May 17, 2017

We have some great weather ahead of us, get out and enjoy it!

We had our beginners sewing class on April 29th with 7 budding sewists participating. They learned how to thread, clean and oil a sewing machine plus sew 1/4" seam which is used by quilters. Each of them put a 9 patch together, backed it with batting and a backing and after stitching around the edges and leaving a small opening, how to turn it right side out and stitch the opening closed. It all went very well and they all agreed they would like to come again and learn more.

On May 3rd, a few of us traveled to Bellevue to attend the Huron Valley Quilt Guild meeting where the program on Quilts of Valor was presented. Quilts of Valor are presented to military veterans who have served with honor. Quilts can be requested through QOV for a veteran or if someone knows a veteran and wants to make a quilt for that person, they can do that also. For more information follow this link: Here a pictures of a few examples of QOV's. They don't have to be red, white and blue, they can be any color but there are a few regulations.

After their program, they had a couple show and tells. This first one was for a guild member's neighbor. The different fabrics represent all the things her neighbor likes.

This next quilt is a quilted apron.

Our regular meeting on May 11th had a short business meeting.  Yvonne reported she delivered a check to the New London Public Library in  of Jean Gross-Mutnansky with the stipulation it was to be used for a quilting book.

At our May 27th workshop, some of us will be working on another wall hanging we would like to present to the church to thank them for letting us use the facilities. The rest of us will be working on plans for a quilting class on October 21st. Hopefully we will have as good a turnout that we did for the beginner's sewing class. Discussed was a jelly roll block or an easy block using Christmas fabrics for the class. These would then be finished into a wall hanging or table runner.

Upcoming schedule changes are no workshop's in July or August due to conflicts with the church's scheduling. We will still be having our regular meetings though, so mark your calendars!

Finally Karen was kind enough to show us a tutorial for an apron made out of a tea towel and coordinating fabric.

Pat and Karen being cut-ups!

Here we all are with our finished aprons. Thanks Karen!

See you at the workshop!


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