May 9, 2012 Meeting

When it comes to our meetings we are always in awe and impressed with what our members are doing. This meeting was no exception.

Our first show and tell of the night was by Pat Shield. Pat had showed off this flower sampler that she had been working on....
Pat's Sampler Quilt

Along with this Petty Coats and Patriots finished quilt.

Pat is also in another guild in Kentucky and she had explained that many of the quilters there still do things the old way stitching everything by hand. Not to mention that their work is absolutely gorgeous. We here have to say that your work is gorgeous too Pat!

Petty Coats and Patroits Quilt

Our second show and tell for the night was done by Chris Porter.

Chris's first show was a spool and machine wall hanging
Spools and Machine Quilt

If every one can remember right Chris had demonstrated the blocks for this quilt at the Sew-In last month.  The top is completed and every one love how simple this quilt come together. Chris had found the pattern on Missouri Star Quilt Co.'s blog. Chris will be demonstrating this block again at the next guild meeting.

Jelly roll quilt

Chris even had brought in two more show and tells. Chris had shown off this first Jelly Roll Race quilt last month. This quilt will be for the soon to be grand baby. We have to omit it did turn out to be a really cute quilt!
Jelly Roll Race Quilt

Chris had also completed another Jelly Roll Race Quilt for her daughter in law. Chris was going for more of a beach vibe with this one.

Jelly Roll Race Quilt

Thank you ladies for your show and tells they are all wonderful!

Now for the business side of things.

We all took a moment and went around the room to answer the one question of: What did we all like about the Sew-In? Each one of the members had fantastic answers and we all agreed to host another one again.

The next discussion was about the 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge that the guild will be teaming up to do with the Girls Scouts in the fall. Jennifer Overstreet had reported that everything was nearly in motion on the exception of a few things. One of the things mention was how were we going to go about getting the fabric for the girls to work with. Jennifer had mention a few options. She had said that she had sent an email out asking parents of the girls to send $10.00 to the Girl Scout leaders at the beginning of the next school year to cover the fabric expenses. It was then brought up that many parents struggle financially at the beginning and end of every school year. With the beginning of the school year finance struggle it was then brought up that with 17 girls the guild could absorb the expense of the fabric due to this also being a service unit project for the guild too.

The last topic of the meeting was any project ideas or guest speakers for up coming meetings.

So far we have:

May 24th meeting- Chris Porter demonstrating the block from the Missouri Star Quilt Co.
June 13th meeting- Laurie Jones teaching Art Quilting.

If any one can come up with more ideas or suggestions please speak up and let every one know!

One last thing for Chris's class you will need:

Fabric  8- 2 1/2 in strips to make two 8 inch squares.

Don't forget all of your necessities too!

Picture 967

Picture 968

Next Meeting will be May 24, 2012 see you there!
*Note Jennifer Overstreet will not be at the next meeting. Please if any one could be so kind to take notes and pictures for the site it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Happy Quilting!

New London Quilt Guild!
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