January 14, 2015

Hi quilters!

I wasn't at the meeting but here are some notes that were passed on to me.

Yvonne gave a demonstration on hand applique, showing us the needle turn method. Members worked on a heart to learn the technique.  Because of time we weren't able to get to the machine applique with Racheana. She will do her demonstration either on our workday, or at the next meeting on February 11th.

Yvonne demonstrating needle turn applique.

For the workshop on January 30th, I had pieced together two different quilt squares for the members to decide on which ones to use for our raffle quilt These are strip blocks using 1-1/2" strips stitched onto 10" plain squares of fabric. If we don't think this is big enough we can always go bigger. One is a crazy block and the other is just strips sewn diagonally using fabric we have available at the church. These will then be trimmed down so they will all be the same size blocks. We will use sashing to finish up the quilt top. At the meeting the two finished scrappy quilt squares were passed around and everyone seemed to really like them a lot.

We have a lot of ideas going on for projects this year. Plans are to also make walker bags for residents of  our local nursing home. These fit over walkers so books, glasses, water bottles and misc. can be easily carried without juggling by hand. There is also an idea of making and donating quilts to a halfway house in our county. This was brought to us by Marlene as her church group is doing this project but need more quilts made than they can keep up with. These two projects need to be put on hold until after we get our raffle quilt done and get through the quilt show in April. We need the raffle quilt to raise funds so these other projects can be completed. Batting, backing and quilting will be an expense for the guild, so we need to concentrate on that first. The quilts for the halfway house might be a project that our individual members can take on like we did for the quilts we did for a local foster family. this could be a good way to use scraps you have in your stash or you can use some of the fabrics we have stored at the church. We have more than enough. Likewise for the walker bags. We can discuss how we want to handle the batting, backing and quilting of these tops when the time comes. I would like all of us to work on the raffle quilt at the workshops together starting on January 30th. 

Our quilt show is coming up in April, the date is set for the 9th. This will be held in the church sanctuary. Start and end time hasn't been set yet. Information sheets for the quilts were passed out at the last meeting. If you need one please contact me at acp1955@hotmail.com. Fliers will need to be made up and passed out to local businesses and a press release is also in the works. This is open to the public and an announcement was made via facebook on a couple of local pages. Deadline for information sheets to be turned in will be March 10th. That is a regular meeting for us.
For show and tell, Marcella showed off her 10 minute block and Martha had three holiday hangings to show. 

Above are Martha's holiday wall hangings.

We've had a request from Karen to learn quilt as you go. At the February 11th meeting we will have a DVD demonstration for this along with machine applique from Racheana if we don't get to that during our workshop.

The workshop on January 30th we will of course start on the raffle quilt. Bring your machines, cutting mats and whatever tools you think you will need. We will need to have an assembly line to make the work go faster and so everyone isn't trying to do the same thing at the same time. We'll need someone to press, cut and sew. We can switch so people don't get tired of doing one thing all the time. For luncheon Marcia will be providing vegetable beef soup. Yvonne will be providing crackers and Martha is bringing cheese. Bring your own drink or there are vending machines in the youth room. We start at 9:00 a.m. and end around 2:00 p.m. If you can't stay for the whole workshop that's okay, come and stay as long as you can. If you can't come at 9:00, come when you can.

See you at the workshop on January 30th!

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