April 13, 2017

Time sure gets away from you doesn’t it? Sorry this blog update is so late, I really have no excuse except my laziness.

Our meeting started off with a sad note with the passing of our longtime member Jean Gross-Mutnansky. She will be missed by all of us. The members decided to make a donation in her name to the New London Public Library. We will ask if it can be used to purchase a quilt book.

Here is what we’ve decided for our sewing class April 29th. Yvonne will lead us off by going over the basics of a sewing machine, threading, winding the bobbin and cleaning. Next we'll have them practice sewing on scraps just to get used to how a sewing machine runs. After practice we’ll have them put their 9-patch block together. Squaring up fabric, cutting and pressing will follow.  The class runs from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We need to arrive by 8:30 a.m. to set up. Please bring your machines, tools, rotary cutters, rulers and mats. Brown bag lunch for guild members after the class ends to discuss how we think it went. There are 8 people signed up already and we have room for 2 more.

We have been invited to attend the Bellevue Quilt Guild's meeting on May 3rd. They are having a program on Quilts of Valor and the meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. We will meet at the church at 6:00 p.m. This sounds like an interesting program and will give us a chance to see how other quilt guilds do their meetings.

For our May 11th meeting, Karen Ruggles will be showing us how to construct an apron using a tea towel. You will need 1 tea towel - approx. 18" x 27" and 1/2 yard coordinating fabric. Don’t forget your machine and any tools you may need. If you want to do some prep work you will need from your coordinating fabric - (3) 3" x WOF strips (for apron tie), (2) pieces 8"x16" (for the pocket).

We are in need of WOF strips for our Teen Challenge quilts. We have lots of scraps for the “bricks” which are 6 ½ by 2 ½. We need 4 WOF of same fabric for each set. There are 13 sets in each top. So if you have extra fabric that you can cut 4 WOF strips from, we can use them at the workshop in May. Marlene tells us there a quite a few graduating soon!

We've been talking about chartering a bus for the fall Amish Shop Hop which runs Nov. 1-4. We would advertise at the area quilt shops to see if we can get enough people signed up.

Yvonne demonstrated a ruler used to do flanged binding. It will make cutting strips for this a breeze!

If anyone has a particular technique you would like to demo at one of our meetings let me know.

See you on April 29th!


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