February 9, 2017

The weather wasn’t the greatest for our last meeting but we had a few venture out.

Due to a scheduling conflict with the church there will be no workshop for the month of February.

At our next meeting on March 9th, we need to start to lock down details for our sewing class on April 29th. We have had some interest from people who want to attend. If you know of someone who is interested, please try to get them to commit so we can get an accurate count. I would hate to have to turn people away. If we can get them to commit, we may not need to advertise it in the paper. April 13th regular meeting we will make final decisions.

For the beginners sewing class on April 29th the class will run from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will need to be there for set up by 8:30 a.m.  We will need to decide what we will do for lunch for ourselves and maybe we can have a discussion as to how we think the class went. Marcella is in charge of the groundwork for the class and she is being helped by Rachenea. I'm sure if you have any ideas for them they will be grateful. Class size is limited to 10 with ages from 10 and up. Sign up is required.

I talked to Bob James from the New Haven Methodist Church and he still wants to do a quilt show. I will keep in contact with him for more details.

Pat passed out our February BOM and it is Valentine’s day themed. What the members have completed so far are really turning out nice. If  you want to participate you will need to attend the meeting or workshop to get the next month's block.

Some members have passed out their fabrics for the paper pieced signature block for our Christmas exchange for 2017. This is a friendship signature block. Each member will provide enough fabric in their color choice to complete this block. You will need to place this fabric in a ziploc baggie and write your name on the outside. Each member will provide a baggie for each member that is participating. For example if there are 5 members participating, including yourself, you would need to provide 4 bags (you wouldn't need one for yourself).

We had a couple show and tells for the evening.

Doesn't Martha's table runner look like a garden?

The back is just as pretty.

Another quilt by Martha. This one has a scalloped edge.

Pat was cleaning out her stash with this one.

Pat used a mystery quilt pattern for this Dot to Dot pattern.

So that's it for this meeting. See you all on March 9th.


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