June 11, 2015

First I have to apologize to anyone who has been looking for our May 14th meeting notes. We didn't really have a structured meeting. A year ago we were the recipients of 9 boxes of fabrics, thread and batting from the niece of a lady from Columbus who had passed away. None of her family sewed or quilted and it was too much for the niece to keep everything. Since we have moved our meeting place, we now have a place to store fabrics and etc. graciously provided by the New London Alliance Church. Everyone brought back the fabrics they had taken home and we sorted it into color groups so it would be easier for us to pick and choose fabrics for future projects we are planning on doing in the guild.

Now for the June 11th meeting. First off we mourn the passing of our member Carol Schaffer. She was an integral part of our group. She served as secretary for many years, keeping notes and pictures of our activities. The guild has received memorial donations in her name and we have decided to use some to purchase and donate books to our public library in memory of her. The group also decided to finish one of her projects and to hang it as a backdrop for our display whenever we participate in outside activities.

Next discussed was our June 27th workshop. Bring your BOM if you are still working on it. If not, bring another project to work on or just bring your machine and tools, we have several small projects the guild wants to make to sell at the Hometown Holidays. We have the fabric available. We may need other notions such as elastic, snaps, buttons, etc. Those things can be brought to our next workshop in July and added if need be. We will again be having a sub lunch from Subway. Please give us a head count by e-mailing me at acp1955@hotmail.com by Thursday, June 25th.

The workshop in September, we will be working on items for the Hometown Holidays. If you have a favorite pattern for a small item that you think would be a good seller, bring it to the workshop. We have fabrics and a few patterns available for you to use. If the pattern needs added notions, you will have to plan on bringing them with you as we don't have any of these things in our "stash".

This is a reminder of our Christmas gift exchange. This year's exchange will be either  a homemade item or sewing notions gift. We have set a limit of $20 for the sewing notions gift and the homemade item doesn't have to be a big item. This will be for our December 7th meeting.

We have also been informed that the Norwalk guild would like to visit us sometime, either a meeting or a workshop. Also was mentioned that the Uniontown guild has invited us to visit them. This sounds like a good opportunity to see what other groups are doing.

We had a couple  show and tells.


Above is Yvonne's 10 minute block BOM. She used 30's prints.


This is Chris P.'s 10 minute block BOM. She used cottons and batiks.
It will be interesting to see what the other members come up with.

This cute springtime quilt is a kit Yvonne has been working on.
She will be adding yo-yo's for the flowers and the edge is scalloped.


"A Quilted Village" was done by Chris P. It was a kit and was a challenge. 
Unfortunately when you buy kits you run the risk of not
having enough fabric which was the case.
So she dipped into her stash and came up with other fabrics that worked well.

See you at the June workshop!

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