October 17, 2018

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven’t updated the blog lately.  Here’s what is going on for the rest of this year and the start of 2019.

We have been working on Hometown Holiday items at our workshops. So this month’s workshop on October 27th will be the last for us to work on them as a group. If you haven’t completed your items for donation you only have about 1 ½ months to finish. If you don’t have anything to work on for HH, we have had a request for a couple more quilts for Eastman Funeral Homes and that is another project we can do as a group. They like the design of the ones we have been doing for Teen Challenge but they need to be at least 85” x 120”. We have fabric available at the church or you can piece some together from your own stash and then they can be stitched together. We would need 20 sections of the 2 long strips with the 6.5” blocks in between for 1 quilt. Bring them to the meetings whenever you can. As usual bring your sack lunch.

There is talk of going to the Amish Country Quilt Shop Hop Oct. 31 – Nov. 3. If all the shops are visited, it will take 2 days. Let Yvonne know if you would like to go along.

November 8th is our election of officers. If you would like to have an office please speak up. There is also the position of facebook admin, blog coordinator and media contact. We will also firm up our Christmas potluck and schedule for working at Hometown Holidays.

No workshop because of the Thanksgiving holiday.

December 1st is Hometown Holidays. Set up time is 8:00 a.m. Doors open at 9:00 a.m. and it runs until 2:00 p.m. (I think, will check on this). We will plan on schedules of 2 hour shifts including set up and pack up.

December 13th is our Christmas potluck starting at 6:00 p.m. at the church. We will be having games and it was suggested that we each bring a small wrapped gift for a prize. So far we have this as a menu:

Pulled pork sandwiches

Pasta Salad

Cheese Ball

Cheesy potatoes

Trucker beans

Bring your own table service and drink.

No workshop for December, Merry Christmas!

January 10th is our first meeting of the new year with new officers taking office Rachenea is going to demonstrate the toothbrush technique. We will be making a hot pad and stay tuned for a supply list.

January 26th workshop project TBA.

If you would like to do a demonstration, please let me know.

We talked about doing a challenge this year. I have 2 in mind, the paint chip challenge that we have done before or the one yard fabric challenge. For the one yard fabric challenge we need at least 7 members participating.
We had one show and tell from Racheana.

The above quilt circles were pieced by a friend of a friend of Racheana's. She was asked to put it together and quilt it. I think she did a fantastic job.

If I missed anything let me know. Hope you can all make the last few meetings for this year.


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July 7, 2018

Here's what's coming up for our group.  Our regular meeting is July 12th. Roll call will be your choice of either/or both 4 WOF strips, can be all the same fabric or 2 of 2 different fabrics or 13 – 14, 6 ½ in. x 2 ½ in. strips or bricks to be constructed into Teen Challenge quilts. We have 2 completed quilts ready to go and 4 tops waiting to be quilted. So far, they are good on quilts right now. We will be finalizing plans for the Batik Demo, who's bringing what, how do we want to set up the room, do we need tables and chairs or just chairs? Yvonne will also be doing a applique demonstration at the meeting. This is a great refresher demo or if you don't do much or any applique it's a great time to learn. 

July 28th is the Batik Demo by Lunn Fabrics. We need to be at the church by 8:30 a.m. to begin setup. Bring anything you were assigned to bring at this time. The demonstrator will be here at 9:30 to do her setup, meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. Hope we have a good turnout. I know a few that are interested in coming and I know some of you know of some that said they want to come also.

August regular meeting is on the 13th. If anyone wants to do a demo, please let me know. Workshop is on August 25th and Racheana is going to show us how to make a tote using

5” charm squares. Here is a supply list of what you will need:

1 charm pack or 42 - 5” squares or 5 fat quarters will yield 1 large tote and 2 small tote or you can use 42 - 5” scrap squares. Your choice. 

1 ½ yds. to 2 yds. of contrast fabric for the top & bottom of the bag, lining and straps. You can also have a pocket inside. 

1 piece of Soft & Stable 29 in. x 45 in. 

Thread to match for construction 

Thread of your choice for the quilting 

Button if you want to make a loop or Velcro if you want a closure

             Any questions call Rachenea at 419-962-4349

September regular meeting will be on September 13th. Anyone with a demo idea let me know. Start thinking about what you will be doing for Hometown Holidays if you haven’t already. The workshop for September will be September 22nd. Please note September has 5 Saturdays, the 22nd is the fourth Saturday and that’s when we meet. If possible, bring your Hometown Holidays project(s) to work on. If you already have them done, you can either bring your own project to work on or there is always fabric to cut up or sew together for Teen Challenge quilts available.

