June 9, 2016

We had a really short meeting on June 9th,

There are a couple area quilt shows coming up. Uniontown Quilt Guild will have their annual show July 1st and 2nd in Ashland. Plymouth has a show the 1st week of August which runs Tuesday through Saturday. this coincides with their Silver King festival. If you visit the museum there you will see a quilt representing all the counties in Ohio.

Next meeting is July 14th. If you would like to do a demonstration for this meeting or any of our regular meetings, let us know. This could be anything, a new tool, new technique or just something you think would be interesting to others. You may know something none of the other members know or maybe it could just be a refresher course for others.

Coming up are the July 30th workshop. We will be working on quilts for Teen Challenge. Bring your machines and tools. We have fabric available, but if you have any 2 1/2" strips you need to get rid of, bring them along. These quilts are very scrappy.

Election of officers will be November 10th. If you would like to take an office, speak up at this meeting.

Hometown Holidays is December 3rd. We will set up in the Hileman Building in the New London Recreation Park this year. We need items to sell and they don't need to be holiday themed. Leftovers will be sold at Cure For Cabin Fever in March, so non-holiday or spring themed items will be needed also. We will be holding the drawing for the string quilt after the show. Here's a reminder to be selling tickets and turning in any monies you may have.

Our December 8th meeting will be our Christmas party. This is a potluck as always. We haven't decided what we are doing for our gift exchange yet. Let us know what your idea is so we can get this nailed down.

January will see new officers taking office and discussing what we would like to accomplish next year. We have discussed doing a block exchange after the first of the year so this could be our gift exchange for our 2017 Christmas party, The idea is to have several people sign up to make a block for each person on the list. The blocks will be in the same colorway and in a certain size. They will be signed by the person who pieced the block and then presented at our meeting in December 2017.

Cure For Cabin Fever is in March and we will have a table set up. If you would like to volunteer to work the table, please let me know.

Also for the March 25th workshop we have decided to do a beginner's sewing/quilt class. We will do a basic 9 patch block for ages 10 and up.Class size will be limited and participants will have to provide their own machines, tools and fabrics. If you would like to be in charge of arrangements for this class, please let me know.

We have been asked to do a quilt show at the New Haven Methodist Church in May 2017. This will be at the same time of their swiss steak supper. Details to follow at a later date.

At our last meeting on June 9th, we finished up the walker bags. Marcia and I took them to The Laurels on Saturday and they were glad to get them. We have an additional 5 that need to be dropped off at Grandma's Place. If someone could volunteer to do that it would be greatly appreciated.

We had a couple show and tells:

Our snowbird Marcia brought this pinwheel and applique top.

She was asking our opinions on borders.

This applique quilt is by Marcella. Although none of us would have thought of putting these colors together, each color is represented in the border fabric.

No workshop in June due to conflicting schedules with the church. Next regular meeting is July 14th.


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