* Thank you Chris Porter for taking pictures of the meeting!
On June 28, 2012 our meeting was short and sweet due to the weather being very sweltering. Jennifer Overstreet quickly demonstrated the 4 1/2 inch strip ruler from Creative Grids. Jennifer than allowed anyone who brought in their preassembled strips to have a go at using the ruler that she brought in. The ladies did play around with different variations of what could be done once the blocks were cut out.
Business wise:
The ladies discussed the need to raise funds. If any one has any ideas please bring them up at the next meeting.
Since it was brought up due to the funds being low in our account that we ask each quilter to bring in material for the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge that we will be doing with the with the Girl Scouts. We ask that the material be brought in over the course of the summer dates and into the fall. Also please keep all solids or prints kid friendly since the pillow cases will be donated to the Shriner's Hospital in Cincinnati.
All schedule dates for this event will be on a Saturday and will run from 9:00 am to 11:00 am/Noon depending on how well each girl will do. All meetings for this even will be held at Jennifer Overstreet's home unless noted other wise. *Note : If you are allergic to cats or do not like cats please say so, Jennifer owns two of them!
A few more things on this topic: the pattern we will be using Roll Up Pillow Case and over the course of our work secessions we will be preparing the pillow cases in to kits. If you are not a big fan of this pattern Marcia Letterly has a pattern to you too. Please see Marcia for more information about it.
This will be the schedule for the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge:
October 13, 2012
November 10, 2012
January 14, 2013
February 11, 2013
March 10, 2013
Please feel free to pick a date that best suits your schedule and you can volunteer for more than just one.
In other business news:
Up coming and current local quilt shows were discussed. The Ashland show is this weekend if any one is interested. See side bar of our blog for more information.
County fair season is sharply around the corner. Again for more information please see our blog's side bar.
Also future project ideas are in need as well.
Speaking of future projects next months (July's) project will be a Lined Drawstring Bag by Jeni Baker from In Color Order. To add a fun twist to the bag another gal Terri Harlan from Sew Fantastic has added pockets to the lined drawstring bag Lined Drawstring Bag Pockets
The idea behind this project is to think of something for your Secret Sister or for any others in your life who may find these bags handy.
As a reminder Christmas my seem like a long while off but if you have any holiday ideas that would be great too. Especially gifting ideas!
With all that said and done... That's a wrap!
Next meeting will be July 11, 2012
Full business meeting and show & tell.
Happy Quilting!
New London Quilt Guild