December 8, 2016

Sorry this is later than usual. Since the last post we've had Hometown Holidays and our Christmas party happenings. At the Hometown Holidays, we had a good turnout.

We were at the Firelands Ambulance building this year and the crowd was a good one. We did in total $175.00 in sales and for our quilt raffle proceeds for the year were $389.00 total. That's without any deductions for batting, sashing material, backing and quilting. Our quilt raffle winner was Monica Davidson, she was quite excited.

At our Christmas party/meeting we discussed a few ideas for next year. We've decided to take a year off for quilt raffles as we have funds to see us through the next year. Each year we give the church a monetary donation for letting us use their fellowship hall for our meetings plus these funds are used for any projects we may do as a service project. One thing that was discussed was to have a variety of quilt sizes on hand in case there is a family in need.

In January we will be  a starting a BOM. Pat Cole is in charge of this project. You will need to attend meetings to get the next month's block to be completed and shown at the next month's meeting. The blocks will be themed according to month presented. We will also pass out the paper piece block pattern for our signature block exchange in December 2017. You will need to prepare scraps of fabric of your color choice for each person who is participating. Come to the meetings to get more details.

 We will also be contacting the New Haven Methodist Church to see when would be a good date to have a small quilt show. Details later.

The meeting was short so we could enjoy the good food that we all brought. There was only
one show and tell and that was by Rachenea.

This is a coloring book Rachenea had as a little girl and she did a couple wall hangings
depicting the cover for her girls.

She is one talented lady!

See you in January!


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