The above pictures are the totes Rachenea will be demoing on August 25th.

Some of the Teen Challenge quilt tops done by Yvonne, Pat and Marcia T.

Upper 3 quilts are by Marcella, great job!


A while ago we made bags with reversible outer shell. The one above is Racheana's. If you look at the picture directly above you will see a picture of her husband on the right side. How clever!


The bag above is also made by Racheana for her grandson.

All great projects!

I will be gone until July 16th, but you can always call me with any questions.


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April 21, 2018

On Saturday, April 21, 2018 we had our quilt show at the New London Alliance Church. We had 100 entries by our members. Here are a few pics. If you would like to see more, visit our facebook page.

Our next meeting is May 10th. We will be discussing what we will be doing for our workshops for the rest of the year. Workshops are the fourth Saturday of the month starting at 9:00 a.m. and ending around 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. If you have a demonstration you would like to do for us, please let me know for either the meeting or workshop, please let me know. Same goes for our June 14th meeting and June 23rd workshop.

July workshop is on the 28th. For the workshop we will be having a batik demonstration by Anne Cornejo from Lunn Fabrics Shop in Lancaster, Ohio. We are planning on inviting local quilt guilds to join us at 10:00 for this program. I’ll need contact info for the other guilds, so if anyone has that, please let me know. We can include Uniontown, Bellevue, Shelby, Wellington and any others you can think of. There’s no guild in Norwalk that I know of. We can also put up a couple flyers in the area quilt shops. If possible we’d like a head count so we can have enough chairs set up. We are also talking about offering doughnuts, coffee and water. We will need to get a price from Millers so if anyone wants to volunteer to do this please let me know asap. We can get bottles of water, cups, napkins, coffee, sugar and creamers from Wal-Mart. I’m sure the church will let us use a large coffee maker, if not I have one.

That’s all we have planned so far for this year.

See you at the next meeting,


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March 7, 2018

Hello! I took a little winter break from the blog so I thought I better catch everyone up on what’s going on for this year.

Our next workshop in on March 24th from 9 - ? We will be cutting strips for a Teen Challenge quilt. Bring your mats, rotary cutters and rulers. These strips will be used at our quilt show for a demonstration. If there is anything else someone would like to do for a demo, please let me know. We will need to set up a couple tables either in the sanctuary or nearby.

Next regular meeting is April 12th. We will be making the final decisions on how we are setting up for the quilt show. Also we will be deciding on who will be driving for the Quilt and Cuisine Shop Hop on April 14th. We have 9 people going. We will be meeting in the church parking lot so we can leave by 8:00 a.m. so please be early. The shop hop is an all day event with 5 shops participating from 8:30 to 3:00 with a quilt show and food sampling at 3:00 p.m. The daily drawings for prizes will be at 4:00 and we don’t expect to be home until 6:00 p.m. or after.

The quilt show is on Saturday, April 21st from 10 – 2 at the New London Alliance Church. Set up times are on Friday, April 20th from 4 – 6. We will need to move chairs and set up a table(s) for demonstrations. Bring your quilts at this time. Please get your quilt forms in to me as soon as possible. So far we have 34 quilts to be displayed. Bring as many as you want, we need to fill up the sanctuary. Arrival time for us on Saturday is 9:00 a.m. to do any final preparations. We will also be presenting the wall hanging to the church that morning. If you need a lunch or snack, please feel free to bring it. The youth will not be doing their coffee shop this year.

Since we are doing the quilt show in April, there will be no workshop that month.

There is nothing planned for our May 10th meeting or our May 26th workshop. If you have a demonstration you would like to do for us, please let me know.

Same goes for our June 14th meeting and June 23rd workshop.

July workshop is on the 28th. For the workshop we will be having a batik demonstration by Anne Cornejo from Lunn Fabrics Shop in Lancaster, Ohio. We are planning on inviting local quilt guilds to join us at 10:00 for this program. I’ll need contact info for the other guilds, so if anyone has that, please let me know. We can include Uniontown, Bellevue, Shelby, Wellington and any others you can think of. There’s no guild in Norwalk that I know of. We can also put up a couple flyers in the area quilt shops. If possible we’d like a head count so we can have enough chairs set up. We are also talking about offering doughnuts, coffee and water. We will need to get a price from Millers so if anyone wants to volunteer to do this please let me know asap. We can get bottles of water, cups, napkins, coffee, sugar and creamers from Wal-Mart. I’m sure the church will let us use a large coffee maker, if not I have one.

That’s all we have planned so far for this year.

We had one show and tell from Pat.

Pat quilted this cute busy bee quilt. It's just adorable!

See you at the workshop!


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