February 27, 2016

Hey all! Sorry I haven't updated the blog lately, but we had a very small meeting on the 11th. We've had 2 workshops since the last update and here's what we've been doing.

At the last meeting Marcia brought in her DVD on The Cotton Theory of quilt as you go. It was really different than what you would think and we'll have to give it a go in one of our workshops. Maybe it will be our challenge for next year.

Our last couple of workshops we've been working on our string quilt for the raffle. We finally have all the blocks together and now it just needs the borders put on and then just quilt and bind and it will be ready to raffle. We plan on selling tickets until Hometown Holidays in December when we will have the drawing.

Our next meeting on March 10th Rachenea will be demonstrating machine applique. We'll leave it up to everyone if they want to bring their machines to try out the different techniques or just watch how it's done. We have fabric available you can use. We will discuss what we will be working on for our next workshop in March. We think it will be walker bags. If anyone has a pattern for these let me (Chris Porter) know.

March 16th is Cure for Cabin Fever at the Hileman Building at NL Recreation Park. It will run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and I will need a couple of volunteers to sit at the table with me. We will be selling items we had leftover from Hometown Holidays and anything else anyone wants to donate. Set up time is from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

For our workshop in March we need to move the date back to March 19th as Easter is the next weekend. We will probably start on the walker bags at this workshop.

April 9th is our Quilt show at the New London Alliance Church. Set up will be sometime on the Friday before, time to be announced. The show will run from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The youth of the church will be providing a coffee house during this time. Show forms are to be in to me by the March 10th meeting if you haven't already turned them in. This is open for the public to display their quilts also, so if you know anyone in the community who quilts, ask them if they would like to show them off.

We had some show and tell at the last couple workshops.

This table runner and table topper were done by Marcia from a pattern in EQ7.

 A nifty table topper from Karen Ruggles.

This is a Quilt of Valor done by Karen Ruggles

Karen used the Missouri Star Quilt Company tutorial to make this Binding Tool Star Quilt pattern. Love the blues, greens and purples.

The 3 quilts above were also made by Karen to be donated to Teen Challenge.

Walking in a Winter Wonderland redwork by Marcella Workman.

Small hand embroidered table topper by Rachenea Eagle.

This above is a what they call a compression quilt, each square is filled with heat safe beads to make it feel weighted. They are used by people who have special needs such as autism. It was made by Rachenea also.

Rachenea is explaining the use of the compression blanket.

This is Martha Hecock's snowman rag quilt. All ready for those snow days we haven't really had to experience yet this year!

 This baby doll was Rachenea's (who is holding her) when she was a little girl. Her dress and bonnet are made out of Rachenea's husband handkerchiefs. She explained she is missing all her fingers and toes because she used to chew on them. We can all relate to that!

The above quilt was made by Gloria Biddinger using her sister's old curtains and is going to another sister when it's finished.

The unfinished quilt above is going to Gloria's grand nephew for graduation. The wildcat was cut from a single piece of fabric and appliqued.

These next quilts were from our January workshop. I apologize because some I have forgotten who did them.

This quilt is one from Marlene Stevens which will be donated to Teen Challenge.

Stick and Stones from Missouri Star Quilt Company was done by Chris Porter.

The middle panel has the name of this quilt. Over the River and Through the Woods by Chris Porter.

I'm taking a guess on this one. I think it was done by Chris Kaufman out of her storybook fabrics.

 I think this was also Chris Kaufman out of scraps from her stash.

Another table runner by Chris Porter from a pattern in EQ7. Like Marcia's above.

I'm thinking this was Marcella's. All hand embroidered.

I really apologize. I can't remember who's this was. Isn't it pretty though?

Jennifer Jones's BOM from 2015. She's really scrappy!

This was going to be the center of Jennifer's but she liked it all by itself.

 A toddler quilt by Jennifer.

This is also Jennifer's. Love the colors!

Lots of pictures to look at. Hope you enjoyed them


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