April 9, 2015

April showers, bring May flowers. We've been having some really nice weather lately. Spring will be in full bloom soon.

Last month was the Original Sewing & Quilt Expo held in Cleveland. A few of us attended on different days and all agreed it was hard to get in the booths to see what was being sold.

We also had members attend the Cure for Cabin Fever held at the Hileman Building in New London. We sold a few items and had some interest in the guild.

April 25th will be the next workshop. We're still doing the BOM and if you haven't started, don't worry, there's still time. We would like to have these done for our quilt show for 2016. If you're not doing the BOM, bring another project and join us for lots of friendly conversation. We're having a soup luncheon. Marcia is making chicken and vegetable soup and everyone has volunteered to bring something to compliment it. If you would like to bring something let me know so we don't double up on dishes.

Our Christmas gift exchange this year will be either a homemade item or sewing notions gift. We have set a limit of $20 for the sewing notions gift and the homemade item doesn't have to be a big item. This will be for our December 7th meeting.

Several group projects were discussed for the future.

We were reminded of the Ashland quilt show the weekend of July 4th. If you're interested in entering a quilt, please contact Yvonne.

We had one show and tell, but this blogger forgot her camera, sorry Marcia, your Christmas tree skirt was beautiful.

Next meeting will be May 14th. We need to have someone volunteer to do a demonstration. If you would like to sign up, please let me know. If the May meeting doesn't work for you we have all meeting dates open for volunteers.

Hope to see you at the workshop!
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