot to wear their name tag to guild events forgetful members had to add a quarter to a jar.  Another focus for raising funds was to have a spot to sell and silent auction items in the Methodist Church for the Hometown Holidays event. Members agreed to doing this and were welcome to sell items on their own or donate for the guild's table.

Questions than were brought up about the material measurements for the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge.
If you are pulling fabrics from your own stash and cutting from yardage that is 44" wide:

 Body has to be 26 1/2" long x 44" wide
 Ban/Sashing has to be 10 1/2" long x 44" wide

If you are buying  fabrics cut for this it is easier to buy 1 yard of two different fabric colors. By going this route you can mix the colors for two pillow cases. Example  a blue body with a yellow ban and a yellow body with a blue ban.The pattern can be found at under the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge tab. We will be doing the roll up pattern. If measurements do not make any sense please speak with Jennifer. *Note: all material must be 100% cotton!

Lastly a subject that was brought up in the last meeting was what to plan for our workshop meetings and Jennifer had mentioned that she would love to learn how to do cathedral windows. Other members had mentioned the cathedral window Christmas ornament and Doris mentioned that she had the pattern and would look for at to bring at the next meeting if she could find it. And find it she did (sorry not photoed below) Doris even brought in a few other examples of cathedral windows that she had and one that she is currently working on (the runner). Plus her drawstring bag from the last meetings workshop.


Which started our show and tell secession.

Here is Pat with her one piece wonder quilt and her Christmas Bargello quilt. The panel in the quilt is the Mother Mary holding baby Jesus, while Joesph guides them alone with the three Kings.


Sue had three quilts made from all the same pattern which was from our May 24th workshop meeting. Chris Porter taught the class on how to make up the block from the Missouri Star Quilt Company tutorial.

Yvonne had a finish with Lazy Girl Designs Margo Handbag done up in For the Cure Fabrics.


Lastly Chris Porter had a modern cathedral windows wall hanging and a sewing machine cover that she free motioned quilted.

Chris P.

What talent out guild has! What lovely projects that all of you shared! Thank you so much it is always a joy to see other quilter's projects!

Remember the next meeting is a workshop meeting and it will be on August 23, 2012 where we will be working on the 9 1/2" nine patches for the next service project.

Happy Quilting Everyone!

New London Quilt Guild
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